Engineering Community Team/Meetings/2014-01-21
[edit]Monthly goals
- Guillaume
- January report delayed due to holidays etc, but it is shipped now.
- Tech News is being shipped consistenly with the help of Odder, which is a great step in the way to consolidation. Some WMF product managers are also updating directly. Some progress.
- Andre
- Bugzilla 4.4 ready to go; waiting for Daniel, Sean and Andre need to agree on time when to switch database and DNS
- Stakeholders of "PM tools evaluation" were individually contacted as a reminder to fill out the form
- Slowly need to move from documenting needs to analyzing answers and decreasing number of candidates
- Sumana
- not started FOSDEM prep stuff
- may move upstream list to Feb
- In San Francisco in the next following two weeks.
- Quim
- GCI winners announced
- New task, list of WMF employees with travel approval for the ZĂźrich Hackathon 2014
Budget 2014-15, what does this mean for ECT
- Do we need more people? Do we need more volunteer development budget?
- Sponsoring volunteers to Wikimedia events, FOSS OPW...