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Engineering Community Team/Meetings/2013-03-05

From mediawiki.org

5 March 2013


mobile file upload testing


How many people did we get in the exercise? (see http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Mobile_QA/Commons_uploads for rough stats )

Quim to follow up


how many people downloaded app for Android, weekly build & Google Play, how many people testing iOS app, how many people ewnt into beta mode & uploaded from mobile web, & how many bug reports filed that week (and how many from employees & non-). Also, was Commons community aware & involved?
We did get strong + & - opinions from Commons folks in their Village Pump.
After Quim gets the data, let's talk about whether this was successful & why, & how to replicate
What made a difference? we had new releases - news during the week. Novelty attracts people.

Lua rollout


March 13th (Wed) across all Wikipedias

San Francisco Meetup on March 14: http://www.meetup.com/Wikipedia-Engineering-Meetup/events/106078042/ to be streamed live, put on YouTube
Sumana working with Jan & Brad
Quim working to talk to Lua community in Bay Area.
Reuse talk Brad gave at the TechTalk Hangout last week
QA? opportunity to test templates that have been ported

Everyone: Look at Village Pump:Technical on en.wp -- thread about 10-second timeout

Volunteer product management


Sumana to give Howie a description of how volunteer Product Managers have gotten involved, what costs/benefits have come with them.

  • Chris wants a subject matter expert for search to help Chris get feature acceptance tests for Search; RobLa is more interested in doing some triage around the Search components in BZ. Also we have Solr knowledge around WMF, so maybe Chris should just follow up with Ram.
MWSearch, Lucene Search, Lucene Search 2, and 1 more. Reasonably good page on wikitech.wikimedia.org . And bugs are intermittent, hard to reproduce
  • RobLa thinks it's premature to run an event even 3 weeks from now. Once we get a search engineer hired, ready to start seriously moving to Solr, etc. is better.

TODO: bug triage (Andre to initially groom list of bugs), Chris to talk to Ram to get understanding of feature, find out what info he needs to get some bugs solved.

Chad, Ram, Andre, maybe Chris to walk through the list to determine priority, deduplicate, clean up components. Chad can bring long-term perspective on search & on the BZ tickets. Maybe AFTER that, decide to run an event.

Followup included potential discussion of a Platform PM - very tentative.

Followup from quarterly review


Sumana to send summary to wikitech-l

  • CRM stuff - LCA. Also: Erik: ECT must come in the next quarter with an information architecture to structure all the technical volunteer engagement.
Quim started defining the problem -- these 2 are related. Intake, management of volunteers, evaluation of contribution. Connects with OpenHatch followup. We need to do some proper planning & subcontract the work. Not trivial projects.
Chris to toss an idea to Quim about scalable communication.
We're trying to balance low-touch (scalable) with high-touch (mentorship) approaches, and leverage other groups. OpenHatch, SocialCoding4Good. They all want small tasks; several, like OPW & SocialCoding4Good, also want mentorship program ideas.
Weekend Testing Americas has new leadership and is rebooting their practice, Chris had a first conversation with new leadership Mar 4 about a possible collaboration. WTA has exercise 1st Saturday every month.
Quim hopes to have good solution by Dec 31 2013
Quim planning to subcontract work on

Work with LCA re community advocates

Sumana ought to chat with Maggie & Philippe while they're here in SF

LCA warns re danger if code of conduct is imposed from above Work with OpenStack to see what metrics they're using?

Quim to look into this next week



Multimedia - there are 2 positions. https://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Job_openings

OPW interns

  • Valerie - describing flow of "how would I know how to report a bug" on en.wp, creating image
  • Maria - collecting data, creating a page to show researchers what kinds of data is available from WMF. MW group on DataHub
  • Lesson to ourselves? Monthly reports to be required in future programs, to connect with the Wikimedia movement practice of monthly reports.


Vacations, conferences, etc.


This Friday is Open Source Bridge talk deadline


  • Amsterdam Hackathon 24-26 May
  • Selenium Conference June 10-12
  • Submitted a talk for a local open source conference (15-17 May)
  • Planning to submit a talk for another local conference (06-07 September)


  • Mar 11 (Jury duty)
  • Mar 18 (PTO)
  • Apr 22-25 (Google Test Automation Conference, NYC)
  • May 2-5 (Telerik Test Summit Peer Conference, Austin TX)
  • Amsterdam Hackathon

Valerie looking for an idea for Grace Hopper - March 15th is deadline

People care about our statuses!

Are there any analytics? how do we know people are reading?
Someone cared enough to do the above. :-)
Pull this kind of fresh activity to the mediawiki.org homepage