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Engineering Community Team/Meetings/2012-03-13

From mediawiki.org

TLDR meeting, 13 March 2012

Attending: Guillaume, Mark, Sumana, Chris McMahon, RobLa

List of projects

  • QA FY 2013 planning
  • Code review meistering
  • 1.19 stuff: deployment & release support
  • Git and Gerrit migration
  • SWIFT deployment support
  • TMH testing
  • Editor Engagement testing
  • Bug Triage
    • Individual developer assignment work (what bugs are assigned to whom)
  • Testing infrastructure
  • Bugzilla application management
  • Wikimedia blog maintenance
  • Training documentation
  • Monthly report
  • Communications support
  • Engineering project documentation
  • Recruiting/hiring
  • Hackathons/events (January SF, Pune, Berlin, Wikimania)
    • Conferences in general
  • Commit Access
  • Recruitment/encouragement
    • GSOC
    • UCOSP
  • Dev community metrics

Who's doing what (this week)


Chris: QA fiscal year 2013 planning, testing project for TimedMediaHandler, working with Antoine to get testing infrastructure in place on Labs, testing Editor Engagement software Mark: 1.19 Deployment support, bug triage Guillaume: communications support, engineering project documentation, staff photos, meetings meetings meetings RobLa: Recruiting/hiring, 1.19 deployment followup, Git migration, Budget, meetings meetings meetings Sumana: Commit access, volunteer recruiting and encouragement (including GSoC and UCOSP), hackathons and events/conferences in general, engineering project documentation (git)

Fiscal Year 2013 planning


Rob, Sumana, Chris have to have prelim plans by 20 March

Code review meistering


Mark coordinating with RobLa.

Slush is still in effect -- we want people to arrange reviewers before they push anything that’s not a little bugfix. Reviewers, please revert anything that isn’t.

Any news?

1.19 stuff: deployment & release support

  • Beta/Alpha out - some new bugs found!
    • saper has been looking at pg bugs and fixing them :)
  • Triage scheduled and announced with 18 regressions
  • Will make a complete list of people identified as gadget contributors on enwiki and commons at least.

Git and Gerrit migration


We have the opportunity to do more training. Set expectations: March-April: more training, productivity hit

top priority for sumana chasing a bunch of work

Antoine (really dedicated to that this week)

  • working on the workflow, specifically for the i18n team
  • working on test integration

Ryan Lane:

  • make sure the project owner groups are right
  • make sure the repository browser (gitweb) gives user what they need

no time to hold tutorials this week; if people want to do one, they should be encouraged to do it

Chad is out this week


SWIFT deployment support


Trying to move to Swift originals at end of May, effort soon (this month) to test it on deployment infrastructure

TimedMediaHandler testing


Dev is complete, extension is available on Commons Lab, there's a bit of a test plan

Editor Engagement testing


Chris met with Fabrice et al., figuring out stuff. There are features in various states of progress being tracked in lots of different docs.

Bug Triage


Tomorrow! 18 regressions.

Individual developer assignment work (what bugs are assigned to whom)


Mark had several meetings, >6 last week, with devs, figuring out what they were working on & could help with.

Testing infrastructure


Emulation wikis on Commons - updating of wikis to new versions, undocumented ad hoc process. Chris aims to get that standardized, and aims to eventually make those the standard testing env for staff, volunteers, & Chris http://labs.wikimedia.beta.wmflabs.org/wiki/Special:SiteMatrix

Beta Labs!

Bugzilla application management


Mark has an RT ticket to get himself shell access.

Wikimedia blog maintenance


The skin rewrite is on hold for now; not time-critical, and Guillaume is using his time in SF for work that requires more interaction; will be resumed in early April (after vacation, and March report)

Training documentation


Nothing this week

We need to improve our installation instructions for MediaWiki. explain dependencies, order, why apt-get MW isn't a good idea, etc. (there's a nice doc about installing 1.16)

  • TODO: Chris says he will actually do this! -- less urgent

Monthly report


February is done, thanks! Please continue to add updates for your work as regularly as possible.


Communications support


Guillaume having meetings with the Social Media team, the communications team, etc.

Wikimania common submission writing sprint later today

Engineering project documentation



  • updating project pages
  • creating / organizing / updating Mobile project pages with Phil after meeting with Phil & Tomasz
  • adding some more red links automation to the templates
  • discussion about merging wikis & consolidating project doc on wikitech 2.0

(There were pages we didn't know about! Now we can just standardize & facilitate that.)



Rob? (private)

Hackathons/events (January SF, Pune, Berlin, Wikimania)


Sumana doing general planning

Conferences in general


Sumana continuing to reach out and help arrange talks at upcoming events. March 16 & 18 deadlines!

Commit Access


Extra-long meeting last week to discuss how to deal with project ownership additions, changes, and removals in the new Git/Gerrit future



Sumana continuing to do this.



Waiting for approval. Varnent backup org admin



Wiktionary template social engineering held up on friction with the Wiktionary community

Dev community metrics


On hold, waiting for Claudia to do some Bugzilla-related stuff in March


  • Rob out-of-office week of Mar 26
  • Guillaume: vacation / travel March 15th–25th

Talking about merging labsconsole & wikitech, and centralizing engineering project documentation -- later today in TL;DR strategy meeting