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Engineering Community Team/Meetings/2012-03-27

From mediawiki.org

TLDR meeting, 27 March 2012

Attending: Mark, Sumana, Guillaume Chris ill RobLa - vacation

List of projects

  • Project plan for QA testing
  • QA FY 2013 planning
  • Code review meistering
  • 1.19 stuff: deployment & release support
  • Git and Gerrit migration
  • SWIFT deployment support
  • TMH testing
  • Editor Engagement testing
  • Bug Triage
    • Individual developer assignment work (what bugs are assigned to whom)
  • Testing infrastructure
  • Bugzilla application management
  • Wikimedia blog maintenance
  • Training documentation
  • Monthly report
  • Communications support
  • Engineering project documentation
  • Recruiting/hiring
  • Hackathons/events (January SF, Pune, Berlin, Wikimania)
    • Conferences in general
  • Gerrit project owner groups
  • Recruitment/encouragement
    • GSOC
    • UCOSP
  • Dev community metrics

Who's doing what (this week)


Chris: Project plan for QA testing, QA fiscal year 2013 planning, testing project for TimedMediaHandler, working with Antoine to get testing infrastructure in place on Labs, testing Editor Engagement software Mark: 1.19 Deployment support, bug triage, BZ application management, volunteer recruiting & encouragement Guillaume: Monthly report, catching up, Berlin arrangements RobLa: Recruiting/hiring, 1.19 deployment followup, Git migration, Budget, meetings meetings meetings Sumana: Volunteer recruiting and encouragement (including GSoC and UCOSP), hackathons and events/conferences in general, engineering project documentation (git), Gerrit project ownership



Chris is out of the office today and says: "Went to Test Automation Bazaar, learned a lot. Spiked browser automation Trying to work with labs, which is slow and UploadWizard is failing"

Project plan for QA testing


http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/QA/testing Chris to talk to Siebrand/Niklas

Fiscal Year 2013 planning


Rob, Sumana, Chris https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Engineering/2012-13_Goals#Wikimedia_technical_community https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Engineering/2012-13_Goals#QA_Engineering_and_Continuous_Integration

Code review meistering


The new Git has awesomely negated the need for this? Or should I just prod things towards merging. finding stale commits turning patches into branches extension review queue deploy shorturl?

1.19 stuff: deployment & release support


last couple of bugs being addressed https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/query.cgi?resolution=---&target_milestone=1.19.0%20release

Git and Gerrit migration


Sumana to do more project management here

chasing a bunch of work


SWIFT deployment support


(Chris not in this call)

TimedMediaHandler testing


(Chris not in this call)

Editor Engagement testing


(Chris not in this call)

Bug Triage


API triage? -- fail from lack of publicity or interest

   next time: try individual outreach to DarTar, other API people, mediawiki-api mailing list

Git triage? -- what would we cover? doesn't look like any new bugs are there. There will be by Thurs :-)

Individual developer assignment work (what bugs are assigned to whom)


Will see if anything needs handling right now. need to look at 1.20 roadmap and figure out what to target. can wait till next week

Testing infrastructure


(Chris not in this call)

Bugzilla application management


Git integration? API doesn't have the stuff in it that Mark wants.... there might be another approach

Wikimedia blog maintenance


Probably still on hold this week in favor of the Monthly report; should be resumed next week

Training documentation


Nothing this week Coming up in April: work on ResourceLoader/Gadgets 2.0 docs & security training docs

Monthly report


This week is the last week of the month, so please make sure there is a status update for your projects, ideally today


Communications support


Nothing this week, except maybe processing the staff photos if time allows

Engineering project documentation


Guillaume updating pages while putting together the monthly report Sumana to improve https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Project:Gerrit_project_ownership and https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Project:Labsconsole_accounts and ask for Guillaume's help if she can't figure it out



Rob; not in this meeting

Hackathons/events (January SF, Pune, Berlin, Wikimania)


Sumana doing general planning, making Berlin reg form

Conferences in general


Various talks have been submittedl OSBridge CfP now open till 30 March.

Gerrit project owner groups


Sumana needs to start regular ownership-addition procedure



Sumana & Mark continuing to do this.



Proposals are coming in. Sumana needs to do some administrative work re mentors, students, backup admin



Wiktionary template social engineering held up on friction with the Wiktionary community checked in with Amgine

Dev community metrics


On hold, waiting for Claudia to do some Bugzilla-related stuff in March (Claudia told me that her focus has really been elsewhere so she hasn't had time to do this.)



Renaming group

  • Chris out of office today
  • Rob out-of-office this week