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Engineering Community Team/Meetings/2012-09-18

From mediawiki.org

ECT 2012-09-18

Attending: Sumana, Guillaume, Chris

List of projects

  • Testing infrastructure/automation (incl Labs)
  • Feature testing efforts
  • Community testing planning
  • 20% time wrangling
  • 1.20 deployment
  • Monthly report
  • Communications support
  • Tech ambassadors
  • Engineering activity documentation
  • Recruiting/hiring
  • Hackathons/events (January SF, Pune, Berlin, Wikimania, future)
    • Conferences in general
  • Gerrit project owner groups
  • Recruitment/encouragement
    • GSOC
  • Dev community metrics

Who's doing what (this week)


Chris: beta labs, New Pages Feed/Curation, hiring Guillaume: tech ambassadors, communications support Sumana: 20% time replacement proposal, Grace Hopper prep, Bangalore prep, volunteer encouragement, GSoC wrapup, rampup for incoming ECT people

Feature testing efforts


NPF/Curation is top priority right now AFTv5 still being tweaked Chris on docs review team for NPF

Beta labs


AFTv5 became misconfigured, fixing that in order to start making end-to-end tests for it during stable period. Also want to check that NPF is correct, and add latest UploadWizard to testable extensions. Note: while not in Jenkins (yet), AFTv5 and NPF/Curation are being automatically and correctly deployed to beta labs nightly.

Community testing planning


(none right now)

20% time wrangling


Sumana needs to write proposal - this week

1.20 deployment


remains routine (this is slightly scary, it's TOO quiet) Chris wants to work on this as a medium priority - what coverage do we have with unit tests? and what steps can we take to make deployments less risky

Monthly report


nothing special to report. Monthly report week will be next week

Communications support


Guillaume providing ongoing support for tech blog posts Guillaume will remind Sam re HTML5 post

Tech ambassadors


Project rebooted. Currently about halfway halfway through the research phase; consolidating existing input and identifying other people to reach out to. Guillaume to write down a draft plan & schedule. Also, need to create an activity page.

Engineering activity documentation


nothing special to report. Wikitech wiki cleanup didn't happen last week because Ops had other priorities



Final interview for QA Engineer New excellent candidate for Mobile QA continuing this week. They might start in October

Hackathons/events (Bangalore & the future)


Bangalore planning - November Sumana - needs to work on sending Quim

Conferences in general


Sumana: Grace Hopper - need to plan

Gerrit project owner groups


Sumana managing



Sumana reaching out



Sumana needs to write a wrapup post -- maybe this week

Dev community metrics


(Claudia missing)



Sumana: Grace Hopper October 3-6, and SF in late October Guillaume: Possible vacation in October or November