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Engineering Community Team/Meetings/2011-10-04

From mediawiki.org


  • 1.18 release -- communication TODOs. Planning to deploy to all the wikis TODAY, 4pm SF time, 2300UTC!
   technotice to link to from CentralNotice
       landing page is ready, Guillaume said
   tweet something - Guillaume
   wikitech-ambassadors list mail - Guillaume  &  Rob to coordinate later
   a few bugs are currently listed as blockers for 1.18 and should not be.  Rob to figure out some other way to communicate "keep an eye on this." tablesorting, & a db corruption issue that is probably very minor.
  • Hiring
  • Contracts

(traveling to ZendCon 17-20 Oct), unconference prep? Talk to Alolita about Sumana & India hackathon



Last week: https://office.wikimedia.org/wiki/Report:Guillaume/2011-10-02

  • travel preps
  • September engineering report
  • AOSA book (cont.)

This week:

  • enable CentralNotice; deployment @ 4pm SF time; tweet heads-up
  • be a zombie
  • hide and avoid meetings
  • AOSA Book: write ~3000 words or more
  • renew contract

Public Wikimedia todo list at https://www.toodledo.com/public/td4e4b7b435dcc1/0/1440335/Wikimediapublic.html



Last week:

   Got October travel planned
   Caught up a lot on email
   Did AOSA outreach
   Monday: responded to wikitech-l re commit access process

This week: (working halftime because of family needs)

   get power to do the LDAP add (basically confirm my ssh key to Daniel Zahn)
   NOLA hackathon recruiting:
   schedule teaching sessions, market those
   phone institutions
   India hackathon: improve page, recruit

Also - fwd "please be interviewed" mails to Guillaume






   no news at the moment (just reading interesting discussions on the mailing list)
   starting next week, I should be able to attend this meeting regularly again