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Engineering Community Team/Meetings/2011-08-16

From mediawiki.org


  • HipHop Handoff
  • Driving FIXMEs to 0
  • Upload stats

more details: 1st: mark NODEPLOY FIXMEs 2nd: email owners of ALL FIXMEs 3rd: bug triage setup/report & followup 4th: disable relevant default assignments in Bugzilla 5th: communicate with previous owners of default assignments 6th: hand off slow upload analysis to someone in ops (such as Ben H or Ryan L) 7th: hand off Debian HipHop packaging


  • Finished the research proposal (almost sent it to Rob and Sumana and anyone else who is interested) - I am looking for any comments

Please send to me: hexmode! - sure! TODO: first analysis re Bugzilla data. Some of Claudia's students have done some Wikimedia research on PediaMeter that made it into the research digest/roundup! mailarchive:wiki-research-l/2011-August/001640.html


  • catching up on e-mail (mostly done)
  • also, feeling better now; had a nasty cold following Haifa
  • July report (about 80% done)
  • own reports
  • catch up on LIST e-mail (hah!)
  • transform etherpads / audio / video recordings into useful documentation (code review training, dev days, wikimania); coordinate with Sumana; Friday at best, Monday at worst



Catching up on email, following up with volunteers from OSCON & Wikimania <evil laugh> good! working on productizing docs from & for hackathons with Guillaume? Fridayish? Scheme to get volunteers to the documentation summit, tell Adam - interesting. can you give me more information on that? :) thanks. Write up OSCON report |_ thank you! Write up Wikimania report | SocialCoding4Good followup NOLA hackathon planning GSoC wrapping up parser team Mark asks: was talking with Tomasz, and he indicated disappointment in the number of volunteers present at the hacking days. Sumana has a different view. What's the issue? Sumana, do you have numbers? Just show same numbers. Mark to give Sumana Tomasz's complaint. May be around the amount of mobile-related activity; can remedy in future devdays & hackathons Mobile "code review" thread wikitech-l: mailarchive:wikitech-l/2011-August/054692.html





Planning on organising 3 hackathons/L10n sprints in India in November. 18 November is the wiki conference in Mumbai; will also submit a talk proposal for that conference on MediaWiki and language support (in Wikipedia). Other targets are Pune and Bangalore. Also want to explore possibilities for hackathons in South-Africa and Brazil. All of the above have a huge open source contributor potential and a low number of contributors to MediaWiki code at the moment. Holidays and Wikimania cut into my translatewiki time. Picked that up yesterday and today. Tomorrow is newsletter time for translatewiki and Kiwix L10n will be enabled on translatewiki. Hopefully that will get some offline-Wikipedia enthousiasts contributing to translations. GerardM and Tomasz as very happy about this milestone :). I see e-mails mentioned a few times above. Keeping up with mediawiki-cvs and CR mails is... wow... Taking more and more time, but I guess that's a good thing. Should also start officially with my Product Manager Localisation job (as contractor) today or tomorrow (as in: signed contract). Yay :). Going to work on roadmap until Q2-2012 very soon (this week, following up to mid next month). Everyone happy with the Skype call? Sound quality (at least sound quality in the first 25 minutes has been excellent for me). Happy with quality, unhappy with proprietariness. :) ... long , long story :)