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Engineering Community Team/Meetings/2012-05-08

From mediawiki.org

Engineering Community Team meeting, 8 May 2012

Attending: Mark, Sumana, Guillaume, Chris?

List of projects

  • Testing infrastructure/automation
  • Feature testing efforts
  • 20% time wrangling
  • 1.20 deployment
  • Git and Gerrit migration
  • Bugzilla application management
  • Wikimedia blog maintenance
  • Training documentation
  • Monthly report
  • Communications support
  • Engineering activity documentation
  • Recruiting/hiring
  • Wikimania
  • Hackathons/events (January SF, Pune, Berlin, Wikimania)
    • Conferences in general
  • Gerrit project owner groups
  • Recruitment/encouragement
    • GSOC
    • UCOSP
  • Dev community metrics

Who's doing what (this week)


Chris: In SF for Labs work. Weekend Testing retrospective, QA hires discussion. Mark: 1.20 Deployment support, bug triage, BZ application management, volunteer recruitment/encouragement (bug squad) Guillaume: engineering project documentation, Wikimania, blog maintenance RobLa: Recruiting/hiring, 1.20 deployment Sumana: Volunteer recruiting and encouragement (including GSoC), hackathons and events/conferences in general, Gerrit project ownership, Developer access, 20% time wrangling Claudia: analysis bug database (esp. patch submissions), checking data validity

Testing infrastructure/automation


Working on Labs - top priority for Chris. Visiting SF May 7-12 to work on Labs as test env.

Blog post forthcoming from SF this week perhaps?

Feature testing efforts


TimedMediaHandler, Editor Engagement (AFTv5)

planning OpenHatch event

20% time wrangling



1.20 deployment


Feature Test Charters done and used. Generally pleased with how it worked out, pending retrospective on bugs submitted.

Git and Gerrit migration


Sumana managing Danielle

Bugzilla application management


Git integration work on hold for next bug wrangler

Wikimedia blog maintenance

  • Some minor (and overdue) changes to the theme, now deployed to production
  • going through the initial pains of the wikimedia-flavored git/gerrit process and wrapping my head around it

Training documentation


Contractor working on ResourceLoader/Gadgets 2.0 docs, Git docs, security training docs, Lua stuff

Monthly report


on hold until later this month

Communications support

  • blog team office hours (Wednesday)
  • discussions about how to encourage engineering staff to blog on the WMF blog and not on 3rd party sites (today)

Engineering activity documentation

  • starting to plan wikitech cleanup



Sumana continuing to work on bug wrangler hiring, contract help for tutorials



  • Guillaume to start coordination page on meta for "11 years" presentation, add content from Nov. 2011 presentation

Hackathons/events (January SF, Pune, Berlin, Wikimania)


Sumana working on Berlin travel sponsorships

Conferences in general


Gerrit project owner groups


Sumana doing regularly



Sumana running developer access queue Sumana & Mark continuing to do this.

Mark finding personalized tasks for Bug Squad people



Mentors mentoring community bonding period


  • TODO: Sumana: End of term -- need to run quick postmortem

Dev community metrics


Claudia is working with the Bugzilla API because she can't get the full database dump because of the restrictions re the private bugs Mark will set up a separate meeting with Claudia & maybe with Chris since he wants to learn more about the BZ API

  • TODO: Mark to set up separate Claudia & Chris meeting


  • Chris - in SF week of May 7 for heavy Labs work.
  • Guillaume: tentative vacation 16-18 May possible day or two off in May to move, (around a week-end)
  • Sumana: some offline time Wed & Thurs, some time off late next week
  • Memorial Day is on Monday, May 28, 2012.

archived to https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/User:Sumanah/archivedectmeetings_May2012

16 May 2012


Engineering Community Team meeting, 16 May 2012

Attending: Mark, Sumana, Guillaume, Chris?

List of projects

  • Testing infrastructure/automation
  • Feature testing efforts
  • 20% time wrangling
  • 1.20 deployment
  • Git and Gerrit migration
  • Bugzilla application management
  • Wikimedia blog maintenance
  • Training documentation
  • Monthly report
  • Communications support
  • Engineering activity documentation
  • Recruiting/hiring
  • Wikimania
  • Hackathons/events (January SF, Pune, Berlin, Wikimania)
    • Conferences in general
  • Gerrit project owner groups
  • Recruitment/encouragement
    • GSOC
    • UCOSP
  • Dev community metrics

Who's doing what (this week)


Chris: Labs followup. QA interviews. (ties in with labs). Feature testing efforts 1.20wmf3 ongoing deployments. Mark: 1.20 Deployment support, bug triage, BZ application management, volunteer recruitment/encouragement (bug squad) Guillaume: engineering project documentation, Wikimania, communications support RobLa: Recruiting/hiring, 1.20 deployment Sumana: Volunteer recruiting and encouragement (including GSoC), hackathons and events/conferences in general, Gerrit project ownership, Developer access, 20% time wrangling Claudia: analysis bug database (esp. patch submissions), checking data validity

Testing infrastructure/automation


Blog post forthcoming from SF this week perhaps? Chris fleshing this out.

Labs Getting labs usable will take quite some time

Feature testing efforts


TimedMediaHandler, Editor Engagement (AFTv5)

AFT testing, bringing Tauhida up to speed. AFT test plan for June 9. improve EE test env?

planning OpenHatch event - June 9th, Sat, 10am

20% time wrangling



1.20 deployment


Feature Test Charters done and used. Generally pleased with how it worked out, pending retrospective on bugs submitted.

manual testing of critical extensions -- Chris

Git and Gerrit migration


Sumana managing Danielle

Bugzilla application management


Have a sponsor (in WMF!) for the Debian package for Bugzilla - Faidon (paravoid). Discussion on wikitech-l for improvment of bz workflow.

Wikimedia blog maintenance


still on hold this week

Training documentation


Contractor working on ResourceLoader/Gadgets 2.0 docs, Git docs, security training docs, Lua stuff

Monthly report


on hold until later this month

Communications support


Guillaume following up on requests, blog post reviews, etc.

Engineering activity documentation

  • planning wikitech cleanup; probably going to use a gadget to assess pages, such as the one used by WikiProjects to assess articles



Sumana continuing to work on bug wrangler hiring, contract help for tutorials


Chris working on QA engineer hiring

  • TODO: Sumana & Rob - work on job descriptions


  • deprioritized last week
  • Guillaume to start coordination page on meta for "11 years" presentation, add content from Nov. 2011 presentation
  • Sumana & Rob & Guillaume to take a start at transparency talk next week? (May 21)

Hackathons/events (January SF, Berlin, Wikimania)


Sumana working on Berlin travel sponsorships

Conferences in general


Sumana to start writing OSBridge keynote

Gerrit project owner groups


Sumana doing regularly



Sumana running developer access queue Sumana & Mark continuing to do this.

Mark finding personalized tasks for Bug Squad people



Mentors mentoring community bonding period



Sumana starting quick postmortem

Dev community metrics


Mark & Chris talked to Claudia - waiting for new questions from her


  • Guillaume: 1 day off this week spread throughout the week to visit apartments. Possible day or two off later in May to move (around a week-end)
  • Sumana: some offline time Thursday - Friday & Monday, in SF
  • Memorial Day is on Monday, May 28, 2012.