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Engineering Community Team/Meetings/2013-04-09

From mediawiki.org

April 9th


Monthly report summary


Where else should we be publicizing this? https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikimedia_engineering_report/2013/March/summary

  • send it to wikitech-ambassadors
  • it's already in the WMF-wide report

High-priority escalations


Best practices for community events

  • using #wikimedia-office - preferred to #wikimedia-dev, less noisy
  • greeting every person who shows up (check hostmask for possible regulars versus newbies)
  • what kinds of promotion have been effective? ambassadors list? emailing specific interested people?
    • can we let people subscribe to something so we can send a notification back?
      • Ask Alex Monk/Krenair re Echo
    • BZ - ping reporters. We have a magic URL for "YOUR reports"
  • specific steps & tasks


  • Filling in Platform & Ops in QA amenability spreadsheet
    • https://docs.google.com/a/wikimedia.org/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Agte_lJNpi-OdGpJSHdMZV83UjdTdHc5UFVrdXBwaWc#gid=0
      • The way we handle unit testing in Platform is different enough from other bits that priority will not be very useful for that - it's up to dev teams to do the bulk of the work on unit testing; Antoine provides generalized infrastructure. In Platform, we should focus activities on the first 3 columns.
      • Chris to publish QA work-in-progress and/or roadmap to PMs (etc.) based on this doc. (Greg does a similar thing, speaking with him about ways&means)
      • Chris to publish "when to bring in QA" guide/best practice/outline. (See FYI below?)
  • Bugzilla admin rights
    • have some been removed? what's the policy re NDA?
      • Andre has removed some (24 -> 18), still on it, been on the backburner. Policy: Not started yet.



April 30th is the submission deadline; What shall we submit?



Quim wants to organize a couple of surveys:

  • Quantitative and mostly "external": best timings and channels for QA activities.
  • Qualitative and mostly WMF: best ways for QA activities to contribute to development efforts.
    • Qualtrics


  • Sumana offline of today + morning Wednesday + part of Thursday
  • Guillaume out for probably a few days this week

me Andre:

  • a few days around Amsterdam (May 24th)
  • maybe Open Source Bridge Conference, Portland, June 18–21, 2013


  • May 24-26, Wikimedia Hackathon, Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • June 10-12, Selenium Conference, Boston, MA, USA
  • Submitted talks/workshops for a couple of local open source conferences, waiting for reply (May 15-17, September 06-07)
  • maybe August 14-18, JRubyConf (August 14-15) + European Ruby Camp (August 16-18), both in Berlin, Germany


  • Apr 22-25 (Google Test Automation Conference, NYC)
  • May 2-5 (Telerik Test Summit Peer Conference, Austin TX)
  • May 13-17 relocating, details TBD
  • May 24-26, Wikimedia Hackathon, Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • Aug 4-10 Agile2013 (not certain but likely)