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Engineering Community Team/Meetings/2013-10-22

From mediawiki.org



Google Code-in (selection by Google by Nov. 1; program starts on Nov 18; then it lasts about 7 weeks, until Jan. 6)

  • We're going to apply; this is about many many small tasks, each one taking ~2-3 days for a 13-17yo student to complete during their free time
  • Programming: only 1 of the 5 areas of this program. An opportunity for other areas: QA, doc, marketing, design
  • No critical mass last year
  • ECT, QA and Design teams are the only ones concerned at the moment; other teams aren't really prepared for this yet. We may involve them later on during the program, when we/they see progress on other tasks
  • Mentors must respond/review tasks within 36h, and ideally within 24h
  • < Discussion about QA's involvement in google Code-in >
  • Andre: triage-related tasks.
  • Guillaume: Can think of 3 tasks at the moment, one is recurring every week so that makes a few more, another one can be reused a few times as well
    • Quim suggests: Documentation pages to update (use {{Outdated }} or similar), writing small tutorials (step by step), screencasts, etc. Guillaume will ask the Liaisons team
  • Quim: will find community management-related tasks

Other topics:

  • pywikipediabot bug day
  • ECT Showcase, if there is anything to plan.
  • Things Guillaume may have missed that you really want him to know :)