Read Wikimedia Foundation's Language Community Meetings Privacy Statement to understand how the project collects, use, share store, and delete the information received from participants. 所有參加活動的參與者都遵守適用於本次活動的技術空間行為準則 。 |
「語言社群會議」將參與不同語言社群的創建內容或管理技術的編輯和技術貢獻者聚集在一起。 這是一次「參與者主導」的會議,我們共同討論語言方面的「技術更新和挑戰」,並共同尋找可能的解決方案。 這可能涉及任何事情,包括修復庫爾德語維基上損壞的模板,為增加目前在維基媒體孵化器中的圖盧語維基詞典的內容集思廣益,慶祝豐語維基百科的創建,或使用MinT 進行內容翻譯。
其目的是鼓勵對語言相關技術主題感興趣的個人和社群之間的合作。 這項季度聚會由維基媒體語言與產品在地化 團隊主導。 Starting in November 2024, these meetings will be conducted in collaboration with the Wikimedia Language Diversity Hub. If you need interpretation support from English to another language, please let us know by posting on the talk page.
- 歡迎和介紹 – 問候和議程概述。
- 重點和技術更新 – 意願出席者在會議前幾天提供技術更新。
- 解決問題導向 – 出席者在會議前幾天提交他們的技術挑戰,並在會議期間與其他人一起集思廣益。
- 人際連結 問答 – 參與者可以提出問題並與興趣相投的其他人聊天。
- 閉幕 – 關於下一次會議的總結和細節。
- Date and time: Friday, Nov 29th, 16:00 to 17:00 UTC
- Place: https://wikimedia.zoom.us/j/84607496790
- Language(s): English, Spanish
- Moderator(s): User:Oscar ., User:SSethi (WMF)
- Recording: https://wikimedia.zoom.us/rec/share/-j8xd5Avgx2m2-ZfiVRFyCZtgFL-HDNGGKlNsbwQLwTocNsw5ZsGSJhFDA5-lHRp.sc1CRy3BnUCRv06- (Passcode: bx7&G8KU)
- Notes: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/language-community-meeting-nov-2024
- Date and time: Friday, Aug 30th, 15:00 to 16:00 UTC
- Place: https://meet.google.com/dyn-dsst-byf
- Language(s): English
- Moderator(s): User:SSethi (WMF), User:Aaharoni-WMF
- Recording: Link to the recording on Google Drive
- Notes: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/language-community-meeting-aug-2024
- Date and time: Friday, May 31st, 16:00 to 17:00 UTC
- Place: https://meet.google.com/dyn-dsst-byf
- Language(s): English
- Moderator(s): User:SSethi (WMF), User:Jon_Harald_Søby
- Recording: Link to the recording on Google Drive
- Notes: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/language-community-meeting-may-2024
- Date and time: Wednesday, February 21st, 12:00 to 13:00 UTC
- Place: https://meet.google.com/dyn-dsst-byf
- Language(s): English
- Moderator(s): User:MMunyoki (WMF), User:Jon_Harald_Søby
- Recording: Link to the recording on Google Drive
- Notes: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/language-community-meeting-february-2024
- 日期和時間: 2023年11月17日星期五,16:00 至 17:00(UTC)
- Place: https://meet.google.com/dyn-dsst-byf
- Language(s): English
- 主持人: User:SSethi (WMF), User:Jon_Harald_Søby
- Recording: Link to the recording on Google Drive
- 筆記: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/language-community-meeting-november-2023