This landing page links to core technical documentation about MediaWiki internationalisation and localisation (i18n and L10n). Le principe au centre de MediaWiki est que i18n ne doit pas être pensé dans un second temps : i18n et l10n sont un composant essentiel même aux tous premiers instants du développement du logiciel.
For translators and users
- Translator hub
- For translating pages on this wiki, see Project:Language policy .
- How to translate MediaWiki interface messages
- Language names reference
- How to input text in different scripts (IMEs)
- How to download and enable different webfonts
- Universal Language Selector FAQ
For developers
Write code that can be localised
Get your code translated
- Use translatewiki.net
- What can be localised
- How to find a MediaWiki string for translation
- translatewiki.net FAQ for MediaWiki
- To localise external tools, like those in Toolforge, use the Banana library.
- Localise an extension
Implement a multilingual wiki
Add a wiki in a new language
Help and contact info
- IRC: #translatewiki connect
- Telegram channel: translatewiki.net.
See also
- Resources
- API:Localisation
- Language tools - The work of the Wikimedia Foundation's i18n/l10n team
- How to internationalise your code presentation - PDF slides about i18n, l10n and m17n in general and about doing it in MediaWiki in particular. (2012)
- Statistics and issues
- Other
- Manual:Wiki family - installation and configuration of a small wiki-family (for administrators)
- Template:Languages
- Debian's Introduction to i18n
- Unicode Technical Reports (also specifications by topic)