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From mediawiki.org
This page is a translated version of the page Extension:Translate and the translation is 26% complete.
MediaWiki extensions manual
Release status: stable
Implementation Special page , Locale , API , Parser function
Description Enables in-wiki translation and proofreading
Author(s) Niklas Laxström, Siebrand Mazeland og aðrir
Latest version 2024-07-16
Compatibility policy Master maintains backward compatibility.
MediaWiki >= 1.43.0
Database changes Yes
Composer mediawiki/translate
Tables revtag
License GNU General Public License 2.0 or later
Download Innifalið í Tungumála Framlengingar pakka

User documentation
Example Translatewiki.net – or try how to translate a page now
  • $wgTranslateFuzzyBotName
  • $wgTranslatePageTranslationULS
  • $wgTranslateEnableMessageGroupSubscription
  • $wgTranslateDocumentationLanguageCode
  • $wgTranslateGroupSynchronizationCache
  • $wgTranslateUserManagerName
  • $wgTranslateSandboxLimit
  • $wgTranslateStatsProviders
  • $wgPageTranslationAllowedContentModels
  • $wgTranslateGroupAliases
  • $wgTranslateRcFilterDefault
  • $wgTranslateAuthorExclusionList
  • $wgTranslateKeepOutdatedTranslations
  • $wgTranslateGroupRoot
  • $wgTranslatePageMoveLimit
  • $wgEnablePageTranslation
  • $wgTranslateEnableMessageBundleIntegration
  • $wgTranslatePermissionUrl
  • $wgTranslateEnableEventLogging
  • $wgTranslatePageTranslationBannerNamespaces
  • $wgTranslateSupportUrlNamespace
  • $wgTranslateMessagePrefixStatsLimit
  • $wgTranslateDisabledTargetLanguages
  • $wgTranslateMessageIndex
  • $wgTranslateRecentChangesLanguageFilter
  • $wgTranslateUseSandbox
  • $wgTranslateTranslationDefaultService
  • $wgTranslateTranslationServices
  • $wgTranslateGroupFiles
  • $wgTranslateUsePreSaveTransform
  • $wgTranslateEnableLuaIntegration
  • $wgTranslateValidationExclusionFile
  • $wgTranslateSandboxPromotedGroup
  • $wgTranslateYamlLibrary
  • $wgTranslateCacheDirectory
  • $wgPageTranslationLanguageList
  • $wgTranslateLanguageFallbacks
  • $wgTranslateSupportUrl
  • $wgTranslateMessageNamespaces
  • $wgTranslateWorkflowStates
  • translate
  • translate-import
  • translate-manage
  • translate-messagereview
  • translate-groupreview
  • unfuzzy
Quarterly downloads 190 (Ranked 32nd)
Translate the Translate extension
Issues Open tasks · Report a bug

The Translate extension enhances MediaWiki with essential features needed to do translation work. It enables in-wiki translation and proofreading. It can be used to translate the content pages, the interface of the wiki and even other software products, as it is used at translatewiki.net and to manage multilingual wikis.


The Translate extension has many features specifically targeted to translators, while making back-end integration with actual source code as easy as possible. Meanwhile, everything runs inside MediaWiki, which allows users an almost endless degree of freedom for communication and self-organization.

Features include:

  • Structured wiki content page translation, from various languages at the same wiki.
  • In-wiki localisation and exporting of software interface messages (or just about anything).
  • Web-based translation and proofreading interface, as well as gettext based export and import for off-line translation.
  • Various aids to make the job of translators easier:
    • display of translations in globally defined other languages, optionally expanded with user defined languages;
    • collaborative editing of documentation of the use and context of messages;
    • translation memory and machine translation with external tools (Apertium, Microsoft Translator, Yandex.Translate);
    • display of the latest change in the source message;
    • warnings about common mistakes like parameters that are not used.
  • Pre-made modules for various open source products you can use as an example.
  • A versatile plug-in system to make it easy to add new projects as a message group.
  • Various statistics:
    • translation completion percentages for all message groups in all supported languages;
    • translation completion percentages in all supported languages for any supported message group;
    • tool for making activity graphs for spans of time.

Can display either number of edits or active users daily or hourly and includes many filters;

    • yfirlit fyrir virk tungumál og túlka.

Vegna stærðar notendahóps þessarar framlengingar, þá hefur verið staðfest að Þýðingar Framlengingin virki með öllum nýlegustu vöfrurunum, fyrir utan smávægum útlits villum sem eru lagaðar fljótlega.

Stuðningur og heimildir

  • Live support at #translatewiki IRC channel at Libera Chat (best times are at European days and evenings)
  • Please report all issues and feature requests in the issue tracker

Translate extension was originally developed by User:Nikerabbit; many other users, like User:Raymond, User:SPQRobin and the Wikimedia Language team, have contributed to its code and documentation.

Frammúrskarandi notendur af Þýðingar framlengingunni


Tom Hutchison hjá Joomla

Þýðingar framlengingin veitir tækifæri á að tengjast þýðingar þjónustu og getur þannig sjálfkrafa fyllt inn þýðingarnar fyrir þig. Samhliða því getur þýðandi gert breytingar svo þú sért ekki að skapa fullt af síðum með röngum þýðingum.

Það er í lagi að þeir séu á mismunandi heimshlutum. Það er í rauninni bónus vegna þess að þá er unnið er allan sólarhringinn. Hvað þeir þurfa á að halda er stuðningshópspjall fyrir hvern annan. Þau gætu öll lesið ensku ef þau eru að sjá um þýðingar, ekki satt? Kenna þeim smá kóðun svo þau geti til dæmis bætt inn hlekkjum og að sjá um flokkun. Þá geta þau hjálpað öðrum sem síðan hjálpa fleirra fólki. Við höfum yfir 40 í spjalli sem hjálpa hvort öðrum og hafa gaman að á sama tíma. Öll voru þau hrædd við wiki en gátu ekki trúað því hversu auðvelt það var eftir að þau byrjuðu. They are actually waiting on me for more translations to do because I can't keep up with them. I know there is only 1 translating this language or that language. We have that too. One person is doing Swahili while another one is working on Japanese. Also, you mark pages for translation. You control whether to include templates or exclude variables in template calls.

Skoðið einnig

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