Читання/Веб/Стаціонарні покращення/Функції/Пошук
Ми хочемо, щоб усі редактори наших проєктів могли знайти статті, які вони шукають, швидко й ефективно. Життєвоважливими для цього є можливості нашого пошуку, однак у поточного пошуку є декілька проблем і простір для покращення. По-перше, пошук розміщений у нестандартному місці сторінки, через що його важко знайти користувачеві, який не має попереднього досвіду з нашими сайтами, і легко забути користувачам, які вже знають, де він. По-друге, під час пошуку, знаходження потрібних результатів може зайняти час, бо ми не пропонуємо наразі жодного контексту до виданих результатів пошуку.
Наша мета — покращити досвід пошуку так, щоб його було легше знайти і швидше використувати. Зокрема ми хочемо:
- зробити наш пошук легко знаходжуваним, перемістивши його у більш видиму позицію
- зробити наш пошук легшим до використання, включивши зображення та іншу контекстуальну інформацію, що покращить перегляд результатів пошуку
Опис функції і вимоги
- The search bar will be moved to a new location in the header of the page.
- The search bar will include an image for the page (if available) as well as a description for the page (if available). Page descriptions will be either local descriptions or wikidata descriptions, depending on the policy of the individual wiki.
Дизайнові вимоги і настанови
Зміна розташування
New search functionality
Тестування користувачами
A user test was performed using usertesting.com which focused on the following:
- Indentifying any major usability issues that we may have overlooked
- Learning more about search behavior by identifying the breakdown in terms of how people submit their search:
- (a) click on a suggested result
- (b) press `enter` on their keyboard
- (c) click the `Search` button
- To see what people think the “Search” button will do
- To see what people think the “Search pages containing X” will do
On usertesting.com we had people do various tasks, some of which required them to search for various articles (without explicitly telling them to use the search box). There were two groups:
Group 1
- 17 people
- People in group 1 searched for //Egypt//, //Cave art//, //Banana//, and //Purple//
Group 2
- 15 people
- People in group 2 searched for //Electricity//, //Banana//, //Willow trees//, //Romeo and Juliet//, and //Purple//
There was a mix of ages and geographies in both groups:
- 0 people had issues using search
- There were a total of 117 searches submitted:
- 86 were submitted via a suggested result
- 19 were submitted via the `enter` key
- 12 were submitted via the `Search` button
- Regarding what people thought clicking the `Search` button would do:
- 16 of 23 people who answered thought it would take them to the first result
- 7 of 23 people who answered thought it would take them to a list of results
- note: all people assumed that `enter` and the `Search` button do the same thing
- Regarding what people thought clicking the `Search for pages containing Purple` would do:
- 25 of the 25 people who answered thought it would take them to a list of pages that have the word "purple" in them
- in the first study people started on the Pancake article and were then asked to go to the article about Egypt.
It was ambiguous how they were supposed to get there. 7 out of 10 people tried to find an "Egypt" link within the Pancake article
- one person wondered why the Cave art search result didn't have an image — made me wonder if the articles that don't have images look lower quality next to the ones that do?
- in two cases the search results loaded quite slowly and the people used the `Search` button
- few people used their keyboard to navigate down to suggested search results (maybe 2 or 3)
Кількісне тестування
Two A/B tests will be performed on the early adopter wikis:
- A comparison of the old location of the search bar vs the new location of the search bar
- A comparison of the old search widget vs the new search widget
We will be tracking the following metrics:
- Search Sessions initiated
- Search Sessions completed
Our target is a 2.5% increase for each change for an overall 5% increase in search sessions initiated
Summary of A/B test results
Logged-in users AB Test
- We observed an average 28.9% increase in the search sessions initiated across early adopter wikis in the AB test;
Results varied on a per wiki basis, with some observed increases and decreases in search sessions initiated between the two test groups.
- For 7 out of the 12 early adopter wikis, there was an increase in the number of search sessions initiated in the new search widget test group.
- Most increases ranged from about 12% to 22% but search sessions initiated were more than double on Serbian (+108.12%) and Hebrew Wikipedia (+192.37%).
- There were no significant differences in search sessions initiated based on the user's edit count bucket indicating that a user's editing experience is not a factor in the likelihood of them starting a search.
Logged-Out Users Pre and Post Deployment Analysis
- We observed an 8% overall increase (13.4% median increase across early adopter wikis) in search sessions initiated by logged-out users on the early adopter wikis following deployment of the new search widget.
Details are available in the full report.
Терміни випуску
Ми почали розгортати першу версію цих змін, перемістивши поле пошуку в нове місце, у вересні 2020 року на офісній вікі і тестовій вікі, а далі на наших пілотних вікі. We deployed the second iteration of the new search experience (built in vue.js) in March 2021. This iteration added images and content descriptions where applicable to the search results. See our main Features page for more details.
The new search functionality allows for the ability to display an image and a local or Wikidata description along with each search result. This is configurable per project. The current configuration is:
Project | Description | Images |
Вікіпідручник | No | No |
Вікісховище | No | No |
Вікідані | Так | Так |
Вікіфункції | Так | No |
Вікіновини | No | Так |
Вікіпедія | Так | Так |
Вікіджерела | No | No |
Віківиди | Так | Так |
Вікіцитати | Так | Так |
Віківерситет | No | Так |
Вікімандри | Так | Так |
Вікісловник | No | Так |