Catet: Nalika anjeun ngédit ieu kaca, anjeun sapuk pikeun ngaleupaskeun sumbangan anjeun dina CC0. Tempo Kaca pitulung Domain Publik pikeun leuwih lengkepna. |
Anjeun bisa ngaformat téks maké markap wiki. Ieu ngawengku karakter normal sarupaning curek, apostrop, atawa tanda séjén anu boga fungsi husus dina wiki, gumantung kana perenahna. Pikeun conto, pikeun ngadéngdékkeun kecap, anjeun ngurung ieu kecap dina dua pasang apostrop siga ''kieu''
Markap ngaformat téks
Pedaran | Ngetikna | Jadina |
Format karakter (sabaris) - dilarapkeun di mana baé | ||
Téks déngdék | ''déngdék'' |
déngdék |
Téks kandel | '''kandel''' |
kandel |
Kandel jeung déngdék | '''''kandel & déngdék''''' |
kandel & déngdék |
Kaluar ti markap wiki | <nowiki>tan ''markap'' [[wiki]]</nowiki>
tan ''markap'' [[wiki]] |
Format sawaréh – ngan di awal baris | ||
Bagian Huhulu rupa-rupa hambalan | == Hambalan 2 == === Hambalan 3 === ==== Hambalan 4 ==== ===== Hambalan 5 ===== ====== Hambalan 6 ======
Hambalan 2Hambalan 3Hambalan 4Hambalan 5Hambalan 6 |
Aturan horisontal | Téks saméméh ---- Téks sanggeus |
Téks saméméh Téks sanggeus |
Béréndélan pélor |
* Mimitian unggal baris * maké hiji [[Wikipedia:asterisk|asterisk]] (*). ** Leuwih loba asterisk ngahasilkeun hambalan leuwih jero *** jeung leuwih jero deui. * Megat baris <br />teu megatkeun hambalan. *** Anapon luncat hambalan ngahasilkeun spasi kosong. Baris anyar mungkas béréndélanana. * gabungkeun béréndélan pélor ** jeung dadaran ::- dadaran ** ngahasilkeun spasi kosong * gabungkeun béréndélan pélor ** jeung dadaran *:- dadaran ** tanpa spasi kosong *béréndélan pélor :- dadaran :* sub-béréndélan anu teu ngahasilkeun :* spasi kosong sanggeus dadaran |
Baris anyar mungkas béréndélanana.
Béréndélan nomer |
# Mimitian unggal baris # maké hiji [[Wikipedia:Number sign|tanda nomer]] (#). ## Leuwih loba tanda nomer ngahasilkeun hambalan leuwih jero ### jeung leuwih jero deui. # Megat baris <br />teu megatkeun hambalan. ### Anapon luncat hambalan ngahasilkeun spasi kosong. # Baris anyar mungkas béréndélanana. # mungkas béréndélan sarta mitembeyan béréndélan lianna. Baris anyar ogé mungkas béréndélanana. <nowiki>#</nowiki> use "nowiki" tags to display a literal (#) at the beginning of a line without interpreting it as a numbered list. |
Baris anyar ogé mungkas béréndélanana. # use "nowiki" tags to display a literal (#) at the beginning of a line without interpreting it as a numbered list. |
Béréndélan dadaran | ;item 1 : dadaran 1 ;item 2 : dadaran 2-1 : dadaran 2-2 At the end of the line, if the line begins with a semicolon (;), any inserted colon (:) will not be displayed. If you want for the colon to be displayed, escape it by writing
: . |
Téks indén | : Indén tunggal :: Indén ganda ::::: Indén loba Anu modél kieu bisa ngaruksak aksésibilitas.
Campuran rupa-rupa béréndélan | # hiji
# dua
#* dua poin hiji
#* dua poin dua
# tilu
#; tilu item hiji
#: tilu dadaran hiji
# opat
#: opat dadaran hiji
#: ieu sigana sambunganana
#: sarta mindeng dipaké
#: batan <br> ti <nowiki><br></nowiki>
# lima
## lima sub 1
### lima sub 1 sub 1
## lima sub 2
#: jeung *: pikeun megatkeun baris di antara item bisa ngaruksak aksésibilitas. |
Téks anu geus diformat saméméhna | Ngamimitian unggal baris ku spasi. Téks '''dipraformat''' jeung ''markups'' '''''can''''' be done. Praformat cara kieu ngan bisa dipaké pikeun ngaformat bab/bagian. Markap format karakter bisa kénéh dipaké.
Ngamimitian unggal baris ku spasi. Text is preformatted and markups can be done. |
Blok téks praformat | <nowiki>Dimimitian ku spasi dina kolom kahiji, (méméh <nowiki>). Mangka format blok anjeun bakal kajaga. This is good for copying in code blocks: def function(): """documentation string""" if True: print True else: print False</nowiki> |
Start with a space in the first column, (before the <nowiki>). Then your block format will be maintained. This is good for copying in code blocks: def function(): """documentation string""" if True: print True else: print False |
MediaWiki teu nganggap ayana pegat sabaris. Pikeun mitembeyan alinéa anyar, tambahan sabaris kosong. Anjeun bisa maksa megatkeun baris dina alinéa maké tag HTML <br />
Sababaraha tag HTML bisa dipaké di MediaWiki, contona <code>
, <div>
, jeung <span>
. Bisa dipaké di mana baé.
Pedaran | Ngetikna | Jadina |
Ngasupkeun (Némbongan salaku garis handap dina panyungsi umumna) |
<u>Garis handap</u>
Diasupkeun atawa Garis handap |
Ngahapus (Némbongan salaku gurat tembus tengah dina panyungsi umumna) |
<s>Gurat tembus tengah</s>
Fixed width text | <code>Kode sumber</code>
Kode sumber
Blockquotes | Téks saméméhna
Téks sanggeusna
If the quote contains multiple paragraphs the tags need to be on separate lines to display properly, i.e.:
First paragraph.
Second paragraph.
Téks saméméhna
Téks sanggeusna |
Quotes | <q>This is a quotation</q>
The q element must not be used in place of quotation marks that do not represent quotes; for example, it is inappropriate to use the q element for marking up sarcastic statements.[1]
This is a quotation |
Comment | <!-- This is a comment -->
Comments are visible only
in the edit zone.
Comments are visible only in the edit zone. |
Completely preformatted text | <pre>
Text is '''preformatted''' and
''markups'' '''''cannot''''' be done
For marking up of preformatted text, check the "Preformatted text" entry at the end of the previous table.
Text is '''preformatted''' and ''markups'' '''''cannot''''' be done |
Customized preformatted text | <pre style="color: red">
Text is '''preformatted'''
with a style and
''markups'' '''''cannot''''' be done
A CSS style can be named within the
style attribute. |
Text is '''preformatted''' with a style and ''markups'' '''''cannot''''' be done |
Description | You type | You get |
Default preformatted text has a CSS attribute (white-space: pre-wrap; ) to wrap the text according to available width
This long sentence is used to demonstrate text wrapping. This additional sentence makes the text even longer. This additional sentence makes the text even longer.
This long sentence is used to demonstrate text wrapping. This additional sentence makes the text even longer. This additional sentence makes the text even longer. |
Customized preformatted text with disabled text wrapping | <pre style="white-space: pre;">
This long sentence is used to demonstrate text wrapping. This additional sentence makes the text even longer. This additional sentence makes the text even longer.
This long sentence is used to demonstrate text wrapping. This additional sentence makes the text even longer. This additional sentence makes the text even longer. |
The full list of recognized tags is given on Help:HTML in wikitext .
Inserting symbols
Symbols and other special characters not available on your keyboard can be inserted in a multitude of ways. Many operating systems and browsers allow to insert special characters through a menu option or operating system panel. Additionally, you can use the WikiEditor or VisualEditor to insert them into the edit screen.
As a last resort, you can use a special sequence of characters. Those sequences are called HTML character references. For example:
- the rightwards arrow symbol (
) can be displayed using the→
sequence - an em dash (
) can be displayed using—
Á | á | Â | â | ´ | Æ | æ | À | à | ℵ | Α | α | & | ∧ | ∠ | Å | å | ≈ | Ã | ã | Ä | ä | „ | Β | β | ¦ | • | ∩ | Ç | ç | ¸ | ¢ |
Χ | χ | ˆ | ♣ | ≅ | © | ↵ | ∪ | ¤ | † | ‡ | ↓ | ⇓ | ° | Δ | δ | ♦ | ÷ | É | é | Ê | ê | È | è | ∅ | Ε | ε | ≡ | Η | η | ||
Ð | ð | Ë | ë | € | ∃ | ƒ | ∀ | ½ | ¼ | ¾ | ⁄ | Γ | γ | ≥ | > | ↔ | ⇔ | ♥ | … | Í | í | Î | î | ¡ | Ì | ì | ℑ | ∞ | ∫ | Ι | ι |
¿ | ∈ | Ï | ï | Κ | κ | Λ | λ | ⟨ | « | ← | ⇐ | ⌈ | “ | ≤ | ⌊ | ∗ | ◊ | | ‹ | ‘ | < | ¯ | — | µ | · | − | Μ | μ | ∇ | – | |
≠ | ∋ | ¬ | ∉ | ⊄ | Ñ | ñ | Ν | ν | Ó | ó | Ô | ô | Œ | œ | Ò | ò | ‾ | Ω | ω | Ο | ο | ⊕ | ∨ | ª | º | Ø | ø | Õ | õ | ⊗ | Ö |
ö | ¶ | ∂ | ‰ | ⊥ | Φ | φ | Π | π | ϖ | ± | £ | ′ | ″ | ∏ | ∝ | Ψ | ψ | " | √ | ⟩ | » | → | ⇒ | ⌉ | ” | ℜ | ® | ⌋ | Ρ | ρ | |
› | ’ | ‚ | Š | š | ⋅ | § | | Σ | σ | ς | ∼ | ♠ | ⊂ | ⊆ | ∑ | ⊃ | ¹ | ² | ³ | ⊇ | ß | Τ | τ | ∴ | Θ | θ | ϑ | Þ | þ | ˜ | |
× | ™ | Ú | ú | ↑ | ⇑ | Û | û | Ù | ù | ¨ | ϒ | Υ | υ | Ü | ü | ℘ | Ξ | ξ | Ý | ý | ¥ | ÿ | Ÿ | Ζ | ζ | | |
Description | You type | You get |
Copyright symbol | © |
Greek delta letter symbol | δ |
Euro currency symbol | € |
See the list of all HTML entities on the Wikipedia article List of HTML entities. Additionally, MediaWiki supports two non-standard entity reference sequences: &רלמ;
and &رلم;
which are both considered equivalent to ‏
which is a right-to-left mark. (Used when combining right to left languages with left to right languages in the same page.)
HTML tags and symbol entities displayed themselves (with and without interpreting them)
→ €
<span style="color: red; text-decoration: line-through;">Typo to be corrected</span>
→ Typo to be corrected
<span style="color: red; text-decoration: line-through;">Typo to be corrected</span>
→ <span style="color: red; text-decoration: line-through;">Typo to be corrected</span>
Nowiki for HTML
<nowiki />
can prohibit (HTML) tags:
- <<nowiki/>pre> → <pre>
But not & symbol escapes:
- &<nowiki/>amp; → &
To print & symbol escapes as text, use "&
" to replace the "&" character (eg. type "&nbsp;
", which results in "
Other formatting
Beyond the text formatting markup shown hereinbefore, here are some other formatting references:
- LanguageConverter markup – see Writing systems/Syntax
- References – see Extension:Cite
- Tables
You can find more references at Help:Eusi .