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From mediawiki.org
This page is a translated version of the page Help:Extension:Translate/Installation and the translation is 29% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

번역 확장 기능은 빠른 개발의 특성 때문에 작동하려면 비교적 최신 버전의 MediaWiki가 필요합니다. 목표는 미디어위키의 개발 버전과 두 개의 최신 안정 버전을 지원하는 것입니다. 패키지 관리자에서 버전이 너무 오래되어 요구 사항을 충족하지 못할 수 있습니다. In that case you need to download a newer release from mediawiki.org or from Wikimedia's Git repository.

The Translate extension uses a continuous development model, which means that latest version should never be totally broken, because all commits to Translate extension are peer reviewed and pass unit tests. The core functionality is pretty stable, but there may be bigger changes from time to time.

요구 사양

확장 기능을 설치하기 위해서는 다음 요구 조건을 만족해야 합니다.

  1. Recent version of MediaWiki
  1. SQL database. MariaDB is recommended. We don't test other database engines, but they should mostly work thanks to the database abstraction layer in MediaWiki.
  1. 확장기능:UniversalLanguageSelector (included in MediaWiki Language Extension Bundle )
  1. (optional) Phpyaml for faster and better YAML parsing and generation
  1. (optional) ElasticSearch for advanced search features and translation memory
  1. (optional) Internet access on the server for machine translation services
PHP must be installed with the curl module to allow for the translation suggestion feature.

MediaWiki needs to have the job queue set up correctly. If your job queue is not processed, nothing will work in Translate.

추가로, 스크립트 정비 유지를 위해 셸 접근이 필요합니다.

캐싱이나 APC PHP 가속기를 위해 'memcached'를 사용하려면 생산 환경을 위해 사용하시는 걸 권장합니다.

Installation instructions

Go to MediaWiki Language Extension Bundle for download links and instructions. The bundle includes additional extensions commonly used together with the Translate extension. It also includes a functioning default configuration to get you started. See Help:Extension:Translate/Configuration for a description of the settings.