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This page is a translated version of the page Help:VisualEditor/FAQ and the translation is 9% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.
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Kaj je VisualEditor?
VisualEditor je programska oprema, ki jo razvija Wikimedia Foundation in bo ljudem omogočala urejanje strani v MediaWiki brez potrebnega znanja o sintaksah wiki besedila. Z VisualEditorjem bo oblikovanje strani delovalo zelo podobno kot pri urejevalnikih besedil – med urejanjem bo besedilo videti enako, kot bo videti po shranjevanju.
VisualEditor is a software development initiative by the Wikimedia Foundation that will allow people to edit pages in MediaWiki without needing to learn wikitext syntax.

With VisualEditor, formatting pages will work very similarly to a word processor. While editing, the page will look very similar to what the page will look like after it is saved.

Zakaj takšna sprememba?
Največja težava pri prvem urejanju je zapletenost wiki oznak, ki so uporabljene pri starem urejevalnem oknu. Za mnoge ljudi je to najtežja prepreka na začetku poti, da bi postali produktivni in izkušeni člani skupnosti. Da bi povečali število uspešnih prvih poizkusov urejanja, potrebujemo boljši urejevalni sistem. Prosimo, preberite našo daljšo razlago za več podrobnosti.
The complex wiki markup syntax used by the old editing window is the biggest barrier to making the first edit, and therefore the biggest barrier to beginning the path that could lead to someone's becoming a productive, experienced member of the editing community.

To increase the number of successful first attempts at editing, we need a better editing system. Please read our longer explanation for more details.

Where do I go to learn more about using VisualEditor?
Please see the VisualEditor User guide.
Kdaj bo VisualEditor omogočen na mojem wikiju?
Trenutni urnik je objavljen na mw:VisualEditor/Rollouts. Več kot polovica Wikipedij je v letu 2013 sprejela VisualEditor kot opcijo za vse uporabnike.
The current schedule for future rollouts is posted at VisualEditor/Rollouts.

More than half of Wikipedias received VisualEditor as an option for all users during 2013. VisualEditor is available as an opt-in Beta Feature to almost all logged-in users at all Wikimedia Foundation projects.

Zakaj uvajate programsko opremo čeprav ni videti dokončana.
Programska oprema vsekakor ni dokončana; dodati se morajo nekatere funkcionalnosti in rešiti nekateri problemi. Konec koncev je najboljši način za odkrivanje hroščev ta, da ima veliko ljudi lahko uporablja in ima možnost igranja s programsko opremo. Čeprav so lahko hrošči kratkotrajno moteči, bodo le-ti odpravljeni in takšna uvedba nam omogoča njihovo prepoznavo in odpravo.
The software has features to be added and issues to be resolved.

Ultimately, the best way to detect bugs and identify missing features is to have as many people as possible using the software and playing with it. While we know that bugs are disruptive in the short term, they will be fixed, and the current use is what lets us identify things that need fixing.

Našel sem problem v VisualEditorju. Kako vas lahko o tem obvestim, da boste težavo lahko odpravili?
Če ste pripravljeni in sposobni, vas prosimo, da poročate o problemu na bugzilla za [$bugzilla produkt "VisualEditor"]. Večje število wikijev ima tudi posebno stran namenjeno povratnim informacijam (feedback) o VisualEditorju; glejte seznam na Wikidata. Obstaja tudi osrednja stran s povratnimi informacijami na mediawiki.org.
If you're willing and able, please report the issue in Phabricator in the "VisualEditor" product.

Most large Wikipedias also have a wiki page dedicated to feedback about VisualEditor; see the list on Wikidata. There is also a central feedback page on mediawiki.org.

Kako lahko onemogočim VisualEditor?
Za klasičen wikitext urejevalnik, preprosto kliknite na zavihek "Uredi izvorno kodo" namesto na "Uredi". V razdelku za urejanje povezav lahko odprete klasičen wikitext urejevalnik za ta razdelek s klikom na "uredi izvorno kodo" namesto na običajno "uredi" povezavo.

On wikis where VisualEditor is still a Beta Feature, you can simply uncheck its box in the Beta tab of your Preferences; on the other wikis, you can check the Temporarily disable VisualEditor while it is in beta box from the Editing tab instead.

Neka funkcionalnost v VisualEditorju manjka. Kako lahko zaprosim za pomoč?
Nekatere funkcionalnosti se trenutno razvijajo ali pa so v postopku načrtovanja (kot je to oblikovanje slik, dodajanje stolpcev in vrstic v tabelo, dodajanje matematičnih formul). Akcijski načrt in Wikimedijini osnutki tehničnih ciljev za 2013–2014 prav tako ponujajo nekatere dodatne informacije. Če ne morete najti kakršnekoli omembe nove funkcionalnosti, ki bi jo radi predlagali, vas prosimo da uporabite enake postopke kot so pri prijavljanju napak.
Some features are currently being developed or planned.

The Roadmap, the Wikimedia Engineering goals pages for 2015–2016 and the Phabricator workboard provide some additional information as well. If you can't find any reference to the new feature you'd like to suggest, please submit it using the same process used to report an issue.

Ali bo še vedno omogočena uporaba klasičnega wikitext urejevalnika, ko bo VisualEditor postal osnovni vmesnik za urejanje?
Da. Ko bo VisualEditor postal prednastavljeni urejevalnik, bo metoda urejanja osnovnega “izvornega” besedila ša vedno obstajala. V načrtu nimamo odstranitev opcije “Uredi izvorno kodo”.
Ali lahko v VisualEditorju uporabljam znane Wikioznačevalce kot so [[ ]] in {{ }}?
Ne. Namesto tega prosimo, da uporabite elegantne predloge in funcije povezovanja. Za več informacij o uporabi VisualEditorja glejte VisualEditor Uporabniški priročnik.
Zakaj moj spletni brskalnik ni podprt?
Gradnja modernega vmesnika za urejanje Wikipedije in njenih sestrskih wiki projektov je tehnični izziv, vendar pa je omogočena uporaba modernih spletnih tehnologij in standardov. Na žalost nekateri spletni brskalniki ne podpirajo vseh posebnosti, ki ji potrebujemo za VisualEditor. Trudimo se po najboljših močeh, da bi podprli najosnovnejše spletne brskalnike: VisualEditor dobro deluje z najnovejšimi verzijami brskalnikov Firefox, Chrome in Safari, kmalu bo na voljo tudi podpora za Internet Explorer 9. Kakorkoli, poskušanje izogibanje omejitvam starejših brskalnikov bi preusmerila vire od izboljšav od katerih ima korist večina uporabnikov. Spodbujamo vas, da nadgradite vaš brskalnik in, če tega ne morete, še naprej uporabljajte klasičen wikitext urejevalnik. (Za podrobnejše informacije glejte VisualEditor/Target browser matrix.)
Building a modern editing interface for Wikipedia and its sister wiki is a technical challenge, but it's possible using modern web technologies and standards.

Unfortunately, some browsers don't support many of the features we need for VisualEditor. We're doing our best to support the most common browsers: VisualEditor works well with recent versions of the most popular web browsers: Firefox 15 and up; Iceweasel 10 and up; Safari 7 and up; Chrome 19 and up; Opera 15 and up; Microsoft Internet Explorer 10 and up; Edge 12 and up. In some browsers, such as Internet Explorer 9, a warning message will still show up, but users shouldn't experience any major problems editing. Trying to work around the limitations of older browsers would divert resources from improvements that would benefit the majority of users. We encourage you to upgrade to a supported browser and, if you can't, to continue to edit using the source wikitext editor. (See target browser matrix for specific details.)

Ali VisualEditor deluje z Wikivirovim ProofreadPage ali Wikislovarjevimi predlogami in ostalimi funkcijami, ki jih Wikipedija nima?
VisualEditor je trenutno omogočen le na Wikipedijinih straneh, toda njegova zasnova je dovol fleksibilna, da se bo lahko uporabljal na vseh Wikimedijinih straneh. Po vključitvi v Wikipediji bomo delali na tem, da bo VisualEditor dobro deloval tudi s funkcijami specifičnimi za sestrske projekte.
Ali lahko instaliram VisualEditor na moj osebni wiki zunaj Wikimedije?
Da, na lastno odgovornost. VisualEditor in Parsoid razširitve so dostopne za nalaganje, ampak so še vedno v eksperimentalni fazi; bodite pozorni na to, da Parsoid zahteva nodeJS. Če jih instalirate in uporabite, nas prosim obvestite kaj je delovalo in kaj ni [$bugzilla v Bugzilla].
Ali VisualEditor avtomatično popravlja strani?
V večini primerov VisualEditor ne bo spreminjal formata vrstic, ki niso direktno urejane. V primerih ko so že uporabljeni označevalci nepravilno uporabljeni (na primer nezaključene tabele), jih lahko poskusi popraviti.

Talk pages

Will the visual editor be enabled on talk pages?
​No. This question comes up quite often.
  • The visual editor is designed to edit content, plain pages of text.


    • Talk pages aren't content. Many of the tools and design patterns that make VE nice to use to edit content make it poor to use for discussions.
    • To make it usable for discussions, we would have to remove or break many of those patterns in VE. We have spent a lot of time researching with users what works best there.
  • VE can't deal with structured discussions and plain-text discussions are not structured discussions.
    • Discussions like they are on traditional talk pages are not structured discussions from a technical perspective, despite the fact there is a certain number of colons or bullet points added to each answer to provide a pseudo-structure. With the current design of classical discussions, a piece of software can't know who has replied to whom – only humans can. There is no real connection between posts (which post is the parent/child of which), which is the definition of a structured discussion.

DiscussionTools is the default talk page system provided with MediaWiki. It is the default discussion system at all Wikimedia wikis. It is available on the desktop and mobile web site, but not in Wikimedia Apps . DiscussionTools provide a set of tools to participate to discussions, with visual and wikitext editing modes.

Will the visual editor be enabled on namespaces that also host discussions?
This is the case of a good number of community boards, like village pumps, hosted under the Wikipedia: namespace.
The visual editor has not been designed to edit discussions.
With the deployment of DiscussionTools , it is possible to deploy the visual editor to Wikipedia namespace and to namespaces where conversations happen. However, editing or participating into discussions using the "edit" button will trigger limitations, like breaking indentations or page setup.
It is possible to deploy the visual editor to these namespaces, only if communities acknowledge of these limitations, and accept that the editing team will not be prioritizing any issues that emerge as a result of people using the visual editor in namespace it hasn't been designed for.
DiscussionTools will be available on any page where signatures are present and either:

Community resources

Where can I read more about what communities can do to adapt the visual editor to their sites?
You can find a sort of "checklist" here on mediawiki.org.
Where can I find people experienced in this kind of effort?
There is a list of names at Community Taskforce.


Moje vprašanje se ne nahaja tukaj. Kje lahko vprašam?
Vprašate lahko na VisualEditorjevi posebni strani namenjeno povratnim informacijam (feedback page) na vaši wiki (glej seznam na Wikidata) ali na osrednji feedback strani na mediawiki.org.


  1. Based on James Forrester's message on wikimedia-l mailing-list, June 2016