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Developer Satisfaction Survey/2024/Technical documentation

From mediawiki.org

๐Ÿ“–ย Developer Satisfaction 2024 Report

๐Ÿ—‚๏ธ Technical documentation



  • Tools โ€” Wikis are popular tools for documentation. 94% read docs on a wiki, at least occasionally. And the most popular place to read and write docs is on a wiki.
  • Sites โ€” The most popular sites for docs are MediaWiki.org and Wikitech. Only 28% use doc.wikimedia.org somewhat or very frequently, compared to 69% for wikis.
  • Writing frequency โ€” 34% of respondents write docs somewhat or very frequently.

# Reading documentation on wikis

We asked survey takers, โ€œHow often do you read technical documentation on a wiki?โ€

  • A majority (69%) said they read technical documentation on a wiki very or somewhat frequently
  • 25% said occasionally
  • 3% said very infrequently or never
  • 3% were unsure

We asked survey takers, โ€œPlease rank the following wikis by how often you use them to read technical documentation. Rank the following from 1 (most used) to 3 (least used)โ€.

They were asked to rank

  • mediawiki.org
  • wikitech.wikimedia.org
  • meta.wikimedia.org

MediaWiki.org received the most #1 rankings and the highest mean rank. The wiki with the lowest number of #1 rankings and the lowest mean rank was meta.wikimedia.org.


# Reading documentation on doc.wikimedia.org

We asked survey takers, โ€œHow often do you read technical documentation on doc.wikimedia.org?โ€

  • 50% said they infrequently or never* read technical documentation on doc.wikimedia.org
  • 28% said they read documentation on the site very or somewhat frequently
  • 19% said they read documentation on the site occasionally
  • 3% were unsure
  • *11% said they were not familiar with doc.wikimedia.org; this percentage has been included in the โ€œNeverโ€ category


# Reading documentation preference

We asked survey takers, โ€œWhere do you prefer to read technical documentation? Rank the following from 1 (most preferred) to 4 (least preferred)โ€. โ€œOn a wikiโ€ received the most #1 rankings.


# Writing documentation

We asked survey takers, โ€œHow often do you write technical documentation?โ€ The most common answer was โ€œoccasionallyโ€.

  • 37% said they occasionally write documentation
  • 34% said somewhat or very frequently
  • 26% said very infrequently or never
  • 3% were unsure


# Writing documentation preference

We asked survey takers, โ€œWhere do you prefer to write technical documentation?โ€ Respondents could select more than one answer.

  • 74.2% said โ€œon a wikiโ€
  • 63.2% said โ€œin code commentsโ€
  • 48.4% said โ€œin Markdown files in a code repositoryโ€
  • 8.4% said โ€œsomewhere elseโ€