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Developer Satisfaction Survey/2024/Research needs

From mediawiki.org

πŸ“–Β Developer Satisfaction 2024 Report

πŸ”¬ Research needs



# Research audience knowledge

We asked survey takers, β€œDid you know that Wikimedia volunteer developers are one of the audiences served by the Wikimedia Foundation Research team?”

  • A majority of respondents (57.0%) said they did not know that Wikimedia volunteer developers are one of the audiences
  • 29.1% said they did know
  • 13.9% were unsure


# Interest in collaboration

We asked survey takers, β€œAs a Wikimedia developer, would you be interested in collaborating with members of the Wikimedia Research community?”

  • A majority of respondents (53.9%) said that they would be interested in collaborating
  • 35.2% were unsure
  • 10.9% said they were not interested in collaborating


# Familiarity with Research projects

We asked survey takers, β€œAre you familiar with any of the projects led or supported by the Wikimedia Foundation Research team?” Respondents could select more than one project.

Respondents were most familiar with MinT: Machine in Translation platform (33.9%) and Link recommendation model (add-a-link) (32.3%).

Some researchers knew about Revert risk model (22.2%), Wikipedia_Preview (21.6%), Knowledge gaps index (15.8%), Clickstream dataset (15.8%), and Language-agnostic article topic model (14%).

And very few respondents knew about mwedittypes library (4.7%).

The project non-staff were most familiar with was the Link recommendation model (29.2%), followed by MinT (26%), Wikimedia Preview (21.9%), and the Revert risk model (20.8%).

Overall, staff were more familiar with Research projects than non-staff were. The project staff were most familiar with was MinT (47.1%), followed by the Link recommendation model (39.7%) and the Knowledge gaps index (30.9%).


# Experience with research community initiatives

We asked survey takers, β€œWhat is your experience with the following initiatives driven by the Wikimedia Foundation Research team?” The initiatives were: Wiki Workshop, Wikimedia Research Fund, Wikimedia Research team office hours, and Wikimedia Research Showcases.

For all four initiatives, a higher percentage of staff reported participation than non-staffβ€”especially the Wikimedia Research Showcases, for which 28% staff said they had participated and 10% of non-staff said they had participated.