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This page is a translated version of the page Wikimedia Apps/Team/iOS/Navigation Refresh and the translation is 21% complete.


iOS 應用程式已經從主要以讀者為中心的應用程式轉變為完全支援閱讀和編輯的應用程式。 我們從 2018 年開始增加微型貢獻的機會,並附有文章描述。 自那時起,我們在 2020 年投資建設了通知功能和維基上的通信,在 2023 年添加了觀察列表,以及在 2024 年添加了添加圖像功能建議進行編輯。 在我們添加這些編輯功能的同時,應用程序的導航系統同時需要發展和改變,以支持這些功能和未來的新增功能。 改進我們的導航將讓更多的應用程序用戶發現編輯功能,並讓有經驗的用戶更快地使用他們最常用的工具。 此次更新包含了對應用程序導航的多個變體進行可用性測試的結果: T351834。 我們進行此導航更新的目標是:

  • 容納並推廣編輯功能
  • 讓通知功能在整個應用程式中更加突出
  • 允許跟踪多篇文章
  • 允許快速存取關鍵功能和自訂
  • 更容易找到捐款選項
  • 降低不太受歡迎的瀏覽量(例如地點和歷史)

Feature Requirements

Must have

  • Notification entry point should be prominent for any user who could possibly edit, and accessible both from main view & article view
  • Entry point for donating should be accessible in less than 1 click from Article view

Explore feed / Main navigation

  • Add consistent header with Wikipedia icon, profile option, and tabs (to be built) on all main views
  • Remove History and Places from toolbar and incorporate it into search tab
  • Profile drawer should contain access to: Notifications, User page (to be built), User Talk page, Watchlist, Contributions (to be built), Donate, Reading Theme, Languages, Settings, Logout / login
  • Options in profile drawer should be customizable
  • Add Contributions tab that will contain: Entry point to suggested edits, A place where users can eventually see stats about themselves (length of time being a Wikimedian, # of edits and possibly number of saved articles) (to be built), Donation entry point, Donation dashboard / history (to be built).

Article Navigation

  • Add consistent header with profile option, and tabs (to be built)
  • Add search bar to Article view
  • Keep a way for users to navigate back to main navigation view
  • There should be quick access to these features from article view:Table of contents, Save to Reading List, Find within article, Theme, Share
  • Secondary features available in overflow menu or from profile drawer: Language, Edit History, Talk Page, Watch, Edit full article, Categories (To be built)
  • The article toolbar should be customizable (To be built)

Target Wikis

While we welcome feedback from everyone, we are especially interested in hearing from:

Arabic, Chinese, German, and English editors.

In our study, we are committed to fostering a balanced and diverse group of testers. To that end, we aim for a broad spectrum of gender and age representation, ensuring that all perspectives are well-captured and accounted for.

User Stories

  • As an experienced editor, I would like quick access to my watchlist in 2 or fewer clicks, so that I can quickly open my watchlist and monitor articles I care about from the App. (T371490)
  • As an editor, I would like quick access to my notifications from all screens in the app, so I can see and respond in a timely manner.
  • As an iOS user, I would like to customize the article toolbar so I that I can have my most-used shortcuts only 1 click away (T357272)
  • As a contributor who uses the iOS app, I would like a place where I can review all of my edits and contributions so that I can quickly revisit something I had been working on. (T275228)
  • As a reader, I would like to be able to find the "donate" option easily, so I can quickly donate at the moment I'm feeling grateful for Wikipedia.

How will we know we are successful?

  • Measured increase in clicks on items that became more prominent through the navigation refresh: Notifications, Watchlist, Suggested edits, and Donate.

Initial Wireframes

How to Follow Along

We have created T373712 as our Phabricator Epic to track this work. We invite you to collaborate with us there or on our Talk Page. We will provide periodic updates on this page as we make progress.


In order to accomplish this large body of work, we plan to split up the change to the app into discrete phases. Each phase will improve the navigation, aligned with an annual plan goal.

Phase 1: Creating a user Profile Menu (T373714)

This first set of changes introduce a new Profile Menu into the App. This menu will be in the top navigation, and will be accessible from the Explore view, and Article view. For logged-in users, this menu will include quick access to Notifications, User Talk Page, Watchlist, Donate, and Log out. These items will be removed from their existing location within Settings, and Settings will always be accessible from the Profile Menu.

We've heard requests to make the Watchlist and Notifications easier to access from the Article view, and this change will allow users to open Watchlist and Notifications from Article View. We eventually plan to have this profile menu accessible from all main views of the app, add more items into it, and make it customizable.

Increased accessibility for the "Donate" button

This change will also make the donate button easier to access from article view, aligning with Annual Plan objective around Reader and Donor Experiences. Our initial hypothesis (3.2.3) is If we make the “Donate” button in the iOS App more prominent by making it one click or less away from the main navigation screen, we will learn if discoverability was a barrier to non banner donations.

Previously, to navigate from an article to "donate", it took 3-4 clicks. This navigation change will reduce the clicks from article view to donate to only 2 clicks (Profile > Donate).