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Topic on Talk:Content translation

Can not translate "Europa 2" Slovak -> English

Roman Tička (talkcontribs)

I have WIP translation for the Europa 2, but unfortunately I can not publish the site, because of some "Lack of permission."

Browser: Google Chrome

Browser log: mw.cx.TargetArticle.js:462 [CX] Publishing failed You do not have permission to create new pages.

mw.cx.TargetArticle.showPublishError @ mw.cx.TargetArticle.js:462

mw.cx.TargetArticle.js:462 [CX] Publishing failed You do not have permission to create new pages.

mw.cx.TargetArticle.showPublishError @ mw.cx.TargetArticle.js:462

contentScript.js:1 P Received SHOW_SIDEBAR_APP action in content script

contentScript.js:1 P Received SHOW_SIDEBAR_APP action in content script

contentScript.js:1 P Received SHOW_SIDEBAR_APP action in content script (talkcontribs)

Hi, Roman Tička!

Every Wiki have some rules - English Wiki too. Read this rules


UOzurumba (WMF) (talkcontribs)
Roman Tička (talkcontribs)

Oh, so I need to edit english posts to gain this access? I have been registered here for quite some time now, but I have only translated mostly mine locall stuff :D

1234qwer1234qwer4 (talkcontribs)

You can still publish your translation as a draft and request a review of it at en:WP:AFC.

Roman Tička (talkcontribs)

ok, thanks!

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