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Topic on Talk:Content translation

minor menu tidying needed

2602:304:CF42:6E60:0:0:0:3E8 (talkcontribs)

I am getting "Candian French" as one of my suggested languages. It's trying to say Canadian of course, and I do have myself in the category but there isn't a separate wikipedia for it. There are no suggestions under the option and I suspect somebody was trying to delete it. That's it, that's all I have got -- the menu item should either go away or be corrected. But realistically the former, I think. Just thought I'd mention it.

VERY low priority (Elinruby)

Amire80 (talkcontribs)

Heh. This is definitely a bug. A few questions, if you don't mind:

  1. Do you see it as a gray link in the sidebar?
  2. Are you physically connecting from Canada?
  3. What do you see under "Your Header Value" in the "Accept Language" row in the table that appears at this website: http://www.reliply.org/tools/requestheaders.php ?


2602:304:CF42:6E60:0:0:0:3E8 (talkcontribs)

I'll look in a minute. I came in to tell you guys about something else; didn't see the notification for this answer. But

1, no, I think I got it when I was flipping between languages, up top. I could try to make a screenshot in a sec

2, no I am in the SF bay area

3, en-US,en;q=0.8,fr;q=0.6,fr-CA;q=0.4 -- this is for an english-language version of opera (34.0). I also sometimes use a french-language version of firefox but I have a million tabs open and don't want to start another browser (Elinruby)

cool tool btw

2602:304:CF42:6E60:0:0:0:3E8 (talkcontribs)

it's in the menu of languages, which is an interesting selection btw and as far as I can tell unrelated to the wikipedias where I have ever done anything. I don't see a way to upload a screenshot, mumble. I do have one though, and as I mentioned, nothing is on fire over this. (Elinruby)

Amire80 (talkcontribs)

Thanks, this is enough for me to debug this!

Amire80 (talkcontribs)

Actually, I'm not sure that I understand what do you mean by "up top". Can you just email me the screenshot, amir.aharoni at mail.huji.ac.il ? Thanks!

2602:304:CF42:6E60:0:0:0:3E8 (talkcontribs)

ok wll do this now

2602:304:CF42:6E60:0:0:0:3E8 (talkcontribs)

you should have it

at your convenience

Amire80 (talkcontribs)

Did you send anything? I didn't get it.

Elinruby (talkcontribs)

I did send it, I thought. I will go check for typos etc. (elinruby)

Elinruby (talkcontribs)

yeah there *was* a typo. Sent again. LMK.

Elinruby (talkcontribs)

incidentally, 2 things -- it says "cadien", at least for this browser. Just possibly this may be a reference to "acadien" which *is* a dialect depending on who you're talking to, but there is in any case only one French-language wikipedia afaik.

The browser is the other thing; just confirming that I do see this in a French-language version of Firefox also (47.0.1). Interestingly, I seem to be seamlessly signing in now, even though I still see a blue bar just about the text area telling me that I am not. But I as I said am really not very concerned about this. Signing, just in case (Elinruby)

Amire80 (talkcontribs)

Hmm, I still didn't see this any email. Can you try again to aaharoni at wikimedia dot org?

Elinruby (talkcontribs)

tried again, let me know?

Amire80 (talkcontribs)

Got it, debugging.

Amire80 (talkcontribs)
Elinruby (talkcontribs)

looks similar, yes, although those variants aren't spelled wrong, it looks like. But yes, whether it's trying to say Canadian French or acadien, there is only one french-language wikipedia, so there is no need for the language suggestion. If it's hard to get rid of for some reason it would be nice if it could be correctly spelled, but this is not impeding functionality in any way.

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