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Mediawiki thinks I still have magic quotes enabled

2 (talkcontribs)

Hi. I've manually set magic quotes off in multiple files and upgraded to PHP 5.4. My wiki works for a few minutes and then switches to the internal error message:


How can I stop this? It's really annoying when I'm trying to work on my wiki. Before you say turn off magic quotes, they're already off.

  1. ā†‘ [573c15ac] [no req] Exception from line 68 of /home/content/86/10853486/html/wiki/includes/WebRequest.php: MediaWiki does not function when magic quotes are enabled.Backtrace:#0 /home/content/86/10853486/html/wiki/includes/Setup.php(544): WebRequest->__construct()#1 /home/content/86/10853486/html/wiki/includes/WebStart.php(121): require_once(string)#2 /home/content/86/10853486/html/wiki/index.php(43): require(string)#3 {main}
Florianschmidtwelzow (talkcontribs)
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