Jacobo, Luis & Omar: as promoters of the group you need to introduce yourselves. Just one or two sentences are enough. What are your links to the MediaWiki community and/o the Wikimedia movement? All the better if you fill your MediaWiki profile pages with more details. Even in Spanish that would be acceptable, as long as automatic translation is meaningful in English. Links to your Wikipedia, Meta etc profiles (if you have them) will be useful as well. Think that the meta:Affiliations Committee needs to see why would they leverage to you the representation of MediaWiki in Ciudad de México. Thank you!
Topic on Talk:Groups/Proposals/Ciudad de México
What has been your involvement with MediaWiki so far? I'm a bit skeptical with MediaWiki groups coming out of the blue.
I'm developer on Java, .NET, Javascript, PHP, I have experience on SQL with DBMS like MySQL and SQL Server. Actually I enrolled in Computer Science Engineer Carrer. In México I use to promote Free Software and the Free knowledge with events and courses. I'm collaborating and participating in Wikimedia Mexico events and promoting that events on my social networks and websites.
Omar David Sandoval Sida
Wikipedia profile: http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Usuario:Omar_sansi
Wikipedia Contributions: http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Especial:Contribuciones/Omar_sansi
WikiCommons http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User_talk:Omar_sansi