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Manual:Installation on Uniform Server (Windows)/yue

From mediawiki.org
This page is a translated version of the page Manual:Installation on Uniform Server (Windows) and the translation is 22% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

The instructions in this guide refer to a version of Uniform Server which is over 10 version numbers old and assumes that the most recent OS available is Windows XP. The process to install MediaWiki using Uniform is now significantly different. Those wishing to create a local MediaWiki who are not already familiar with Uniform should consider using XAMPP and the Bitnami MediaWiki installer, which can install a modern version of MediaWiki in a few minutes with minimal user input.

WAMP 系統之中,用Uniform Server 我地可以嚮 10 分鐘之內(如果練習過,又揀啱好日)、load 落兩份總共 7MB 嘅快佬就嚮各款 Windows 入面裝、設、行到一架wiki同埋佢所需嘅web同埋database伺服機。

套程式同資料庫,裝好校好都唔夠 21MB,所以放得落一塊 32MB memory card、32MB USB flash drivePCMCIA/PC Card/CardBus 碟、LS-120 SuperDisk 或者第啲 portable media 有咁樣一架 私伙維基都幾有用,可以用來示範、筆記、或者用份 simple copy 來超快安裝。


呢套步驟安裝 用來嚮 Windows 行 MediaWiki 嘅主要部份 開波之前,睇咗#Requirements先;如果你有問題,去#Troubleshooting & support睇下。


1. Uniform Server v3.5 (don't work) ca. 7 Mb (compressed) Download
2. MediaWiki currently 1.42.4 ca. 4 Mb (compressed) 單撈

第種做法/Alternate Approach

你可用 CH Software 嘅 WOS Portable 來代替 Uniform Server。 唔使用多一個 drive letter,而且一 unzip 就用得。 佢喺 GNU GPL 之下發表。 你可以由 http://www.chsoftware.net/en/useware/wos/wos.htm 攞到。 (指示喺Manual:Wiki on a stick with WOS (Webserver on Stick)。) (See Manual:Wiki on a stick with WOS (Webserver on Stick) for instructions.)

安裝伺服機/Install the servers

  • UniServer3_3.exe。 呢份係會自己 extract 嘅壓縮檔,包埋畀架維基用得嘅 Apache 同 MySQL 伺服器檔。 Extract 緊時會問你想擺喺邊個 destination folder。 撳下個 browse 掣來揾你想用嘅儲存架生。

Extraction 會整出個叫"Uniform Server"嘅 folder。 呢個 folder 入面有個叫 "diskw" 嘅 sub-folder,佢會成為一 drive 字母嘅樹根。 你鍾意嘅話,可以改 "Uniform Server" 做第個名。 但係唔好改 "diskw" 個名,除非你打算改曬全部引呢個名嘅嘢。

改兩份 text 快佬來校好架伺服器 / Edit two text files to configure the servers

改 Apache伺服機嘅 config 快佬:

  1. 如果重未有,喺diskw入面整個新嘅 sub-folder。
  2. 用架文字編輯器(例如 Notepad, WordPad, emacs)打開快佬 diskw\usr\local\Apache2\conf\httpd.conf
  3. 揾 "ThreadsPerChild" ,改 25016。 少啲 threads 會好 test 啲。
  4. 揾:"Listen 80" ,改佢做Listen" - 咁樣,淨係本地呢架電腦至 access 到。 我哋呢版叫架本地機做 "localhost"。
  5. 儲低份快佬,閂埋佢。

*Note: In previous versions of Uniform Server the udrive folder was named diskw.

跟住咁修改 MySQL 伺服器 份 config 快佬:

  1. 開架編輯器,例如 Notepad,設 file type 做 show all files。 打開 diskw\usr\local\mysql\bin\my-small.cnf。 唔好喺 Windows Explorer 「撳兩下」,因為 Windows Explorer 會當份快佬做支叫SpeedDial嘅捷徑,唔會幫你用架編輯器打開佢。 如果你搞唔拈,試下掹粒 my-small icon 入個 open text editor window。
  2. 揾:"[mysqld]"。 喺 "[mysqld]" 下面加一行字: bind-address=
  3. 儲低份快佬,閂埋佢。

裝 MediaWiki程式

啱啱撈低時,Mediawiki 係份壓縮咗嘅快佬, 多數"Zip" 架生都可以放返佢大。 呢度 7-zip係隻free嘅 Windows 放大 zip 快佬架生。 Linux 都有份命令行嘅p7zip

如果你用 WinZip,記住熄咗 "TAR file smart CR/LF conversion" (look under Options|Configuration|Miscellaneous),唔係會 corrupt 咗份 configuration 快佬。 記住揀埋 "Use Folder Names"。

睇你用邊種解壓程式,你可能要幫 .gz file 入便嘅.tar file 解多一次壓。 睇吓第一次解壓後嘅 folder 入便:如果你淨係睇到啲 .tar file,就解埋佢喇。

  1. 將 MediaWiki zip 快佬解壓,放入 sub-folder diskw\www.
  1. Unpacking creates a sub-folder called "mediawiki-x.y.z", where "x.y.z" is the version number of the wiki software.

This folder will contain your wiki. The folder name is part of the URL for the wiki.

  1. These instructions use the folder name "wi".

It is easier to follow the instructions if you rename "mediawiki-x.y.z" to "wi" until you have the wiki working. Then you can rename the folder to whatever you want.


The installation at this point is 39 MB. How do you reduce the size of the installation? One option is to check the MediaWiki languages subdirectory, which is about 4.25Mb. You can get it down to 150Kb by deleting all of the Language??.php and Messages??.php files you're not using (but don't delete LanguageUtf8.php). This still only gets the installation down to 35 MB. It is not explained sufficiently in the article how to get it down to the 21 MB.

畀個 drive letter

Windows 用字母唔用名來叫一隻磁碟。 多數機都有部 C: 碟,甚至 D: 、E: 之類。 Any hard drives, CD/DVD drives and USB storage devices will have their drive letter automatically assigned. The Wiki "server-start.bat" file sends a command to Windows that makes Windows act as if the Wiki directories on the memory stick are on a hard drive of their own.

These instructions use "w" as the drive letter. To make sure this is a valid drive letter, look at "My Computer" and see which letters have been assigned to local and network hard drives. In the example below, a typical Windows installation, drives C, D, and E are assigned.

NB: If the drive letter is changed from "w", the Uniform Server administration configuration file (udrive/home/admin/www/includes/config.inc.php) must also be updated, or the Admin Panel won't be accessible. Search for "$drive = "W:";" and specify the correct drive letter.

改 Uniform Server start-up script (可以唔做)

The script used to start the Uniform Server has the following syntax:

Server_Start.bat {drive letter} {mysql} {console}


  • If no drive letter is specified, "w" is used by default.
  • Specifying "mysql" as the second argument will make MySQL start automatically.
  • Specifying "console" as the third argument will leave the console window open after the servers have been started.

In order to remove the need for supplying command line arguments to the start-up script, it can be modified as follows:

  1. Open Server_Start.bat in a text editor
  1. Find this line: IF "%Disk%"=="" set Disk=w
  1. Replace Disk=w with Disk=k to set "k" as the default drive.

整捷徑同埋停個伺服器/Creating shortcuts for starting and stopping the servers

  • 右撳 Server_Start.bat ,掹佢落你嘅 desktop 度。 揀 "Create Shortcuts Here". 改條 shortcut 個名做"Start Wiki Servers"
  • Right-click on stop.bat and drag it to your desktop.

Select "Create Shortcuts Here". Label the shortcut "Stop Wiki Servers"

開着架維基伺服器/Starting the Wiki Servers

  1. Doubleclick the "Start Wiki Servers" shortcut icon to start the servers.

  2. This starts the servers' admin page in your web browser. You may get an error the first time due to timing. Click OK on any error messages. A refresh should confirm the server is running.
    If you see a blue screen that resembles this, the Apache server is working.

    Successful server start.

  3. Click "Run MySQL" on the left side of the Uniform Server window
  4. 整好啲維基變量/Configuring the Wiki Variables

    1. With your browser, open this file by typing or pasting this URL: http://localhost/wi/mw-config/index.php

    2. Fill in the variables on that page.

        • The warning about register_globals can be ignored. You will fix it in the next step.

        • If you use lower case for the first letter of the site name, it will be capitalised on most of the wiki pages.

        • Leave "MySQL server" as localhost

        • Set "DB root password" to root (Yes, it's BAD from a security standpoint, but it won't work with a proper password) the name has also to be set to root

  5. Click the Install button at the bottom of the page.

    This writes the file LocalSettings.php and creates the wikidb database, with one initial user (WikiSysop). An empty page is displayed.

    Problems probably MySQL is not running. run \Uniform Server\udrive\usr\local\mysql\mysqlrun.bat

    Something wrong here - error message MySQL server localhost "Couldn't connect to database". on the apachel panel page (localhost\apanel) click Start MySQL on the left hand of "Uniform Server" table of contents.

校好啲 PHP 變量 / Configuring PHP Variables

跟頁網話齋,將份 LocalSettings.php 快佬由 diskw\www\wi\config\ 搬落一層(向 root directory)去 diskw\www\wi\

揀得嘅功能/Optional wiki features

These can also be configured later.

Before editing configuration files:

  • Stop the servers: in the Uniserver folder, click stop.bat
  • Make backup copies of the configuration files

Uploads are disabled by default. To enable them:

  1. Open udrive\www\wi\LocalSettings.php in any text editor (e.g. notepad)
  1. Find "$wgEnableUploads", and remove the "# " in front of it (you may need to change "false" to "true")
  1. Save and close the file

Uploads will then go into the directory udrive\www\wi\images by default.

Problems: Try uncommenting $wgDisableUploads (Line 66)


If you do not have a SMTP server running on the local computer, pages that generate email will display an error. To use another SMTP server:

  1. Get the name or IP address of the SMTP server on your LAN or at your ISP
  1. Open udrive\usr\local\Php\php.ini in any text editor (e.g. notepad)
  1. Change the line "SMTP = localhost" to use the actual SMTP server instead of "localhost".
  1. Optionally change the line "sendmail_from = me@localhost.com" to use an actual email address instead of "me@localhost.com" for receiving bounces from inter-user email
  1. Save and close the file
Default skin

To set a different default skin:

  1. Open udrive\www\wi\LocalSettings.php in any text editor (e.g. notepad)
  1. Find "$wgDefaultSkin", and remove the "# " in front of it, and change "monobook" to "standard" (or "cologneblue" or "nostalgia") — see #Software limitations
  1. Save and close the file

第啲預設/Other default user settings

Other default user settings can be changed in:

  • udrive\www\wi\LocalSettings.php
    • if using English and you wish to allow users to choose their date preferences, add the line $wgUseDynamicDates = true;
  • udrive\www\wi\languages\Language.php
    • search for the array $wgDefaultUserOptionsEn which can be modified (for other option names that can be added to the array, see the array $wgUserTogglesEn)


Performance can be improved and memory stick life extended by adding some of these lines to udrive\www\wi\LocalSettings.php:

  • $wgDisableCounters = true; # prevents page statistics being stored and displayed
  • $wgDisableTextSearch = true; # prevents text search
  • $wgDisableSearchUpdate = true; # prevents search tables being updated, requiring them to be rebuilt if you ever re-enable text search

If a hard disk drive is being used for the storage instead of a memory stick, also add:

  • $wgEnableParserCache = true; # uses php zlib

執乾淨/Tidy up

  1. Start the servers again: start.bat w mysql
    1. (Everything should now be working, but the following steps can be done immediately.)
  1. In your webbrowser, open localhost/wi/index.php?title=Special:Userlogin [1]
    1. Login as WikiSysop
  1. In your webbrowser, open localhost/wi/index.php?title=MediaWiki:Sitesubtitle&action=edit [2]
    1. Edit the sub-title (keep it short)
    1. Press the "Save" button.

(The sub-title is shown in the Cologne Blue skin, but not in the Classic or Nostalgia skins.)

  1. In your webbrowser, open localhost/wi/index.php?title=Help:Editing&action=edit [3]
    1. Type (or copy & paste): #REDIRECT [[MetaWikiPedia:Help:Editing]]
    1. Press the "Save" button
  1. In your webbrowser, open localhost/wi/index.php?title=Help:Contents&action=edit [4]
    1. Type (or copy & paste): #REDIRECT [[MetaWikiPedia:Help:Contents]]
    1. Press the "Save" button
  1. If you didn't choose GFDL as the license during wiki configuration, open localhost/wi/index.php?title=MediaWiki:Copyrightwarning&action=edit [5]
    1. Edit the page to match the license
    1. Press the "Save" button

第啲要快手整嘅嘢/Other pages to edit soon

These empty pages are already linked to from other pages in various skins, so you should edit them soon.

  • Pages in the default namespace:
    • localhost/wi/index.php?title=Main_Page&action=edit [6]
    • localhost/wi/index.php?title=Current_events&action=edit [7]
  • Pages in your site's namespace (these are listed in Special:Allmessages where you see {{ns:4}}: ):
    • localhost/wi/index.php?title=sitename:About&action=edit
    • localhost/wi/index.php?title=sitename:Administrators&action=edit (linked from Special:Statistics)
    • localhost/wi/index.php?title=sitename:Bug_reports&action=edit
    • localhost/wi/index.php?title=sitename:Community_Portal&action=edit
    • localhost/wi/index.php?title=sitename:Copyrights&action=edit
    • localhost/wi/index.php?title=sitename:FAQ&action=edit
    • localhost/wi/index.php?title=sitename:General_disclaimer&action=edit
    • localhost/wi/index.php?title=sitename:Links_to_disambiguating_pages&action=edit
    • localhost/wi/index.php?title=sitename:Site_support&action=edit



Uniform Server v3.2a

Uniform Server v3.2a is a quick, easy and small installation containing the servers and platform software for MediaWiki. It includes:

  • scripting engine PHP 5 (v5.0.4) with libraries (inc. zlib, libxml2, iconv) and extensions (sockets, mysql, GD2)
  • databaser server MySQL 4 (v4.1.12a)
  • command scripting ActiveState Perl 5 (v5.8.7.813)

Uniform Server v3.3

Released 2005-12-26, Uniform Server v3.3 "includes the latest versions of Apache2, Perl5, PHP5, MySQL5, phpMyAdmin and ..." and for protected servers (schools, work, ETC>) this download will not work.

MediaWiki v1.3.7

MediaWiki v1.3.7 is the same wiki software seen here, and consists of PHP web scripts and libraries (including PHPTAL "non-PEAR-users" v0.7.0 and optional memcached v1.0.10 support), and a database schema, data, and interfaces.


These are the requirements and related work-arounds for this procedure.


This procedure may work on any 32-bit/64-bit Windows, but initial testing of this procedure has only been done on Windows 2000 SP4. This procedure has also been tested with success on both Windows XP (Professional Edition) and Windows 98. Testing on Windows XP pro 64-bit edition shows no problems.

Exceptions and any work-arounds are:

Windows 95
Ensure that the latest TCP/IP update (winsock2) has been applied.

If you are using USB removable media, Windows 95 needs to be the OSR2 edition, and may need extra drivers.

Windows 98
If you are using USB removable media, extra media drivers may be needed.
You may need to comment out the eighth line of the START.BAT file to allow this script to work, especially if you have any instance of the Apache web server installed anywhere on your hard drive(s).
Windows NT 4
Possible server-control problem [8].

For non-Windows operating systems, see Manual:Installation .

碟空間/Disk space

  • 7MB for the downloads
  • 21MB for the initial installation and configuration
  • Additional space as the wiki database grows with edits and uploads

磁碟字母/Drive letter

This procedure assumes that the drive letter w: is unused. Otherwise use a different unused letter where you see the italicised letter w.


This procedure assume that the HTTP TCP port (80) is unused. To check, run: netstat.exe -p TCP -n -a|find.exe ":80 "|find.exe "LISTEN"

If the output shows or, you need to either stop the current web server or use a different TCP port in this procedure. See #How to access the wiki from other computers.

無第啲 Apache.exe

If another Apache is installed and running on the same computer, with the exact name "Apache.exe", then:

  • Rename Apache.exe in the folder udrive\usr\local\Apache2\bin\ to ApacheW.exe
  • Change "Apache.exe" to "ApacheW.exe" inside these files: start.bat (2×), stop.bat (1×), udrive\home\admin\CGI\shutdown.cgi (1×; old version) , udrive\home\admin\www\cgi-bin\{language code}\sserver.cgi (1×; new version)

解難同埋支援/Troubleshooting & support

Troubleshooting & support resources

  • These log files may contain clues if errors seem to be happening:
    • udrive\usr\local\Apache2\logs\error.log
    • udrive\usr\local\mysql\data\%COMPUTERNAME%.err
    • udrive\usr\local\Apache2\logs\access.log
  • PHP can be configured to log errors to the Application event log (but not under Windows 95).

Edit udrive\usr\local\Phpp\php.ini:

    • set "log_errors = On"
    • set "error_log = syslog"
    • to include "notice"-level logging, set "error_reporting = E_ALL"
  • MediaWiki can be configured to log errors, by adding lines to udrive\www\wi\LocalSettings.php.
    • $wgDBerrorLog = '...'; ...
  • MediaWiki can be configured to profile/trace, by adding lines to udrive\www\wi\LocalSettings.php.
    • $wgProfiling = true;
    • $wgDebugLogFile = '/tmp/mediawiki-profile.log';
  • There are IRC channels #mediawiki connect and #uniserver connect.
  • Skype will keep Wiki on a stick from starting!

Just shutdown Skype.

點樣氹咗架維基重新來過/How to throw away the wiki and start again

  1. 用你個 webbrowser 開
  1. Click the "Drop" tab to remove the selected wikidb database
  1. Click the "<= Uniform Server" link
  1. Stop the servers by clicking the "Shutdown the server" link
  1. Delete LocalSettings.php from the udrive\www\wi sub-folder
  1. Follow the instructions again from #Configure the wiki

點樣氹曬佢重新來過/How to throw it all away and start again

  1. localhost/a/stop.html 來停個伺服器(撳呢度:[9]
  1. 洗咗份 top folder


Software limitations

  • No monobook skin, as MediaWiki automatically disables it due to its included PHPTAL library being incompatible with Uniform Server's included PHP v5 PHPTal is no longer used.
  • No maths markup, due to lack of texvc, LaTeX, dvips, and ImageMagick software
  • Avoid texvc.

Look at the alternative method of using math without texvc. You can use LaTeX, dvips from a Miktex distribution (be sure to copy the dlls into the folder /usr/bin)

  • Image resizing may not support certain formats, due to lack of ImageMagick software (but PNG, GIF, JPG, XBM and WBMP formats should be okay).
  • Image resizing may result in ugliness, due to lack of ImageMagick software

From C:\Program Files\ImageMagick-6.2.8-Q16\ copy the following files to your /usr/bin (i.e. udrive/usr/bin/). Also set the correct path to convert.exe in LocalSettings.php

  • Edit conflicts do not automatically merge, due to lack of diff3 software (available from inside [10] )
  • The udrive\tmp folder may gain small "sess_*" files, which can be deleted when the servers are stopped

Procedure limitations

  • The servers only run while you are logged-in

Other limitations

  • Running the wiki from portable writable media, while convenient, is slow.
    • Perhaps this limitation can be overcome by running a copy of Wikiwyg.org instead.


The procedure only allows access to the web-server from the local machine. Once this changes, other aspects need to be considered for security.

Wiki security model

... overview & links ...


... 開頭個 WikiSysop 有操作員(sysop)同埋事務員(bureaucrat)嘅職權。 想知多啲權限嘅嘢,睇下Manual:User rights

維基 access

Connecting to the wiki
Reading the wiki
Becoming a registered user
Editing the wiki
Special privileges (e.g. deletion)

維基 access 嘅款

Combining the types of user and types of access gives a security policy or access model. Common examples are:

「點都得」,好似啲 Wikimedia 網
Permissions: Read Edit Delete Register Ban addresses Ban users Grant sysop-right
Anonymous users: All Yes Never Yes Never Never Never
Registered users: All Yes
Sysop right: Always Yes Yes Yes
Bureaucrat right: Always

Permissions: Read Edit Delete Register Ban addresses Ban users Grant sysop-right
Anonymous users: All No Never No Never Never Never
Registered users: All Yes
Sysop right: Always Yes Yes Yes
Bureaucrat right: Always

Permissions: Read Edit Delete Register Ban addresses Ban users Grant sysop-right
Anonymous users: Explanatory
pages only
No Never No Never Never Never
Registered users: All Yes
Sysop right: Always Yes Yes Yes
Bureaucrat right: Always


... server certificates, caches ...
Web browser
... cookies, cache, history, auto-completion, passwords ...


Uniform Server, like all WAMP packages, gets fixed slowly compared to its individual components. This makes these packages a security risk. Do not even think about making these servers accessible from the Internet without extra front-end authentication (e.g. by using a VPN).

... httpd IP address and port, mysql IP address ...


... mention firewalls/NAT/packet-filters, passwords, config folder, test database ...




Listen on the appropriate interfaces:

to accept connections from all networks:

Listen 80

or to accept connections from localhost and for example


to make self references to your apache work you will have to edit the ServerName entry: put your DNS name there or your IP


Give the appropriate rights in your .htaccess files:


Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
Allow from
Allow from

if there is already a webserver active on port 80 you can switch to another port, for example 81. Then exchange :80 for :81 in Listen and ServerName. additionally you will have to edit the setup of phpmyadmin:


$cfg['PmaAbsoluteUri'] = 'http://localhost:81/a/phpMyAdmin-2.6.3-rc1/'; 

If you want to have access to phpmyadmin from the network you will also have to give access to this directory in the corresponding .htaccess file:


Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
Allow from
Allow from


Since the mysql-database for the wiki on a stick wiki runs locally, there is no limit on the number of databases which can be stored. To have several independent wikis on the same apache and mysql, just put them in distinct directories below UniServer3_2a\udrive\www and let each run it's install.php routine. Give different database names in the install.php routine. you can share the mysql-wiki user amongst different wikis, but it might be good to give each wiki its own mysql-user.

directory layout (example)

UniServer3_2a\udrive\www\Wikim\mediawiki-1.4rc1 (for testing)
UniServer3_2a\udrive\www\Wikim\Wiki (stable for production)


Here is how to install the MediaWiki software just once, but use it to power more than one wiki, keeping the tables for all the wikis in a single database-- including step-by-step instructions for a Unix-type of installation. This solution should work for most shared-hosting servers, too. Level of difficulty: Novice. See the instructions on this site.[dead link]


... phpAdmin, multiple wikis ...


Despite the variety of licenses, all components can be copied, modified, installed and run for free for private, public or corporate use. Source code is freely available for all binary components. Restrictions may apply if you wish to claim ownership of, sell, or relicense the components. Read the licenses for the actual terms.

      • go-pear v1.57 (plugin): choose one version of these PHP Licenses: v2.0 or v3.0

Also, some documentation files may be covered by the GNU Free Documentation License (GFDL) v1.1 or v1.2. Some software library files may be covered by a GLPL: GNU Library General Public License or GNU Lesser General Public License. Some library files do not contain license information, some of which do contain copyright notices and/or attributions.


  • OrganicDesign:MediaWikiLite - A portable way of running MediaWiki without changing the host OS or requiring it to have any existing LAMP components