Dies ist ein Index aller unterstützten Konfigurationsoptionen, basierend auf der MainConfigSchema.php
-Datei (oder DefaultSettings.php
-Datei vor MediaWiki 1.39).
Bearbeite niemals MainConfigSchema.php
; füge stattdessen passende Zeilen in LocalSettings.php
hinzu und passe sie gegebenenfalls an.
Wenn Du eine Konfigurationseinstellung hier nicht finden kannst, schaue nach, ob sie in DefaultSettings.php
definiert ist.
Die Variable sollte dort dokumentiert sein.
).- In alphabetischer Reihenfolge | Auflistung nach Funktion | Kategorie:MediaWiki-Konfigurationseinstellungen
Allgemeine Einstellungen
- $wgSitename – Der Name der Webseite.
- $wgVersion (veraltet in 1.35) – MediaWiki-Versionsnummer.
Globale Objekte
- $wgAutoloadLocalClasses – Array mapping class names to filenames, for autoloading.
- $wgConf – Erstellt ein Seitenkonfigurationsobjekt. Wird in einer Standardinstallation nicht oft verwendet.
Server-URLs und Dateipfade
- $IP – Der vollständige Pfad zum Installationsverzeichnis.
- $wgActionPaths – Paths for various user actions. Used to make URLs prettier.
- $wgAppleTouchIcon – Optional URL to an icon to use when bookmarking to the home screen on Apple handheld devices
- $wgArticlePath – Die Basis-URL, die für die Erstellung von Artikellinks verwendet wird.
- $wgAssumeProxiesUseDefaultProtocolPorts – When the wiki is running behind a proxy and this is set to true, assumes that the proxy exposes the wiki on the standard ports.
- $wgBaseDirectory – Absoluter Dateisystempfad des Wurzelverzeichnisses der MediaWiki-Installation.
- $wgCanonicalServer – Kanonische URL des Servers, die in IRC-Feeds, Benachrichtigungs-E-Mails usw. verwendet werden kann.
- $wgConfigRegistry – Registry von Factory-Funktionen zur Erstellung von Konfigurationsobjekten
- $wgExtensionAssetsPath – URL zum Erweiterungsverzeichnis.
- $wgExtensionDirectory – The file system path to the extensions directory.
- $wgFavicon – Bestimmt die URL des Favicon.
- $wgFFmpegLocation – Name der ausführbaren Datei des FFmpeg-Clients.
- $wgFFprobeLocation – Name der ausführbaren Datei des FFprobe-Clients.
- $wgFileCacheDirectory – Verzeichnis, in dem statische HTML-Seiten zwischengespeichert werden, falls der Zwischenspeicher aktiviert ist.
- $wgForceHTTPS – Leitet unsichere HTTP-Anfragen an HTTPS um.
- $wgHttpsPort – Port where you have HTTPS running. Supports HTTPS on non-standard ports.
- $wgImgAuthPath – The base path for
. - $wgLoadScript – Der URL-Pfad zu load.php.
- $wgLocalStylePath – Same as
, but shouldn't point to an external domain. - $wgLogoHD (entfernt in 1.42) – URLs für HD-Versionen des Seitenlogos.
- $wgLogos – Der URL-Pfad zu verschiedenen Wiki-Logos.
- $wgLogo – Das Wiki-Logo über eine URL einbinden
- $wgMainPageIsDomainRoot – Controls if the main page should be served as the domain root.
- $wgReferrerPolicy – Value for the referrer policy meta tag.
- $wgRestPath – Der URL-Pfad zu rest.php.
- $wgScriptPath – Der Pfad der Wurzel-URL.
- $wgScript – Die URL von index.php.
- $wgServerName – Der Name des Servers ohne das Protokoll.
- $wgServer – Die Basis-URL des Servers.
- $wgStyleDirectory – Der Dateisystempfad zum Themenverzeichnis.
- $wgStylePath – Die URL des Themenverzeichnisses.
- $wgStyleSheetPath (entfernt in 1.38) – Bitte setze nicht
. Verwende stattdessen$wgStylePath
. - $wgThumbPath – Der Basispfad für thumb_handler.php.
- $wgTmpDirectory – The path of the temporary directory.
- $wgUploadBaseUrl – The base URL for uploaded images if shared upload directory isn't to be used
- $wgUploadDirectory – Der Dateisystempfad für das Verzeichnis zum Hochladen.
- $wgUploadPath – Der Pfad-Abschnitt des Hochladeverzeichnisses.
- $wgUploadStashScalerBaseUrl (veraltet in 1.36) – To enable remote on-demand scaling, set this to the thumbnail base URL.
- $wgUsePathInfo – Ob "schöne" URLs verwendet werden sollen.
Siehe auch file/image upload path settings.
Siehe auch skins path settings.
Dateien und Datei-Uploads
Uploads müssen speziell eingerichtet werden, um sicher zu sein.
- $wgAllowCopyUploads – Erlaube Uploads von URLs sowie lokale Dateien.
- $wgAllowJavaUploads (entfernt in 1.39) – Erlaube Java-Archiv-Uploads.
- $wgAttemptFailureEpoch – Bump this to quickly retry thumbnail creation failures.
- $wgCheckFileExtensions – Check if the file extension is allowed on upload.
- $wgCopyUploadAllowOnWikiDomainConfig – Falls es auf
gesetzt ist, wird der Wert von $wgCopyUploadsDomains mit den Inhalt von MediaWiki:Copyupload-allowed-domains zusammengeführt. - $wgCopyUploadProxy – HTTP proxy to use for copy upload requests.
- $wgCopyUploadsDomains – Limit
to a specific list of domains - $wgCopyUploadsFromSpecialUpload – Add an interface to Special:Upload to enable uploading from URLs
- $wgCopyUploadTimeout – HTTP timeout (in seconds) for upload by URL
- $wgDeletedDirectory – In welchem Verzeichnis gelöschte Uploads abgelegt werden sollen.
- $wgDirectoryMode – Standardberechtigung (
) für neu erstellte Verzeichnisse. - $wgDisableUploadScriptChecks – Whether to disable the upload system's checks for HTML/JavaScript.
- $wgEnableAsyncUploads – Enable deferred upload tasks that use the job queue.
- $wgEnableAsyncUploadsByURL (eingeführt in 1.42) – Enable the async processing of upload by url in Special:Upload.
- $wgEnableUploads – Allow images and other files to be uploaded through the wiki.
- $wgFileBackends – File backend structure configuration.
- $wgFileBlacklist (entfernt in 1.37) – Files with these extensions will never be allowed as uploads.
- $wgProhibitedFileExtensions – Dateien mit diesen Erweiterungen werden nie als Uploads erlaubt werden.
- $wgFileExtensions – This is the list of preferred extensions for uploading files. Uploading files with extensions not in this list will trigger a warning.
- $wgHashedUploadDirectory – If true, uses the
directory structure. - $wgIllegalFileChars (veraltet in 1.41) – Override the default list of illegal characters in file names.
- $wgImagePreconnect – Add a preconnect link for browsers to a remote FileRepo host..
- $wgImgAuthDetails – Display reason access to uploaded file was denied to users (img_auth only)
- $wgImgAuthUrlPathMap – Map of relative URL directories to match to internal
base storage paths. - $wgLocalFileRepo – A single repository structure for the local repository.
- $wgLockManagers – Array of configuration arrays for each lock manager.
- $wgMaxUploadSize – Maximale Größe von hochgeladenen Dateien (in Bytes)
- $wgMediaInTargetLanguage – Whether translatable media (currently, only SVG images) should be shown in page's target language
- $wgMinUploadChunkSize – Minimum upload chunk size, in bytes.
- $wgNativeImageLazyLoading – Toggles native image lazy loading, via the "loading" attribute.
- $wgParserTestMediaHandlers – Media handler overrides for parser tests (they don't need to generate actual thumbnails, so a mock will do)
- $wgStrictFileExtensions – Toggle whether users may upload files not covered by
. - $wgThumbnailEpoch – If rendered thumbnail files are older than this timestamp, they will be re-rendered on demand as if the file didn't already exist.
- $wgUploadDialog – Configuration for Hochladedialog and the files uploaded through it.
- $wgUploadMaintenance – To disable file delete/restore temporarily.
- $wgUploadMissingFileUrl – Point wikilinks to missing files ("red file links") to a custom URL.
- $wgUploadNavigationUrl – Point the upload navigation link in the sidebar to a custom URL.
- $wgUploadSizeWarning – Warn if uploaded files are larger than this.
- $wgUploadStashMaxAge – Das Maximalalter temporär (unvollständig) hochgeladenen Dateien.
Geteilte Uploads
Diese Einstellungen werden aus Gründen der Abwärtskompatibilität beibehalten, siehe $wgForeignFileRepos für die neue Einstellung oder $wgUseInstantCommons , wenn du nur Lesezugriff auf Bilder auf Commons brauchst.
- $wgCacheSharedUploads – Cache shared metadata in memcached.
- $wgForeignFileRepos – An array of repository structure for foreign repositories.
- $wgForeignUploadTargets – Configuration for foreign upload targets for the Hochladedialog .
- $wgHashedSharedUploadDirectory – Whether to hash the shared upload directory.
- $wgRepositoryBaseUrl – Basis-URL für ein Repositorium-Wiki.
- $wgSharedUploadDBname – DB name with metadata about shared directory.
- $wgSharedUploadDBprefix – DB prefix for shared image uploads
- $wgSharedUploadDirectory – Path on the file system where shared uploads can be found.
- $wgSharedUploadPath – Gesamtpfad des Webservers in dem sich gemeinsam Hochgeladenes befindet.
- $wgUseSharedUploads – Ob in einem gemeinsam geteilten Repositorium nachgeschlagen wird, wenn eine Datei lokal unauffindbar ist.
- $wgFetchCommonsDescriptions – Whether to fetch commons image description pages and display them on the local wiki.
- $wgMimeDetectorCommand – Sets an external MIME detector program.
- $wgMimeInfoFile – Sets the MIME type info file to be used by MimeAnalyzer.php .
- $wgMimeTypeFile – Sets the MIME type definition file to be used by MimeAnalyzer.php .
- $wgTrivialMimeDetection – Switch for trivial MIME detection.
- $wgVerifyMimeType – Legt fest, ob der MIME-Typ der hochgeladenen Dateien überprüft werden soll.
- $wgVerifyMimeTypeIE (entfernt in 1.40) – Determines whether extra checks for Internet Explorer type detection should be applied.
- $wgMimeTypeBlacklist (entfernt in 1.37) – MIME types to disallow if $wgVerifyMimeType is enabled.
- $wgMimeTypeExclusions – MIME types to disallow if $wgVerifyMimeType is enabled.
- $wgXMLMimeTypes – An array of XML MIME types we can detect via MimeMagic
Siehe auch: Manual:MIME type detection
- $wgAllowImageMoving (entfernt in 1.36) – Erlaube das Umbenennen von Dateien.
- $wgCustomConvertCommand – Verwende einen anderen Größenänderungskonverter, z. B. GraphicMagick.
- $wgEnableAutoRotation – Ob Bildautodrehung basierend auf EXIF-Information aktiviert werden soll
- $wgExiftool – Pfad zur exiftool-Binärdatei. Used for lossless ICC profile swapping.
- $wgExiv2Command – Pfad zur ausführbaren Datei exiv2.
- $wgGalleryOptions – Default settings for the
tag. - $wgIgnoreImageErrors – If true, inline scaled images will still produce
tags ready for output instead of showing an error message. - $wgImageLimits – A list of user-selectable limits for the image thumbnail size on image description pages.
- $wgJpegQuality – When scaling a JPEG thumbnail, this is the quality we request from the backend.
- $wgJpegTran – Path to jpegtran, for lossless JPEG rotation.
- $wgMaxImageArea – Don't thumbnail an image if it will use too much working memory.
- $wgMediaHandlers – Plugins for media file type handling.
- Parameter für Upload-Pfad
- $wgTrustedMediaFormats – Liste der vertrauenswürdigen Medientypen und MIME-Typen.
Siehe auch: Handbuch:Datei-Uploads konfigurieren
- $wgDjvuDump – Pfad der ausführbaren Datei djvudump.
- $wgDjvuOutputExtension – File extension for the DjVu post processor output.
- $wgDjvuPostProcessor – Path of the DjVu post-processor.
- $wgDjvuRenderer – Pfad des ddjvu DjVu-Renderers.
- $wgDjvuToXML (entfernt in 1.37) – Pfad der ausführbaren Datei djvutoxml.
- $wgDjvuTxt – Path of the djvutxt DjVu text extraction utility.
- $wgDjvuUseBoxedCommand (eingeführt in 1.42) – Whether to use BoxedCommand or not.
- $wgShellboxShell (eingeführt in 1.42) – The POSIX-compatible shell to use when running scripts.
- $wgShowEXIF – Show EXIF data at the end of file description pages.
- $wgUpdateCompatibleMetadata – Whether to automatically update the
field if it is outdated but compatible with the current version.
- $wgImageMagickConvertCommand – Der Befehl, der verwendet wird, um ImageMagick aufzurufen.
- $wgImageMagickTempDir – Temporary directory used for ImageMagick.
- $wgMaxInterlacingAreas – Array von maximalen Pixelbereichen für Interlacing pro MIME-Typ.
- $wgSharpenParameter – Sharpening parameter to ImageMagick.
- $wgSharpenReductionThreshold – Reduction in linear dimensions below which sharpening will be enabled.
- $wgUseImageMagick – Set to true to use ImageMagick for image resizing.
- $wgUseTinyRGBForJPGThumbnails – Swaps JPGs that use sRGB ICC profile with TinyRGB profile
- $wgAllowTitlesInSVG (entfernt in 1.35) – Erlaube den
-Tag in SVG-Dateien. - $wgSVGConverter – A key from
to use as converter. - $wgSVGConverterPath – Path to the directory of the SVG converter being used.
- $wgSVGConverters – List of paths to Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) converters.
- $wgSVGMaxSize – Don't scale a SVG larger than this unless its native size is larger.
- $wgSVGMetadataCutoff – Don't read SVG metadata beyond this point.
- $wgSVGNativeRendering (eingeführt in 1.41) – Ob native Wiedergabe durch den Webbrowser erlaubt ist.
- $wgSVGNativeRenderingSizeLimit (eingeführt in 1.41) – Limit on an SVG file's size for it to be rendered by the client, in bytes.
- $wgUseImageResize – Whether to enable dynamic server-side image resizing (thumbnailing)
- $wgGenerateThumbnailOnParse – Allow thumbnail rendering on page view.
- $wgMaxAnimatedGifArea – Force thumbnailing of animated GIFs above this size to a single frame instead of an animated thumbnail.
- $wgSharedThumbnailScriptPath – Same as
, but for shared uploads. - $wgShowArchiveThumbnails – Whether to show thumbnails for old images on the image description page.
- $wgTiffThumbnailType – The format and MIME type to convert TIFF images to.
- $wgThumbnailNamespaces (eingeführt in 1.40) – Defines what namespaces thumbnails will be displayed for in Special:Search.
- $wgThumbnailScriptPath – Path to thumb.php , if you want thumbnail generation on the fly.
- $wgThumbUpright – Scaling factor applied to width of images when parameter 'upright' is used.
- $wgThumbLimits – List of image thumbnail sizes users can pick from.
- $wgResponsiveImages – Whether or not to output high-resolution images for high-DPI displays
- $wgThumbnailBuckets – List of intermediary thumbnail sizes to use to speed up thumbnail rendering.
- $wgThumbnailMinimumBucketDistance – Minimal distance between intermediary thumbnail size and target thumbnail size.
- $wgJpegPixelFormat – Sets YUV chroma subsampling mode for JPEG thumbnails
- $wgUploadThumbnailRenderHttpCustomHost – When using the "http" $wgUploadThumbnailRenderMethod, lets one specify a custom Host HTTP header.
- $wgUploadThumbnailRenderHttpCustomDomain – When using the "http" $wgUploadThumbnailRenderMethod, lets one specify a custom domain to send the HTTP request to.
- $wgUploadThumbnailRenderMap – An array of thumbnail widths to be rendered at upload time.
- $wgUploadThumbnailRenderMethod – The method through which the thumbnails will be prerendered for the entries in $wgUploadThumbnailRenderMap.
- $wgAntivirus – Interner Name des Virenscanner.
- $wgAntivirusRequired – Determines if a failed virus scan will cause the file to be rejected.
- $wgAntivirusSetup – Konfiguration für verschiedene Virenscanner.
Siehe auch zum Nutzerzugriff: $wgEmailConfirmToEdit
- $wgAdditionalMailParams – Zusätzliche E-Mail-Parameter, werden als letztes Argument an den PHP-Funktionsaufruf
übergeben. - $wgAllowHTMLEmail – Auf true setzen, um HTML-E-Mails zu aktivieren
- $wgEmailAuthentication – Auf true setzen um die E-Mail-Überprüfung zu aktivieren. Die E-Mail-Funktionen funktionieren nur mit aktivierter E-Mailadresse. Ausgenommen hiervon "Passwort vergessen"
- $wgEmergencyContact – E-Mailadresse des Seitenadministrators
- $wgEnableEmail – Auf true setzen, um einfache E-Mail-Funktionen zu aktivieren.
- $wgEnableSpecialMute – Set to
to enable the Special Mute page. - $wgEnableUserEmailBlacklist (entfernt in 1.37) – Setze es auf
, um die Benutzer-zu-Benutzer-E-Mail-Stummliste zu aktivieren. - $wgEnableUserEmailMuteList – Setze es auf
, um die Benutzer-zu-Benutzer-E-Mail-Stummliste zu aktivieren. - $wgEnableUserEmail – Set to true to enable user-to-user email.
- $wgNewPasswordExpiry – The time, in seconds, after which an emailed temporary password expires.
- $wgNoReplyAddress – Reply-to address for automatically generated emails.
- $wgPasswordExpirationDays – The number of days that a user's password is good for.
- $wgPasswordExpireGrace – The number of seconds after a user's password expires during which they can log in without a password change.
- $wgPasswordReminderResendTime – Minimum time, in hours, which must elapse between password reminder emails.
- $wgPasswordSender – Password reminder email address.
- $wgSMTP – Zur Verwendung einer direkten (authentifizierten) SMTP-Server-Verbindung.
- $wgUserEmailConfirmationTokenExpiry – The time, in seconds, after which a email address confirmation token expires.
- $wgUserEmailUseReplyTo – Set to
to put the sending user's email in a Reply-To header instead of From.
E-Mail Benachrichtigung (Enotif) Einstellungen
- Eigentlich sind Benachrichtigungen für Benutzer in den Optionen festgelegt. Sie können unter $wgDefaultUserOptions geändert werden.
- $wgEnotifFromEditor – Whether to make email notifications appear to come from the user who makes the edit
- $wgEnotifImpersonal – Send a generic mail instead of a personalised mail for each user.
- $wgEnotifMaxRecips – Maximum number of users to mail at once when using impersonal mail.
- $wgEnotifMinorEdits – Set to true to allow sending email notification also for edits marked as minor edits
- $wgEnotifRevealEditorAddress – Set to true to insert the page editor's email address into the email notifications Reply-To address
- $wgEnotifUseRealName – Use real name instead of username in email "from" field.
- $wgEnotifUserTalk – Enable email notifications for edits on users' talk pages.
- $wgEnotifWatchlist – Setzen Sie diese Option auf true , um eine E-Mail-Benachrichtigung für beobachtete Seiten zu ermöglichen
- $wgUseEnotif – Overall "use Enotif" setting
- $wgUsersNotifiedOnAllChanges – Array of usernames who will be sent a notification email for every change which occurs on a wiki.
- $wgCommentTempTableSchemaMigrationStage (eingeführt in 1.40) (entfernt in 1.41) – Comment temp tables schema migration stage.
- $wgDataCenterUpdateStickTTL – After a state-changing request is done by a client, this determines how many seconds that client should keep using the master datacenter.
- $wgDBadminpassword – Das Passwort für $wgDBadminuser.
- $wgDBadminuser – Benutzername des Datenbankadministrators.
- $wgDBcompress – Whether to use compression in DB connection.
- $wgDBDefaultGroup – Default group to use when getting database connections. For use by maintenance scripts.
- $wgDBerrorLogTZ – Zeitzone, die im Fehlerprotokoll verwendet wird.
- $wgDBerrorLog – File to log database errors to.
- $wgDBmwschema – Schema that stores the MediaWiki tables in.
- $wgDBname – Der Name der Datenbank.
- $wgDBpassword – Das Passwort für
. - $wgDBprefix – Tabellennamenpräfix.
- $wgDBserver – Host name or IP address of database server.
- $wgDBssl – Gibt an, ob die Datenbankverbindung SSL benutzen soll oder nicht.
- $wgDBStrictWarnings (eingeführt in 1.42) – Check for warnings after DB queries and throw an exception if an unacceptable warning is detected.
- $wgDBtype – Typen von Datenbanken.
- $wgDBuser – Datenbank-Benutzername.
- $wgDBWindowsAuthentication (entfernt in 1.35) – Use Integrated Windows Authentication rather than
combo. - $wgExternalLinksSchemaMigrationStage (eingeführt in 1.40) (entfernt in 1.41) – externallinks table schema migration stage.
- $wgExternalLinksDomainGaps (eingeführt in 1.41) – Gaps in the
table for certain domains. - $wgLocalDatabases – Weitere Wikis auf dieser Seite, kann von einen einzelnen Entwicklerkonto verwaltet werden.
- $wgMaxExecutionTimeForExpensiveQueries – Max execution time for queries of several expensive special pages such as RecentChanges in milliseconds.
- $wgMultiContentRevisionSchemaMigrationStage (entfernt in 1.39) – RevisionStore table schema migration stage (content, slots, content_models & slot_roles tables).
- $wgPageLinksSchemaMigrationStage (eingeführt in 1.41) – The pagelinks table schema migration stage, for normalising pl_namespace and pl_title fields.
- $wgSearchTypeAlternatives – Alternative Suchtypen.
- $wgSearchType – Art von Suche, die für das Wiki verwendet wird.
- $wgTemplateLinksSchemaMigrationStage (entfernt in 1.43) – templatelinks table schema migration stage, for normalizing tl_namespace and tl_title fields.
- $wgVirtualDomainsMapping (eingeführt in 1.41) – Mapping of virtual database domains to actual databases.
- $wgDBservers – Settings for the database load balancer (database servers and load ratios).
- $wgLBFactoryConf – Configuration for the ILBFactory service
- $wgMasterWaitTimeout (veraltet in 1.24) – How long to wait for a slave to catch up to the master.
- $wgSlaveLagCritical (entfernt in 1.36) – If lag is higher than this value, show a more obvious warning than
. - $wgSlaveLagWarning (entfernt in 1.36) – If lag is higher than this value, show a warning in some special pages (like watchlist).
- $wgDatabaseReplicaLagCritical – If lag is higher than this value, show a more obvious warning than
. - $wgDatabaseReplicaLagWarning – Falls die Verzögerung höher als dieser Wert ist, zeige eine Warnung auf einigen Spezialseiten (zum Beispiel die Beobachtungsliste).
- $wgDBTableOptions – MySQL table options to use during installation or update.
- $wgSQLMode – Wert für den MySQL-
- $wgDBport – Port der Datenbasis. Nur von PostgreSQL verwendet.
- $wgSQLiteDataDir – To override default SQLite data directory.
Shared DB-Einstellungen
- $wgSharedDB – Der Name der gemeinsamen Datenbank.
- $wgSharedPrefix – Table prefix to use on the shared database tables.
- $wgSharedTables – List of database tables (without prefixes) to share when
is enabled. - $wgSharedSchema – The table schema for the shared database
- $wgExtPGNewFields (entfernt in 1.36) – Extension defined fields to be added to existing tables
- $wgExtNewTables (entfernt in 1.36) – Extension Defined tables to be added on schema change
- $wgExtNewFields (entfernt in 1.36) – Extension defined fields to be added to existing tables
- $wgExtNewIndexes (entfernt in 1.36) – Extension defined indexes to be added to existing tables
- $wgExtPGAlteredFields (entfernt in 1.36) – Extension defined columns to be altered in tables
- $wgExtModifiedFields (entfernt in 1.36) – Extension defined fields to change existing tables
Inhaltshandler und Speicher
- $wgCompressRevisions – Komprimiere neue Seitenversionen, falls möglich
- $wgContentHandlers – Mapping of content type handlers
- $wgContentHandlerTextFallback (entfernt in 1.42) – How to react if a plain text version of a non-text Content object is requested using
- $wgDefaultExternalStore – Default external store for new revisions.
- $wgDiffEngine – Specify the difference engine to use.
- $wgEnableRemoteBagOStuffTests – If this is set to
, phpunit will run integration tests against remote caches defined in $wgObjectCaches . - $wgExternalDiffEngine – Name of the external diff engine to use.
- $wgExternalServers – Shortcut for setting
. - $wgExternalStores – List of enabled ExternalStore protocols.
- $wgNamespaceContentModels – Content types defined for a given namespace
- $wgPageLanguageUseDB – Erlaubt es, die Seitensprache für MediaWiki-Seiten zu ändern.
- $wgRevisionCacheExpiry – Cache extracted revision text in MemCached.
- $wgRevisionSlotsCacheExpiry (eingeführt in 1.43) – Revision slots may be cached in the main WAN cache and/or the local server cache to reduce load on the database.
- $wgTextModelsToParse – Determines which types of text are parsed as wikitext.
- $wgWikidiff2Options (eingeführt in 1.41) – Options for wikidiff2
Performance-Hacks und -Grenzen
- $wgAllowSchemaUpdates – Allow database schema updates to be executed with update.php script.
- $wgAllowSlowParserFunctions – Erlaube langsame Parserfunktionen.
- $wgCriticalSectionTimeLimit – The maximum time critical sections are allowed to stay open.
- $wgDisableQueryPages – Disable all query pages if miser mode is on, not just some.
- $wgForceDeferredUpdatesPreSend – Force deferred updates to be run before sending a response to the client, instead of attempting to run them after sending the response.
- $wgLinkHolderBatchSize – LinkHolderArray batch size.
- $wgMaxArticleSize – Maximale Seitengröße in Kilobytes.
- $wgMaximumMovedPages – Maximum number of pages to move at once when moving subpages with a page.
- $wgMaxJobDBWriteDuration – Max time (in seconds) a job-generated transaction can spend in writes.
- $wgMaxUserDBWriteDuration – Max time (in seconds) a user-generated transaction can spend in writes.
- $wgMemoryLimit – The minimum amount of memory that MediaWiki "needs"; MediaWiki will try to raise PHP's memory limit if it's below this amount.
- $wgMiserMode – Aktiviert/deaktiviert datenbankintensive Funktionen
- $wgMultiShardSiteStats – Ob die
-Tabelle mehrere Zeilen haben soll. - $wgPoolCounterConf – Configuration for processing pool control.
- $wgPoolCountClientConf (eingeführt in 1.40) – Konfigurationsarray für den PoolCounter-Client.
- $wgQueryCacheLimit – Number of rows to cache in 'querycache' table when miser mode is on.
- $wgQueryPages – List of Special pages that inherit from QueryPage, that should also be taken in account by the updateSpecialPages.php maintenance script.
- $wgRequestTimeLimit – Set a limit on server request wall clock time.
- $wgTransactionalTimeLimit – Throttle for timing out transactional POST requests
- $wgWantedPagesThreshold – Mindestanzahl von Seiten, die auf eine Seite verlinken müssen, bevor sie auf Spezial:Gewünschte Seiten erscheint.
- $wgCacheDirectory – Verzeichnis für einen Langzeitcache jedes einzelnen wiki im lokalen Dateisystem.
- $wgCacheEpoch – Setze diese Variable auf die aktuelle Zeit, um alle vorherigen Seiten im cache ungültig zu machen
- $wgCachePages – Allow client-side caching of pages
- $wgChronologyProtectorStash (entfernt in 1.43) – The object store type of the ChronologyProtector position store.
- $wgChronologyProtectorSecret (eingeführt in 1.41) – Secret string for HMAC hashing in ChronologyProtector (optional)
- $wgExtensionInfoMTime – Time to invalidate cache of extensions loaded by the extension registration system.
- $wgFooterLinkCacheExpiry (entfernt in 1.39) – Expiry time for the footer link cache, in seconds, or 0 if disabled.
- $wgGitInfoCacheDirectory – Directory where GitInfo will look for pre-computed cache files.
- $wgInvalidateCacheOnLocalSettingsChange – Beim Wert true werden alle Seiten im Cache ungültig, sobald die
geändert wird. - $wgLanguageConverterCacheType – The cache type for storing language conversion tables.
- $wgMainCacheType – Objektcache-Einstellung
- $wgMainStash – Replicated object cache setting
- $wgMicroStashType (eingeführt in 1.42) – Central store for reliable short-lived data.
- $wgObjectCaches – Erweiterte Objektcache-Konfiguration.
- $wgParserCacheFilterConfig (eingeführt in 1.42) – Per-namespace configuration for the ParserCache filter.
- $wgParserCacheUseJson (entfernt in 1.39) – Enable JSON serialization for ParserCache.
- $wgParsoidCacheConfig – Configuration for the caching related to parsoid output. The configuration contains the following keys:
- $wgPHPSessionHandling – Whether to use PHP session handling (
functions) - $wgSessionPbkdf2Iterations – Number of internal PBKDF2 iterations to use when deriving session secrets.
- $wgStatsCacheType (entfernt in 1.42) – Der Objektcache-Typ für Statistikspeicherung.
- $wgSuspiciousIpExpiry – Time in seconds to remember IPs for, for the purposes of logging IP changes within the same session.
- $wgUseGzip – Use GZip to store cached pages.
- Siehe: Interwiki für Interwiki-Cache-Einstellungen.
Einstellungen für serverseitiges Datei-Caching.
- $wgFileCacheDepth – Tiefe der Verzeichnisstruktur in
. - $wgUseFileCache – Erstelle statische HTML-Seiten für unregistrierte Besucher, um die Anzahl der Datenbankabfragen zu verringern.
- $wgAdaptiveMessageCache – Keep track which messages are requested and load only most used messages.
- $wgLocalisationCacheConf – Localisation cache configuration.
- $wgMessageCacheType – Message cache setting
- $wgUseLocalMessageCache – Make a local copy of the message cache, in addition to memcached.
- $wgEnableSidebarCache – If true, cache the sidebar navigation links.
- $wgSidebarCacheExpiry – Expiry time for the sidebar cache, in seconds.
- $wgOldRevisionParserCacheExpireTime – Die Ablaufzeit für den Parser-Cache für alte Versionen in Sekunden.
- $wgRenderHashAppend – Append a configured value to the parser cache and the sitenotice cache keys.
- $wgParserCacheExpireTime – Ablaufzeit (in Sekunden) von zwischengespeicherten Parserinformationen
- $wgParserCacheType – Parsercache-Einstellung
- $wgUseContentMediaStyles (eingeführt in 1.41) (veraltet in 1.41) – Temporary flag to stop shipping the styles for the legacy media HTML structure that has been replaced when $wgParserEnableLegacyMediaDOM is
Einstellungen zum Konfigurieren des speicherbasierten Objektspeichers Memcached (falls Sie ihn verwenden) docs/memcached.md enthält weitere Details.
- $wgMemCachedDebug – Will be set to false in Setup.php, if the server isn't working.
- $wgMemCachedPersistent – Whether to use persistent connections to Memcached servers.
- $wgMemCachedServers – Memcached servers
- $wgMemCachedTimeout – Server connection timeout in microseconds.
- $wgObjectCacheSessionExpiry – Expiry time to use for session storage in seconds.
- $wgSessionCacheType – The cache type for storing session data.
- $wgMainWANCache (entfernt in 1.40) – Main wide area network cache configuration.
- $wgWANObjectCaches (entfernt in 1.40) – Erweiterte Wide-Area-Network-Cachekonfiguration.
- $wgWANObjectCache (eingeführt in 1.40) – Extra parameters to the WANObjectCache constructor.
HTTP-Proxy (CDN)-Einstellungen
Diese Einstellungen konfigurieren MediaWiki, wenn ein Caching-HTTP-Proxy-Server verwendet wird. Sie gelten sowohl für Caching mit Varnish als auch für Squid.
- $wgCdnMatchParameterOrder – Gibt an, ob die Reihenfolge der Abfrageparameter bei eingehenden Anforderungen für das CDN-Caching berücksichtigt werden soll
- $wgCdnMaxageLagged – Cache timeout for the CDN when DB replica lag is high
- $wgCdnMaxageStale – Cache timeout in seconds when delivering a stale ParserCache response due to PoolCounter contention.
- $wgCdnMaxageSubstitute – Cache timeout for the CDN when a response is known to be wrong or incomplete (due to load)
- $wgCdnMaxAge – Cache TTL for the CDN sent as s-maxage (without ESI) or Surrogate-Control (with ESI).
- $wgCdnReboundPurgeDelay – Secondary delayed purges of URLs
- $wgCdnServersNoPurge – Same as
, except no HTTP purges will be sent and CIDR ranges are accepted - $wgCdnServers – An array of individual proxy servers to help MediaWiki detect if the request has been proxied.
But also to send back to the proxy PURGE commands on changes. - $wgForcedRawSMaxage – Standardmaximalalter (in Sekunden) für rein CSS/JavaScript-Zugriffe.
- $wgInternalServer – Internal server name as known to Squid, if different than
. - $wgLoggedOutMaxAge (entfernt in 1.38) – Cache TTL for the user agent sent as max-age, for logged out users.
- $wgSquidMaxage (entfernt in 1.35) – Cache timeout for the squid.
- $wgSquidPurgeUseHostHeader (entfernt in 1.42) – Whether to use a Host header in purge requests sent to the proxy servers configured in $wgSquidServers.
- $wgSquidServersNoPurge (entfernt in 1.35) – Same as
, except that MW has no methods to send HTTP PURGE to an origin part of the configured ranges - $wgSquidServers (entfernt in 1.35) – An array of individual proxy servers to help MediaWiki detect if the request has been proxied.
But also to send back to the proxy PURGE commands on changes. - $wgUseCdn – Enable/disable page view caching.
- $wgUseESI (veraltet in 1.33) – If you run Squid3 with ESI support, enable this.
- $wgUsePrivateIPs – Whether private X-Forwarded-For IPs should be accepted
- $wgUseSquid (entfernt in 1.35) – Aktiviere/deaktiviere Squid.
- $wgVaryOnXFP – Whether to add
to theVary
header for API requests and RSS/Atom feeds.
- $wgHTCPMulticastTTL – HTCP multicast purging
- $wgHTCPRouting – Routing configuration for HTCP multicast purging.
Sprach-, Regional- und Zeichenkodierungseinstellungen
- $wgAllowRawHtmlCopyrightMessages (eingeführt in 1.43) – Whether on-wiki overrides for the
messages, which allow raw HTML, will be used. - $wgAllUnicodeFixes – Whether to always convert certain Unicode sequences to modern ones regardless of the content language.
- $wgDefaultLanguageVariant – Standard-Sprachvariante.
- $wgDisabledVariants – Deaktivierte Varianten bei der Sprachvariantenkonversion.
- $wgDisableLangConversion – Whether to enable language variant conversion.
- $wgDisableTitleConversion – Whether to enable language variant conversion for links.
- $wgDummyLanguageCodes – List of language codes that have been renamed to new (correct) codes, or don't correspond to an actual interface language.
- $wgExtraInterlanguageLinkPrefixes – Array of interwiki prefixes to be treated as language links.
- $wgExtraLanguageCodes – List of mappings from one language code to another
- $wgExtraLanguageNames – List of language names or overrides for default names in Names.php.
- $wgFixArabicUnicode (entfernt in 1.35) – Set this to true to clean up archaic Unicode sequences in Arabic text.
- $wgFixMalayalamUnicode (entfernt in 1.35) – Set this to true to clean up archaic Unicode sequences in Malayalam text.
- $wgForceUIMsgAsContentMsg – Array of UI messages that should be treated as content messages.
- $wgGrammarForms – Used for
parser function. - $wgHideInterlanguageLinks – Hide interlanguage links from the sidebar.
- $wgInterlanguageLinkCodeMap – Map of interlanguage link codes to language codes to override what is shown as the language name when the interwiki code does not match it exactly.
- $wgInterwikiMagic – Treat language links as magic connectors, not inline links.
- $wgLangObjCacheSize (entfernt in 1.37) – Language cache size, or really how many languages can we handle simultaneously without degrading to crawl speed.
- $wgLanguageCode – Sprach(kode) der Website.
- $wgLegacyEncoding – Set this to the character set, which you used before you updated to MediaWiki 1.5 (eg 'ISO-8859-1'). MediaWiki will then perform a temporary character set conversion when loading old revisions, which are not marked with "utf-8" flag (revisions created with MediaWiki 1.4 and earlier).
- $wgLegacySchemaConversion (entfernt in 1.39) – Option to speed up the conversion step for large sites when migrating the schema from 1.4 to 1.5
- $wgLoginLanguageSelector – Show a bar of language selection links in the user login and user registration forms.
- $wgMaxMsgCacheEntrySize – Maximum entry size in the message cache, in bytes.
- $wgOverrideUcfirstCharacters – List of Unicode characters for which capitalization is overridden in Language::ucfirst.
- $wgRawHtmlMessages – Liste von Nachrichten, die rohes HTML enthalten können.
- $wgUseDatabaseMessages – Translation using MediaWiki: namespace.
- $wgUsePigLatinVariant – Whether to enable the pig latin variant of English (en-x-piglatin), used to ease variant development work.
- $wgUseXssLanguage (eingeführt in 1.41) – Whether to enable the x-xss language code, used to make checking for XSS issues more convenient.
- $wgVariantArticlePath – Used for links when having language's variants.
- $wgUserFallbackLanguages – maximale Anzahl an Fallback-Sprachen pro Benutzer
- $wgLocaltimezone – Fake out the timezone that the server thinks it's in.
- $wgLocalTZoffset – Add a distance to the server timezone in minutes.
- Englisch
- $wgAmericanDates – Benutzt 'MTJ' statt 'TMJ' als Standard-Datumsformat, z.B. 'May 12' statt '12 May'.
- Arabisch/Hindi
- $wgTranslateNumerals – For Hindi, Arabic, and other languages with their own numeral systems, use local numerals instead of Western style (0-9) numerals in some areas of the interface.
Ausgabeformat und Skineinstellungen
- $wgBrowserFormatDetection – Override ability of certain browsers to attempt to autodetect dataformats in pages.
- $wgDisableOutputCompression – Disable output compression (compression enabled by default if zlib is available).
- $wgEdititis – Zeigt den Beitragszähler in verschiedenen gut sichtbaren Bereichen.
- $wgEditSubmitButtonLabelPublish – Vary the 'save' labels to 'publish' for public wikis.
- $wgEnableCanonicalServerLink – Output a
<link rel="canonical">
tag on every page indicating the canonical server which should be used, i.e.$wgServer
. - $wgExternalInterwikiFragmentMode – Determines which ID escaping mode should be used for external interwiki links
- $wgFragmentMode – Bestimmt, wie Abschnitts-IDs codiert werden sollen
- $wgInterwikiLogoOverride (eingeführt in 1.41) – List of interwiki logos overrides.
- $wgHTMLFormAllowTableFormat (entfernt in 1.42) – Allow form components to render tables.
- $wgHtml5Version – Defines the value of the version attribute in the
tag, if any. - $wgMangleFlashPolicy (entfernt in 1.40) – Whether to mangle any
(Adobe cross-domain policy) tags, to prevent XSS attacks. - $wgMimeType – The type to send in the
header. - $wgSend404Code – Sendet den HTTP-Status 404 für nicht gefundene Seiten.
- $wgShowRollbackEditCount – Maximum number to count when a rollback link is shown
- $wgSiteNotice – A message to be displayed at the top of every page.
- $wgUseMediaWikiUIEverywhere (entfernt in 1.42) – Applies MediaWiki UI wherever it can be supported.
- $wgXhtmlNamespaces – Permit other XHTML namespaces in addition to the w3.org default.
- $wgDefaultSkin – Der Standard-Skin für neue Nutzer.
- $wgFallbackSkin – Fallback skin used when the skin defined by
can't be found. - $wgFooterIcons – Abstract list of footer icons for skins.
- $wgSkinMetaTags – An array of open graph tags which should be added by all skins.
- $wgSkipSkins – Spezifiziert den Namen der Skins, die nicht in der Liste der verfügbaren Benutzeroberflächen aufscheinen sollen.
- $wgSkipSkin (entfernt in 1.35) – Spezifiziert den Namen des Skins, der nicht in der Liste
der verfügbaren Benutzeroberflächen aufscheinen soll. - $wgUseCombinedLoginLink – Login / create account link behavior when it's possible for anonymous users to create an account.
- $wgVectorUseIconWatch – Watch and unwatch as a star icon rather than a link (for Vector skin only).
- $wgVectorUseSimpleSearch – Search form behavior for Vector skin only.
- Siehe ResourceLoader für weitere Informationen.
- $wgAllowSiteCSSOnRestrictedPages – Websiteweite Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) auf eingeschränkten Spezialseiten zulassen
- $wgCodexDevelopmentDir (eingeführt in 1.43) – If this is set, MediaWiki will look for Codex files in this directory instead of in
and friends. - $wgIncludeLegacyJavaScript (entfernt in 1.39) – Whether to include the mediawiki.legacy JavaScript library (old wikibits.js), and its dependencies.
- $wgLegacyJavaScriptGlobals (entfernt in 1.37) – Whether or not to assign configuration variables to the global window object.
- $wgResourceBasePath – Default
value for resource loader modules. - $wgResourceLoaderClientPreferences (eingeführt in 1.40) (entfernt in 1.41) – Enable client-side preferences for unregistered users.
- $wgResourceLoaderDebug – The default debug mode (on/off) for ResourceLoader requests.
- $wgResourceLoaderEnableJSProfiler – When enabled, execution of JavaScript modules is profiled client-side.
- $wgResourceLoaderEnableSourceMapLinks (eingeführt in 1.41) – Whether to include a SourceMap header in ResourceLoader responses for JavaScript modules.
- $wgResourceLoaderMaxage – Wie lange ein CDN oder Browser eine ResourceLoader-HTTP-Antwort zwischenspeichern darf.
- $wgResourceLoaderMaxQueryLength – Maximum query string length for ResourceLoader requests.
- $wgResourceLoaderSources – Foreign module sources registry.
- $wgResourceLoaderStorageEnabled – Whether ResourceLoader should attempt to persist modules in localStorage on browsers that support the Web Storage API.
- $wgResourceLoaderStorageVersion – Cache version for client-side ResourceLoader module storage.
- $wgResourceLoaderUseObjectCacheForDeps (entfernt in 1.44) – Use the main stash instead of the module_deps table for indirect dependency tracking
- $wgResourceLoaderValidateJS – Validate JavaScript code loaded from wiki pages.
- $wgResourceModuleSkinStyles – Array of additional skin-provided stylesheets to existing ResourceLoader modules.
- $wgResourceModules – Array of all extra defined modules that can later be loaded during the output.
- $wgVueDevelopmentMode – Whether to use the development version of Vue.js.
Seitentitel und Weiterleitungen
- $wgDisableHardRedirects – Disable redirects to special pages and interwiki redirects, which use a 302 and have no "redirected from" link.
- $wgFixDoubleRedirects – Fix double redirects after a page move.
- $wgInvalidRedirectTargets – Array of invalid page redirect targets.
- $wgShortPagesNamespaceBlacklist (entfernt in 1.37) – Optional array of namespaces which should be blacklisted from Special:ShortPages
- $wgShortPagesNamespaceExclusions – Optional array of namespaces which should be excluded from Special:ShortPages
- $wgCapitalLinkOverrides – Per namespace configuration for $wgCapitalLinks .
- $wgCapitalLinks – Setzt man dies auf "false" werden die ersten Buchstaben von Links nicht meht als Großbuchstaben interpretiert.
- $wgLegalTitleChars (veraltet in 1.41) – Override the default list of illegal characters in page titles.
- $wgMaxRedirects (entfernt in 1.39) – Max number of redirects to follow when resolving redirects.
- $wgContentNamespaces – Namespaces which are considered to contain real content, or articles
- $wgCanonicalNamespaceNames – Canonical namespace names.
- $wgExtraNamespaces – Zusätzliche Namensräume.
- $wgExtraGenderNamespaces – Same as $wgExtraNamespaces , but for namespaces with gender distinction.
- $wgExtraSignatureNamespaces – Legt fest in welchen Themen-Namensräumen (nicht Diskussionen) der "Signieren"-Button auf der Bearbeitungswerkzeugliste angezeigt wird.
- $wgMetaNamespace – Benutzter Name für den Projekt-Namensraum (auch: Meta-Namensraum).
- $wgMetaNamespaceTalk – Name des Projekt-Diskussions-Namensraums.
- $wgNamespaceAliases – Erlaubt alternative Namen für Namensräume
- $wgNamespacesWithSubpages – Welche Namensräume sollen Unterseiten unterstützen?
Mobile Unterstützung
Interwiki-Links und Seiten
- $wgInterwikiPrefixDisplayTypes (entfernt in 1.39) – Mapping of interwiki index prefixes to descriptors that can be used to change the display of interwiki search results.
- $wgLocalInterwikis – Array of interwiki prefixes for this wiki.
- $wgLocalInterwiki (entfernt in 1.35) – Interwiki prefix for this wiki.
- $wgRedirectSources – Regular expression to restrict URLs which will be displayed as "redirected from" links.
- $wgSiteTypes – Register handlers for specific types of sites.
- Siehe interwiki cache für weitere Informationen.
- $wgInterwikiCache – Interwiki cache as an associative array.
- $wgInterwikiExpiry – Expiry time for memcached cache of
table. - $wgInterwikiFallbackSite – Wird von Wartungsskripten verwendet, um die interwiki-Tabelle zu dumpen
- $wgInterwikiScopes – Used by
to retrieve from interwiki database file
- $wgAllowDisplayTitle – Erlaubt die Verwendung des magischen Wort
- $wgAllowExternalImagesFrom – Falls
auf false gestellt ist, kannst du hier Ausnahmen angeben. - $wgAllowExternalImages – Determines whether or not MediaWiki will allow external images to be rendered inline with text.
- $wgAllowImageTag (entfernt in 1.42) – Erlaube die Verwendung des
-Tags in Wikitext. - $wgCleanSignatures – Substitute templates in signatures.
- $wgEnableImageWhitelist – Enables an on-wiki external image whitelist
- $wgEnableMagicLinks – Controls whether magic link functionality should be enabled
- $wgEnableScaryTranscluding – Allow templates to be imported/transcluded from another wiki.
- $wgExpensiveParserFunctionLimit – Die maximale Anzahl an Aufrufen durch Parser auf umfassende Parserfunktionen wie PAGESINCATEGORY
- $wgExternalLinkTarget – Set a default target for external links.
- $wgMaxGeneratedPPNodeCount (entfernt in 1.35) – A complexity limit on template expansion: the maximum number of nodes generated by
- $wgMaxPPExpandDepth – Stack depth limit for expansion with the preprocessor.
- $wgMaxPPNodeCount – A complexity limit on template expansion: the maximum number of nodes visited by
- $wgMaxTemplateDepth – Maximum recursion depth for templates within templates.
- $wgMaxTocLevel – Maximum indent level of the table of contents (ToC).
- $wgNoFollowDomainExceptions – External links to these domain names (or any subdomains) will not be set to
. - $wgNoFollowLinks – If true, external URL links in wiki text will be given the
attribute. - $wgNoFollowNsExceptions – Namespaces in which Handbuch:$wgNoFollowLinks doesn't apply.
- $wgParserCacheNewKeySchemaRatio (eingeführt in 1.44) – Ratio for use of new parser cache key schema.
- $wgParserConf (entfernt in 1.36) – Parserkonfiguration.
- $wgParserEnableLegacyHeadingDOM (eingeführt in 1.43) – Enable legacy HTML structure for headings in the output from the Parser.
- $wgParserEnableLegacyMediaDOM (veraltet in 1.41) – Enable legacy media HTML structure in the output from the Parser.
- $wgParserEnableUserLanguage (eingeführt in 1.43) – Set this to
to allow the{{USERLANGUAGE}}
magic word to return the actual user language. - $wgParsoidFragmentSupport (eingeführt in 1.44) – Enable fragment support in Parsoid (transclusions returning html).
- $wgParsoidSettings – Standardkonfiguration für Parsoid.
- $wgParsoidSelectiveUpdateSampleRate (eingeführt in 1.43) – Sample rate for collecting statistics on Parsoid selective update.
- $wgPreprocessorCacheThreshold – Preprocessor caching threshold.
- $wgRegisterInternalExternals – Whether to register external links pointing to the same server.
- $wgRestrictDisplayTitle – Restrict
to titles that normalize to the same canonical database key - $wgTranscludeCacheExpiry – Expiry time for interwiki transclusion cache
- $wgUrlProtocols – Defines the protocols which are supported and translated in HTML by the mediawiki parser.
- $wgUseNewMediaStructure (entfernt in 1.37) – Emit using the new media structure described at, Parsing/Media structure
- $wgUseLegacyMediaStyles (eingeführt in 1.41) – Temporary flag to re-enable the old thumbnail styles provided by core for the legacy media HTML structure.
- $wgRawHtml – Erlaube rohes, ungeprüftes HTML in
Abschnitten. - $wgTidyConfig – Configuration of the HTML postprocessing tool to use for fixing invalid HTML code.
Statistik und Inhaltsanalyse
- $wgActiveUserDays – The number of days within which a person must make edits to be considered an "active" user
- $wgArticleCountMethod – Method used to determine if a page in a content namespace should be counted as a valid content page (article).
- $wgDisableCounters (entfernt in 1.35) – Die Zähler für die Seitenansicht deaktivieren.
- $wgExperiencedUserEdits – Determines the number of edits needed to qualify at the "Experienced user" level.
- $wgExperiencedUserMemberSince – Determines the number of days needed since account creation to qualify at the "Experienced user" level.
- $wgLearnerEdits – Determines the number of edits needed to qualify at the "Learner" experience level.
- $wgLearnerMemberSince – Determines the number of days needed since account creation to qualify at the "Learner" experience level.
- $wgManualRevertSearchRadius – Maximum number of revisions of a page that will be checked against every new edit made to determine whether the edit was a manual revert.
- $wgRevertedTagMaxDepth – Maximum depth (revision count) of reverts that will have their reverted edits marked with the mw-reverted change tag.
Benutzerkonten, Authentifizierung
- $wgAllowRequiringEmailForResets (entfernt in 1.43) – Temporary feature flag that controls whether users will see a checkbox allowing them to require providing email during password resets.
- $wgAutoCreateTempUser – Configuration for automatic creation of temporary accounts on page save.
- $wgConditionalUserOptions (eingeführt in 1.42) – Default user preferences.
- $wgDefaultUserOptions – Standard-Benutzereinstellungen.
- $wgHiddenPrefs – Deaktiviert bestimmte Benutzereinstellungen
- $wgInvalidUsernameCharacters – Characters to prevent during new account creations.
- $wgMaximalPasswordLength (entfernt in 1.42) – Bestimmt die maximale Länge eines Nutzer-Passworts.
- $wgMaxNameChars – Maximum number of bytes in username.
- $wgMaxSigChars – Maximum wiki code length for customized signatures.
- $wgMinimalPasswordLength (entfernt in 1.42) – Specifies the minimal length of a user password.
- $wgPasswordPolicy – Specifies various settings related to password strength and security.
- $wgReservedUsernames – Liste der Kontonamen, die nicht existieren können.
- $wgSignatureValidation – Behavior of signature validation.
- $wgSignatureAllowedLintErrors – List of lint error codes which don't cause signature validation to fail.
- $wgUserrightsInterwikiDelimiter – Character used as the separator between username and database name on Special:UserRights.
- $wgAllowSecuritySensitiveOperationIfCannotReauthenticate – Whether to allow security-sensitive operations when reauthentication is not possible
- $wgAuthenticationTokenVersion – When changed, all existing sessions are invalidated.
- $wgAuthManagerAutoConfig – Register authentication providers to use with AuthManager
- $wgAuthManagerConfig – Manual override for authentication provider configuration
- $wgCentralIdLookupProviders – Register central ID lookup providers.
- $wgCentralIdLookupProvider – Default central id lookup implementation to use
- $wgChangeCredentialsBlacklist – List of AuthenticationRequest class names which are not changeable through Special:ChangeCredentials and the changeauthenticationdata API.
- $wgInvalidPasswordReset – Specifies if users should be sent to a password-reset form on login in case of an inadequate password.
- $wgPasswordConfig – Configuration for built-in password types.
- $wgPasswordDefault – Default password type to use when hashing user passwords.
- $wgPasswordResetRoutes – Whether to allow password resets identified by various bits of data.
- $wgReauthenticateTime – Time frame for re-authentication
- $wgRememberMe – Configures RememberMe authentication request added by AuthManager.
- $wgRemoveCredentialsBlacklist – List of AuthenticationRequest class names which are not removable through Special:RemoveCredentials and the removeauthenticationdata API.
- $wgSecureLogin – Ob Benutzer sich mit https authentifizieren können, wenn sie von http kommen.
- $wgSessionProviders – Session provider configuration.
- $wgUserRegistrationProviders (eingeführt in 1.41) – User registration timestamp provider classes
Benutzerrechte, Zugangskontrolle und Überwachung
- $wgAddGroups – Kontrolliert, wer bestimmte Gruppen mit Special:Userrights hinzufügen kann.
- $wgAutoblockExpiry – Anzahl an Sekunden, bevor Automatische Sperreintrage ablaufen
- $wgBlockAllowsUTEdit – Erlaubt gesperrten Benutzer ihre Benutzerdiskussionsseite zu bearbeiten.
- $wgDeleteRevisionsBatchSize – Page deletions with > this number of revisions will use the job queue.
- $wgDnsBlacklistUrls – List of DNS blacklists to use, if
. - $wgEmailConfirmToEdit – Erfordert die Bestätigung deren E-Mail-Adresse, bevor man etwas bearbeiten kann, falls der Wert true ist.
- $wgEnableDnsBlacklist – Whether to use DNS blocklists in
to check for open proxies. - $wgGrantPermissionGroups – Used to define grant groups and assign grants to them.
- $wgGrantPermissions – Used to define grants and assign permissions to them.
- $wgGrantRiskGroups (eingeführt in 1.42) – Group grants by risk level.
- $wgGroupInheritsPermissions – Groups that should inherit permissions from another group.
- $wgGroupPermissions – Verwende diese Option, um Gruppenrechte festzulegen.
- $wgGroupsAddToSelf – Use this to allow users to add themselves to specified groups via Special:Userrights.
- $wgGroupsRemoveFromSelf – Use this to allow users to remove themselves from specified groups via Special:Userrights.
- $wgHideUserContribLimit – The maximum number of edits a user can have and can still be hidden by users with the
permission. - $wgImplicitGroups – Groups that are not shown on Special:Listusers or somewhere else
- $wgPasswordAttemptThrottle – Limit password attempts per IP per address.
- $wgPrivilegedGroups (eingeführt in 1.40.1) – List of groups which should be considered privileged (user accounts belonging in these groups can be abused in dangerous ways).
- $wgProxyList – A list of IP addresses to be banned
- $wgProxyWhitelist – Proxy allowlist: list of addresses that are assumed to be non-proxy despite what the other methods might say.
- $wgRateLimitsExcludedIPs – Array of IPs/CIDR ranges which should never trigger the rate limiter.
- $wgRateLimits – Simple rate limiter options to brake edit floods.
- $wgRemoveGroups – Controls who can remove specific groups using Special:Userrights.
- $wgRevokePermissions – Berechtigungen für Benutzer in jeder Gruppe widerrufen.
- $wgWhitelistReadRegexp – Whitelists publicly readable titles with regular expressions.
- $wgWhitelistRead – Seiten, die ein anonymer Nutzer sehen kann.
Sperren/bannen und einige andere verwandte Einstellungen.
- $wgAccountCreationThrottle – Anzahl der Accounts, die eine IP-Adresse erstellen darf. Zum Deaktivieren auf 0 setzen.
- $wgApplyIpBlocksToXff – Apply IP address blocks also to users having a blocked IP in their XFF header.
- $wgAutoConfirmAge – Number of seconds an account is required to age before it's given the implicit 'autoconfirmed' group membership.
- $wgAutoConfirmCount – Number of edits an account requires before it is autoconfirmed.
- $wgAutopromoteOnceLogInRC – Whether to put user rights log entries for autopromotion in recent changes.
- $wgAutopromoteOnceRCExcludedGroups (eingeführt in 1.44) – Defines a denylist of group names.
- $wgAutopromoteOnce – Conditions of automatic promotion of user to specific groups that are done only once.
- $wgAutopromote – Bedingungen für die automatische Einordnung von Benutzern in bestimmten Benutzergruppen
- $wgAvailableRights – Eine Liste der verfügbaren Rechte, zusätzlich zu denen der im Kern definierten
- $wgBlockCIDRLimit – Maximaler CIDR-Bereich beim Sperren eines IP-Bereichs.
- $wgBlockDisablesLogin – Wenn dies auf true gesetzt ist, dürfen sich gesperrte Benutzer nicht mehr anmelden.
- $wgBlockTargetMigrationStage (eingeführt in 1.42) (veraltet in 1.43) –
table schema migration stage, for normalizingipb_address
field and adding theblock_target
table. - $wgBotPasswordsCluster (veraltet in 1.42) – Cluster name for the
table - $wgBotPasswordsDatabase (veraltet in 1.42) – Datenbankname für die
-Tabelle - $wgCascadingRestrictionLevels – Restriction levels that can be used with cascading protection
- $wgDeleteRevisionsLimit – Integer of how many revisions a page must have before the bigdelete right is required to delete it.
- $wgEnableBotPasswords – Whether to enable bot passwords
- $wgEnableMultiBlocks (eingeführt in 1.42) – If this is
, the number of blocks of a given target is limited to only 1. - $wgEnablePartialBlocks (entfernt in 1.35) – Allow partial blocks to be created
- $wgEnablePartialActionBlocks – Flag to enable partial blocks against performing certain actions.
- $wgHideIdentifiableRedirects – Schützt die Privatsphäre des Benutzers bei Weiterleitungen
- $wgImplicitRights (eingeführt in 1.41) – A list of implicit rights, in addition to the ones defined by the core.
- $wgNamespaceProtection – Welche Namensräume können von wem bearbeitet werden?
- $wgNonincludableNamespaces – Use this to deny inclusion of pages from specific namespaces.
- $wgPutIPinRC – Log IP addresses in the recentchanges table.
- $wgQueryPageDefaultLimit – Integer defining default number of entries to show on query pages
- $wgRestrictionLevels – Einstellung der Gruppenberechtigungen zum Bearbeiten von Seiten
- $wgRestrictionTypes – Aktionen, die beschränkt werden können
- $wgSemiprotectedRestrictionLevels – Restriction levels that are considered "semi-protected"
- $wgSoftBlockRanges – IP ranges that should be considered soft-blocked (anon-only, account creation allowed)
- $wgSpamRegex – A regular expression pattern which, if the page content matched it, stops a page from being saved.
- $wgSummarySpamRegex – Same as
except for edit summaries. - $wgSysopEmailBans (entfernt in 1.35) – Ermöglicht Administratoren Benutzern den Zugang zu Spezial:E-Mail an Benutzer zu sperren.
- $wgTempAccountCreationThrottle (eingeführt in 1.42) – Number of temporary accounts each IP address may create per specified period(s).
- $wgTempAccountNameAcquisitionThrottle (eingeführt in 1.42) – Number of temporary accounts usernames each IP address may acquire per specified period(s).
Siehe Zugriff verhindern für weitere Methoden und Einstellungen bezüglich des Zugriffs. Siehe auch Manual:Benutzerrechte für weitere Informationen über $wgGroupPermissions, $wgAddGroups, $wgRemoveGroups usw.
- Siehe Benutzerzugriff für Benutzerzugriffseinstellungen.
- $wgAllowCrossOrigin – Erlaube anonyme ursprungsübergreifende Anfragen.
- $wgAllowUserCssPrefs – Allow user preferences implemented in CSS.
- $wgAllowUserCss – Erlaube Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) von Benutzern
- $wgAllowUserJs – Erlaube Benutzer-JavaScript-Seiten
- $wgApiFrameOptions – Control framing of api pages.
- $wgBreakFrames – Break out of framesets. This can be used to prevent external sites from framing your site with ads.
- $wgCSPFalsePositiveUrls – Controls what URLs to ignore in upcoming Content-Security-Policy feature's reporting.
- $wgCSPHeader – Controls Content-Security-Policy header [Experimental]
- $wgCSPReportOnlyHeader – Controls Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only header [Experimental]
- $wgEditPageFrameOptions – Control framing of wiki pages globally.
- $wgHKDFAlgorithm (entfernt in 1.43) – Algorithm for HMAC-based key derivation function (fast, cryptographically secure random numbers).
- $wgHKDFSecret (entfernt in 1.43) – Secret for HMAC-based key derivation function (fast, cryptographically secure random numbers).
- $wgRestAllowCrossOriginCookieAuth – Allows authenticated cross-origin requests to the REST API with session cookies.
- $wgSecretKey – Dies sollte immer zu eine geheime, einzigartige Zeichenkette in LocalSettings.php angepasst werden.
- $wgSessionInsecureSecrets (entfernt in 1.43) – Allows MediaWiki to work at the cost of storing sensitive session data insecurely.
- $wgSessionSecret – Secret for session storage.
- $wgUseSiteCss – Die Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) der Website benutzen
- $wgUseSiteJs – Die JavaScript-Seite der Website benutzen
- $wgCacheVaryCookies – Eine Liste von Cookies, die den Cache beeinflussen.
- $wgCookieDomain – Explizite Domain für Login-Cookies.
- $wgCookieExpiration – Number of seconds before HTTP cookies expire. You can override this for 'Angemeldet bleiben' cookies with
- $wgCookieHttpOnly – Set the
flag on all cookies set by MediaWiki (to prevent access from JavaScript). - $wgCookiePath – Explizit erklärter "Pfad" für Cookies auf der Cookie-Domain
- $wgCookiePrefix – Custom cookie prefix.
- $wgCookieSameSite – The SameSite cookie attribute used for login cookies.
- $wgCookieSecure – Ob Cookies gesichert sind.
- $wgCookieSetOnAutoblock – Determines whether to set a cookie when a user is autoblocked. Doing so means that a blocked user, even after logging out and moving to a new IP address, will still be blocked.
- $wgCookieSetOnIpBlock – Determines whether to set a cookie when an IP user is blocked. Doing so means that a blocked user, even after moving to a new IP address, will still be blocked.
- $wgDisableCookieCheck (entfernt in 1.42) – Schaltet Sitzungscookies ab
- $wgExtendedLoginCookieExpiration – If non-null, duration in seconds to use for "Angemeldet bleiben" sessions; 0 means until the browser is closed. If null, uses $wgCookieExpiration
- $wgSessionName – Überschreiben zum Anpassen des Sitzungsnamens.
- $wgUseSameSiteLegacyCookies (entfernt in 1.42) – Send a legacy cookie with an
prefix whenSameSite=None
is sent.
Profilerstellung, Testen und Debuggen
- $wgCachePrefix – Custom value for the cache key prefix.
- $wgEnableJavaScriptTest – Erlaubt das Ausführen von JavaScript-Testsuiten mit Special:JavaScriptTest (wie QUnit).
- $wgParserTestFiles (entfernt in 1.40) – Parser test suite files to be run by parserTests.php.
- Siehe auch: Handbuch:Wie man debuggt
- $wgDebugComments – Include portions of log output in page HTML comment
- $wgDebugDumpSql – Dump SQL queries to debug output
- $wgDebugLogFile – The file name of the debug log, or empty if disabled.
- $wgDebugLogGroups – Direct
output for certain groups to files other than$wgDebugLogFile
. - $wgDebugLogPrefix – Prefix for debug log lines.
- $wgDebugRawPage – If false, 'action=raw' and load.php hits will not result in debug output.
- $wgDebugRedirects – Displays redirect location instead of actually redirecting to the target URL
- $wgDebugTimestamps (entfernt in 1.35) – Prefix debug messages with relative timestamp.
- $wgDebugToolbar – Display the debugging toolbar
- $wgDeprecationReleaseLimit – Release limitation to
warnings. - $wgDevelopmentWarnings – Whether to throw PHP notices for some possible error conditions and for deprecated functions.
- $wgLogExceptionBacktrace – Whether to send the exception backtrace to the error log.
- $wgMWLoggerDefaultSpi – Default service provider for creating MWLogger instances.
- $wgOverrideHostname – Override server hostname detection with a hardcoded value.
- $wgPageInfoTransclusionLimit – Limit template transclusion on InfoAction
- $wgPropagateErrors – If true, the MediaWiki error handler passes errors/warnings to the default error handler after logging them.
- $wgShowDBErrorBacktrace (entfernt in 1.37) – If true, show a backtrace for database errors.
- $wgShowDebug – Show debug data at bottom of content area
- $wgShowExceptionDetails – Wenn auf "true" gesetzt, abgefangene Ausnahmefälle zeigen einen kompletten Stack Trace.
- $wgShowHostnames – If set to
, exposes host names through API and HTML comments. - $wgShowSQLErrors (entfernt in 1.37) – Whether to show SQL errors on "we're sorry, but there has been a database error" pages.
- $wgSpecialVersionShowHooks – Whether to show the contents of $wgHooks in Special:Version.
- $wgTrxProfilerLimits – Performance expectations for DB usage
- $wgEnableProfileInfo (entfernt in 1.35) – Kontrolliert die Verfügbarkeit von profileinfo.php.
- $wgMetricsTarget (entfernt in 1.40) – Output target URI for the MetricsFactory service, e.g. udp://
- $wgMetricsPrefix (entfernt in 1.40) – Service name prefix for the MetricsFactory service.
- $wgMetricsFormat (entfernt in 1.40) – Output format for the MetricsFactory service, e.g. 'statsd'.
- $wgOpenTelemetryConfig (eingeführt in 1.43) – Configuration for OpenTelemetry instrumentation, or
to disable it. - $wgProfiler – Settings related to profiling.
- $wgProfileLimit (entfernt in 1.35) – Only record profiling info for pages that took longer than this number of seconds to load.
- $wgProfileOnly (entfernt in 1.35) – Don't put non-profiling info into log file
- $wgStatsdMetricPrefix – Prefix for metric names sent to $wgStatsdServer
- $wgStatsdSamplingRates (entfernt in 1.43) – Sampling rate for statsd metrics as an associative array of patterns and rates.
- $wgStatsdServer – A host or host:port of a statsd server.
- $wgStatsFormat (eingeführt in 1.40) – Output format for the StatsFactory service, e.g. 'statsd'.
- $wgStatsPrefix (eingeführt in 1.40) – Service name prefix for the StatsFactory service.
- $wgStatsTarget (eingeführt in 1.40) – Output target URI for the StatsFactory service, e.g. udp://
- $wgAdvancedSearchHighlighting – Set to true to have more useful text snippets in search results.
- $wgDisableInternalSearch – Disable internal search so that extensions can implement it.
- $wgDisableSearchUpdate – If you've disabled search semi-permanently, this also disables updates to the table.
- $wgDisableTextSearch – Deaktiviert die Volltextsuche.
- $wgEnableOpenSearchSuggest (entfernt in 1.40) – Enable OpenSearch suggestions requested by MediaWiki.
- $wgEnableSearchContributorsByIP – Ob die Suche nach einer IP-Adresse auf die Beitragsseite dieser IP weitergeleitet wird.
- $wgNamespacesToBeSearchedDefault – Welche Namensräume sollten durchsucht werden?
- $wgOpenSearchDefaultLimit – Integer defining default number of entries to show on OpenSearch call.
- $wgOpenSearchDescriptionLength – Minimum length of extract in
. - $wgOpenSearchTemplates – Vorlagen für OpenSearch-Vorschläge.
- $wgOpenSearchTemplate (entfernt in 1.42) – Vorlage für OpenSearch-Vorschläge.
- $wgSearchForwardUrl – Set this to a URL to forward search requests to some external location.
- $wgSearchHighlightBoundaries – Regexp to match word boundaries
- $wgSearchMatchRedirectPreference – Set
to allow logged-in users to set a preference whether or not matches in search results should force redirection to that page. - $wgSearchRunSuggestedQuery – If search returns zero results and current search engine has a "did you mean" suggestion, results for the suggestion will be shown.
- $wgSearchSuggestCacheExpiry – Expiry time for search suggestion responses.
- $wgSitemapNamespacesPriorities – Custom namespace priorities for sitemaps.
- $wgSitemapNamespaces – Array of namespaces identified by their IDs to generate a sitemap or false for all namespaces.
- $wgSpecialSearchFormOptions – Options for Special:Search completion widget form created by SearchFormWidget class.
- $wgUseTwoButtonsSearchForm (entfernt in 1.36) – Sidebar's search form behavior.
Benutzeroberfläche bearbeiten
- $wgDiff3 – Pfad zum GNU diff3-Dienstprogramm.
- $wgDiff – Pfad zum GNU diff-Dienstprogramm.
- $wgPreviewOnOpenNamespaces – Namespaces where preview-on-first-edit is forced.
- $wgUniversalEditButton – Enable the UniversalEditButton for browsers that support it.
- $wgUseAutomaticEditSummaries – Whether MediaWiki should make automatic edit summaries.
- $wgCommandLineDarkBg – Assume a dark terminal background for maintenance scripts.
- $wgCommandLineMode – Indicates whether MW is running in command-line mode. Sollte nie manuell eingestellt werden!
- $wgGitBin – Pfad zur Git-Binärdatei.
- $wgGitRepositoryViewers – Map of Git repository URLs to their gitweb interface URLs
- $wgInstallerInitialPages (eingeführt in 1.44) – Pages to autocreate after installing MediaWiki.
- $wgReadOnlyFile – If this file is found, the database is locked for the reason given in the contents of the file.
- $wgReadOnlyWatchedItemStore – Set this to
to put the wiki watchlists into read-only mode. - $wgReadOnly – Sperrt die Bearbeitung und zeigt den übergebenen String als Grund an
- $wgUpgradeKey – Passwort, das den Zugriff auf den webbasierten Updater steuert.
Letzte Änderungen, neue Seiten, Beobachtungsliste und Verlauf
Siehe auch Hilfe:Letzte Änderungen und $wgDefaultUserOptions
- $wgDisableAnonTalk – Deaktiviere Diskussionsseiten für anonyme Benutzer (nicht angemeldet).
- $wgRCChangedSizeThreshold – Highlight character count difference lower than this.
- $wgRCEngines (veraltet in 1.38) – Legacy mapping from URI schemes to RCFeed subclasses.
- $wgRCFeeds – Configuration for sending RC updates
- $wgRCFilterByAge – Filter $wgRCLinkDays by $wgRCMaxAge to avoid showing links for numbers higher than what will be stored.
- $wgRCLinkDays – Auswahlmöglichkeiten für Tage der angezeigten Änderungen auf Special:Recentchanges und Special:Recentchangeslinked
- $wgRCLinkLimits – List changes limits options to list in the Special:Recentchanges and Special:Recentchangeslinked pages.
- $wgRCMaxAge – Items in the recentchanges table are periodically purged; entries older than this many seconds will go.
- $wgRCShowChangedSize – Show the amount of changed characters in recent changes.
- $wgRCShowWatchingUsers – Show watching users in recent changes, watchlist and page history views.
- $wgRCWatchCategoryMembership – Treat category membership changes as a RecentChange.
- $wgRecentChangesFlags – Flags (letter symbols) shown in recent changes and watchlist to indicate certain types of edits.
- $wgShowUpdatedMarker – Show new changes: bold in watchlist, with "updated since my last visit" in history.
- $wgSoftwareTags – List of core tags to enable.
- $wgStructuredChangeFiltersLiveUpdatePollingRate – Polling rate, in seconds, used by the 'live update' feature of Special:RecentChanges and Special:Watchlist
- $wgUnwatchedPageSecret – If active watchers (per $wgWatchersMaxAge ) are this number or less, do not disclose it.
- $wgUnwatchedPageThreshold – Erlaubt Benutzern ohne das "unwatchedpages"-Recht, die Anzahl der Beobachter einer bestimmten Seite über die "Seiteninformationen" zu sehen, wenn die Anzahl der Beobachter oberhalb der in diesem Parameter angegebenen Anzahl liegt.
- $wgUseFilePatrol – Use file patrolling to check new files on Special:NewFiles
- $wgUseNPPatrol – Aktiviere das Kontrollieren von neuen Seiten, um sie auf Vandalismus zu prüfen
- $wgUseRCPatrol – Use RC patrolling to check for vandalism
- $wgUseTagFilter – Allow filtering by change tag in recentchanges, history, etc.
- $wgWatchersMaxAge – Page watchers inactive for more than this many seconds are considered inactive. Used mainly by action=info .
- $wgWatchlistExpiryMaxDuration – Relative maximum duration for watchlist expiries, as accepted by strtotime().
- $wgWatchlistExpiry – Enable the watchlist expiry feature.
- $wgWatchlistPurgeRate – The per-edit rate at which expired watchlist items will be purged from the database.
- $wgFeed – Toggle syndication feeds (RSS, Atom e.g. Recentchanges, Newpages) on and off.
- $wgAdvertisedFeedTypes – Feed types that should be provided by default.
- $wgFeedCacheTimeout – Minimum timeout for cached Recentchanges feed, in seconds.
- $wgFeedClasses – Available feeds objects.
- $wgFeedDiffCutoff – When generating Recentchanges RSS/Atom feed, diffs will not be generated for pages larger than this size.
- $wgFeedLimit – Legt die maximale Anzahl von Ergebnissen fest, die in Syndication-Feeds (RSS, Atom) zurückgegeben werden sollen, z. B. Recentchanges, Newpages.
- $wgOverrideSiteFeed – Override the site's default rss/atom feed that appears on every page.
- $wgMaxCredits – Die maximale Anzahl der Autoren, die unterhalb des Artikeltextes namentlich genannt werden sollen.
- $wgRightsIcon – Überschreibung für Copyright-Metadaten.
- $wgRightsPage – Überschreiben der Copyright-Metadaten.
- $wgRightsText – Überschreiben der Copyright-Metadaten.
- $wgRightsUrl – Überschreiben der Copyright-Metadaten.
- $wgShowCreditsIfMax – Falls es mehr als
Autoren gibt, zeige nur$wgMaxCredits
von ihnen. - $wgUseCopyrightUpload – Set this to true if you want detailed copyright information forms on Upload.
- $wgExportAllowAll – Whether to allow exporting the entire wiki into a single file.
- $wgExportAllowHistory – Controls the availability of the full-history feature on "Special:Export".
- $wgExportAllowListContributors – Controls whether to allow to list all contributors while exporting a page using
. - $wgExportFromNamespaces – Whether to allow the "export all pages in namespace" option.
- $wgExportMaxHistory – Requests using "Special:Export" for pages with a revision history higher than set will be rejected.
- $wgExportMaxLinkDepth – Maximum value of the "pagelink-depth" parameter in Special:Export.
- $wgExportPagelistLimit – Maximum number of pages returned by the GetPagesFromCategory and GetPagesFromNamespace functions.
- $wgImportSources – List of interwiki prefixes for wikis we'll accept as sources for Special:Import
- $wgImportTargetNamespace – Optional default target namespace for interwiki imports.
- $wgXmlDumpSchemaVersion – The schema to use by default when generating XML dumps.
- $wgAutoloadAttemptLowercase (entfernt in 1.40) – Switch controlling legacy case-insensitive classloading.
- $wgAutoloadClasses – Array mapping class names to filenames, for autoloading.
- $wgEnableParserLimitReporting – Controls whether the NewPP parser report is output in a HTML comment.
- $wgExtensionCredits – Global list of extension credits
- $wgExtensionEntryPointListFiles – Array of files with list(s) of extension entry points to be used in maintenance/mergeMessageFileList.php
- $wgExtensionFunctions – A list of callback functions which are called once MediaWiki is fully initialised.
- $wgExtensionMessagesFiles – Extension messages files.
- $wgHooks – Globale Liste von Hooks.
- $wgJobBackoffThrottling – Number of times work items of a job type can be run per second.
- $wgJobClasses – Abbildung von Jobs auf deren Klassen.
- $wgJobQueueIncludeInMaxLagFactor – Whether to include the number of jobs that are queued for the API's maxlag parameter.
- $wgJobSerialCommitThreshold (entfernt in 1.42) – Make job runners commit changes for replica DB-lag prone jobs one job at a time.
- $wgJobTypeConf – Configuration for job storage.
- $wgJobTypesExcludedFromDefaultQueue – Jobs that must be explicitly requested, i.e. aren't run by job runners unless special flags are set.
- $wgMessagesDirs – Extension messages directories.
- $wgPagePropLinkInvalidations – Page property link table invalidation lists.
- $wgParserOutputHooks (entfernt in 1.41) – Parser output hooks.
- $wgServiceWiringFiles – List of service wiring files to be loaded by the default instance of MediaWikiServices.
- $wgSpecialPageCacheUpdates – Additional functions to be performed with updateSpecialPages.php .
- $wgSpecialPages – A list of custom special pages.
- $wgValidSkinNames – List of valid skin names. Skins can optionally use this variable to tell MediaWiki that they are available.
- $wgCategoryCollation – What collation categories use to sort with
- $wgCategoryMagicGallery – On category pages, show thumbnail gallery for images belonging to that category instead of listing them as articles.
- $wgCategoryPagingLimit – Paging-Limit für Elemente in Kategorien.
- $wgUseCategoryBrowser (entfernt in 1.38) – Enable/Disable experimental breadcrumb (or dmoz-style) category browsing.
- $wgSortedCategories (eingeführt in 1.43) – Whether to sort categories in OutputPage for display.
- $wgTempCategoryCollations – Additional category collations to store during LinksUpdate.
- $wgTrackingCategories (veraltet in 1.25) – The list of messages representing tracking categories which are listed at Special:TrackingCategories.
- $wgActionFilteredLogs – List of log types that can be filtered by action types
- $wgFilterLogTypes – Show/hide links on Special:Log will be shown for these log types.
- $wgLogActionsHandlers – Same as
, but values are LogFormatter derived class names. - $wgLogActions – Lists the message key string for formatting individual events of each type and action when listed in the logs.
- $wgLogHeaders – Lists the message key string for descriptive text to be shown at the top of each log type.
- $wgLogNames – Lists the message key string for each log type.
- $wgLogRestrictions – Restricts log access to those who have a certain right.
- $wgLogTypes – List of log types.
- $wgNewUserLog – Whether to maintain a log of newusers, which can be viewed at Special:Log/newusers.
- $wgPageCreationLog – Whether to maintain a log of new page creations, which can be viewed at Special:Log/create.
- $wgAllowSpecialInclusion – Allow special page inclusions such as
. - $wgCountCategorizedImagesAsUsed – On Special:UnusedFiles, consider images "used" if they are put into a category.
- $wgDisableQueryPageUpdate – Array of special pages that should not be updated.
- $wgMaxRedirectLinksRetrieved – Maximum number of links to a redirect page listed on Special:Whatlinkshere/RedirectDestination
- $wgRangeContributionsCIDRLimit – Shortest CIDR limits that can be checked in any individual range check at Special:Contributions.
- $wgActions – Array of allowed values for the "action" parameter for normal pages.
- $wgArticleRobotPolicies – Allow customisation of robot policies on a per-page basis.
- $wgDefaultRobotPolicy – Allows specifying the default robot policy for all pages on the wiki
- $wgExemptFromUserRobotsControl – An array of namespace keys in which the
magic words will not function. - $wgNamespaceRobotPolicies – Allow customisation of robot policies on a per-namespace basis.
Ajax, Aktions-API und REST-API
- $wgAjaxEditStash (entfernt in 1.37) – Whether edits should be prepared via AJAX as users type edit summaries.
- $wgAjaxExportList (entfernt in 1.38) – Liste von Funktionen in
, die überaction=ajax
abgerufen werden können - $wgAjaxLicensePreview – Use Ajax to preview licensing for uploads.
- $wgAjaxUploadDestCheck (entfernt in 1.41) – Enable Ajax check for file overwrite, pre-upload.
- $wgUseAjax (entfernt in 1.38) – AJAX-Unterstützung aktivieren.
- $wgAllowedCorsHeaders – List of allowed headers for cross-origin API requests.
- $wgAPICacheHelpTimeout – Set the timeout for the API help text cache. Set to 0 to disable caching of API help text.
- $wgAPIFormatModules – API format module extensions.
- $wgAPIListModules – API list module extensions.
- $wgAPIMaxDBRows – Maximum number of rows to scan in API database queries.
- $wgAPIMaxLagThreshold – Maximum amount of DB lag on a majority of DB replica DBs to tolerate before forcing bots to retry any write requests via API errors.
- $wgAPIMaxResultSize – Maximalgröße (in Bytes) eines API-Ergebnis.
- $wgAPIMaxUncachedDiffs – The maximum number of uncached diffs that can be retrieved in one API request.
- $wgAPIMetaModules – API meta module extensions.
- $wgAPIModules – API-Modulerweiterungen.
- $wgAPIPropModules – API prop module extensions.
- $wgAPIRequestLog (veraltet in 1.43) – Log file or URL (TCP or UDP) to log API requests to.
- $wgAPIUselessQueryPages – The ApiQueryQueryPages module should skip pages that are redundant to true API queries.
- $wgCrossSiteAJAXdomainExceptions – Domains that should not be allowed to make AJAX requests, even if they match one of the domains allowed by
. - $wgCrossSiteAJAXdomains – Domains that may make cross-site Ajax requests to the MediaWiki API.
- $wgDebugAPI – Loosens API security to allow for easier debugging
- $wgEnableRestAPI (entfernt in 1.36) – Aktiviere die MediaWiki REST-API.
- $wgRestAPIAdditionalRouteFiles – Additional REST API Route files.
- $wgRestSandboxSpecs (eingeführt in 1.43) – A list of OpenAPI specs to be made available for exploration on Special:RestSandbox.
Shell und Prozesssteuerung
- $wgPhpCli – Executable path of PHP cli client (php/php5).
- $wgMaxShellFileSize – Maximum file size created by shell processes under linux, in KiB.
- $wgMaxShellMemory – Maximum amount of virtual memory available to shell processes under Linux, in KiB.
- $wgMaxShellTime – Maximum CPU time in seconds for shell processes under Linux.
- $wgMaxShellWallClockTime – Limit shell commands duration using real time.
- $wgShellboxSecretKey – The secret key for HMAC verification of Shellbox requests.
- $wgShellboxUrl (entfernt in 1.40) – Shell commands can be run on a remote server using Shellbox.
- $wgShellboxUrls – Shell commands can be run on a remote server using Shellbox .
- $wgShellCgroup – Limit shell commands memory using linux Cgroups.
- $wgShellLocale (entfernt in 1.38) – Locale for
. - $wgShellRestrictionMethod – Method to use to restrict shell commands
- $wgAllowExternalReqID – controls whether MediaWiki accepts the request ID set by the incoming request via the "X-Request-Id" header.
- $wgAsyncHTTPTimeout – Timeout for asynchronous HTTP requests.
- $wgHTTPConnectTimeout – Timeout for connections done internally (in seconds)
- $wgHTTPMaxTimeout – The maximum HTTP request timeout in seconds.
- $wgHTTPMaxConnectTimeout – The maximum HTTP connect timeout in seconds.
- $wgHTTPImportTimeout – Timeout for HTTP requests done internally for transwiki imports, in seconds.
- $wgHTTPProxy – Proxy to use for cURL requests
- $wgHTTPTimeout – Timeout for HTTP requests done via cURL.
- $wgLocalHTTPProxy – Reverse proxy to use for requests to domains in $wgLocalVirtualHosts
- $wgLocalVirtualHosts – Lokale virtuelle Hosts.
- $wgJobRunRate – Anzahl der auszuführenden Jobs pro Anfrage.
- $wgRunJobsAsync – Controls whether on-request jobs are run asynchronously or synchronously.
- $wgUpdateRowsPerJob – Zu aktualisierende Reihenanzahl pro Job
- $wgUpdateRowsPerQuery – Zu aktualisierende Reihenanzahl pro Anfrage.
- $wgWikiFarmSettingsDirectory – A directory that contains site-specific configuration files.
- $wgWikiFarmSettingsExtension – The file extension to be used when looking up site-specific settings files in $wgWikiFarmSettingsDirectory , such as
. - $wgWikiFarmSiteDetector (entfernt in 1.39) – Callback to use to determine the name of the requested site for the current request.
Sonstige Einstellungen
- $wgActorTableSchemaMigrationStage (entfernt in 1.39) –
table schema migration stage. - $wgContentHandlerUseDB (entfernt in 1.35) – Whether to use the database fields introduced by the ContentHandler facility
- $wgEditRecoveryExpiry (eingeführt in 1.42) – Number of seconds to keep Edit Recovery data after the edit is stored.
- $wgElementTiming (entfernt in 1.39) – Enable Element Timing.
- $wgEnableEditRecovery (eingeführt in 1.41) – Whether to enable the client-side Edit Recovery feature.
- $wgEnableProtectionIndicators (eingeführt in 1.43) – Whether to show indicators on a page when it is protected.
- $wgEventRelayerConfig – Mapping of event channels (or channel categories) to EventRelayer configuration.
- $wgFeaturePolicyReportOnly – List of Feature Policy Reporting types to enable.
- $wgOutputPipelineStages (eingeführt in 1.43) – OutputPipelineStages to add to the DefaultOutputPipeline.
- $wgOriginTrials – Origin Trials tokens.
- $wgPagePropsHaveSortkey (entfernt in 1.36) – Set to false if the
table doesn't have app_sortkey
column - $wgPingback – If true, MediaWiki will report back data about its installation from time to time to aid developers
- $wgPopularPasswordFile (entfernt in 1.35) – Where popular password file is located.
- $wgPriorityHintsRatio (entfernt in 1.39) – Ratio of requests that should get Priority Hints when the feature is enabled.
- $wgPriorityHints (entfernt in 1.39) – Enable client-side Priority Hints.
- $wgRedirectOnLogin – Redirect users to page on login
- $wgReportToEndpoints – List of endpoints for the Reporting API.
- $wgReportToExpiry – Expiry of the endpoint definition for the Reporting API.
- $wgShowDiffToggleSwitch (eingeführt in 1.41) (veraltet in 1.41) – Specifies if users should see the inline switch in diff pages.
- $wgShowLogoutConfirmation (eingeführt in 1.42) – Whether to display a confirmation screen during user log out.
- $wgSkinsPreferred – Liste der bevorzugten Skins, die höher in Special:Preferences gelistet werden sollen
- $wgSpecialContributeSkinsDisabled (eingeführt in 1.40) (entfernt in 1.40) – List of skins to not show the Special:Contribute page
- $wgSpecialContributeSkinsEnabled (eingeführt in 1.40) – List of skins that show a link to the Special:Contribute page
- $wgTranslationAliasesDirs (eingeführt in 1.42) – Message directories containing JSON files for localisation of special page aliases.
- $wgUseCodexSpecialBlock (eingeführt in 1.42) – Whether to use Codex in Special:Block form.
- $wgVirtualRestConfig – REST services configuration
- $wgWikiDiff2MovedParagraphDetectionCutoff (veraltet in 1.34) – This setting controls the maximum number of paragraphs to compare before it bails out.
Siehe auch
- Manual:Configuration for developers - wie man Konfigurationsvariablen setzt und abruft.
- Erweiterungsregistrierung#Configs (Ihre Erweiterungs-/Skins-Einstellungen) - wie man neue Konfigurationsvariablen für Erweiterungen und Skins registriert.