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🗳️🖥️ The Wikimedia Foundation December 2024 Developer Satisfaction Survey is now live. This survey is used to measure developer satisfaction, & determine where to invest resources in the future.


From mediawiki.org
Email settings: $wgEmergencyContact
Site admin email address
Introduced in version:Before 1.1.0
Removed in version:Still in use
Allowed values:(email address)
Default value:false (1.22+)
'wikiadmin@' . substr( $wgServer, strrpos( $wgServer, '/' ) + 1 ) (pre 1.1.0 - 1.21)



This allows the site administrator to specify an email address that the wiki can contact if something goes wrong. Current versions of MediaWiki (1.13 and above) do not use this setting, having delegated its uses to $wgPasswordSender , but future versions or extensions might.

The installer automatically generates a value for this setting, and places it towards the top of LocalSettings.php . The generated value will often be nonsensical ("apache@localhost" or similar), so be sure to change $wgEmergencyContact and $wgPasswordSender if they are incorrect like this.


MediaWiki version:

This setting was very important before r38375. It was used for:

  • Certain error messages displayed to users
  • The return address for password reminders
  • The default sender address of email notifications to wiki members, such as page change notifications and watchlist notifications