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Developer Satisfaction Survey/2021/Categories/Phabricator

From mediawiki.org

📖 Developer Satisfaction 2021

The developer satisfaction survey is an annual survey of the Wikimedia developer community.


Chart of Phabricator satisfaction for 2021



💬 Phab search still sucks (sorry but it's true) :-(


41% of comments about Phabricator were negative comments about search

Raw Data

Question Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Responses
Phabricator is my primary work management tool for Wikimedia work 48 32 1 0 0 81
I know how to file a bug in Phabricator 58 20 2 1 0 81
I know how to find and engage with individuals and teams on Phabricator 35 28 10 5 3 81
I know how to use Phabricator project workboards 42 26 7 5 1 81
I know how to find existing tasks/issues in Phabricator 40 28 8 3 2 81
I'm comfortable using the search in Phabricator 28 27 11 11 4 81