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Developer Satisfaction Survey/2021/Importance vs satisfaction

From mediawiki.org

📖 Developer Satisfaction 2021

The developer satisfaction survey is an annual survey of the Wikimedia developer community.

🤼 Importance vs Satisfaction


Only 1 person was neutral about Phabricator's importance for their work

For each category, we asked respondents How important is this for your work? on a scale of 1–5.

The chart below groups 5 and 4 responses as "Important" and 1 and 2 responses as "Not Important".

Importance 2021
Category Important Percentage
Code Review 76 93.83%
CI/Testing 72 88.89%
Phabricator 80 98.77%
Local Development 61 75.31%
Documentation 24 29.63%
Beta 39 48.15%
Deployments 52 64.20%
Observability 40 49.38%
Accounts & Onboarding 39 48.15%



We can use satisfaction and importance to find our gaps.

The lower the score on the chart below—the bigger the difference between importance and satisfaction—the more resources we should spend to improve it.

Phabricator has a high satisfaction, BUT it has an even higher importance, which is why there's a gap.

Beta has a low satisfaction, BUT low importance, which is why there's no (significant) gap.

This chart uses a type of gap analysis known as Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA). It compares the means of likert categories of importance and satisfaction to make a determination about where an organization should spend its resources.

Satisfaction vs Importance
Category Mean Satisfaction Mean Importance Gap p(t)
Code Review 3.36 4.67 -1.31 1.03E-15
CI/Testing 3.22 4.48 -1.26 7.11E-14
Phabricator 3.67 4.79 -1.12 1.53E-12
Local Development 3.23 4.23 -1.00 2.09E-09
Documentation 3.01 3.85 -0.84 2.93E-08
Beta 2.88 3.35 -0.47 1.36E-02
Deployments 3.48 3.72 -0.23 0.24
Observability 3.41 3.56 -0.15 0.39
Accounts & Onboarding 3.37 3.41 -0.04 0.82