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Tradução de Conteúdo/Tradução de Seção/Yandex

From mediawiki.org
This page is a translated version of the page Content translation/Section translation and the translation is 29% complete.

A "tradução de Seção" é uma expansão das capacidades atuais da Tradução de Conteúdo. A Tradução de Seção permite aos usuários expandir artigos existentes da Wikipédia traduzindo novas seções. Além disso, a Tradução de Seção foi projetada para trabalhar em dispositivos móveis (além da área de trabalho) usando um front-end modernizado Desta forma, os usuários terão novas oportunidades de tradução que antes não eram possíveis com a Tradução de Conteúdo.

Tela de Tradução de Seção

A Tradução de Seção é o principal projeto da Iniciativa Boost, que visa expandir o uso da tradução para ajudar mais comunidades a crescer. Abaixo, você pode encontrar mais informações sobre as wikis nas quais o projeto irá focar.

Cenários de compilação de documentos onde novas maneiras de contribuir com a tradução podem ajudar a propagar o conteúdo através de wikis de forma mais fluente

Por favor, no dê qualquer feedback sobre esta iniciativa na página de discussão. Estamos interessados em ouvir suas ideias sobre como ajudar as comunidades a crescerem através da tradução. Mais detalhes e atualizações são fornecidos abaixo.

Experimente a ferramenta

Section translation is in early development. For now it is available at a test server and Wikipedias in several languages:

Acesso Direto

Section translation allows to link directly to a pre-selected article or section to translate by defining an appropriate url. This can be convenient for the integration with external tools. For example, you can create a link to translate the Moon article or the "Legal status" section of the same article.

Pontos de entrada

Section Translation is integrated with the Wikipedia language selector on mobile. Searching for a language in which the article does not exist yet lets you create a translation for it. This is only available in the languages where Section Translation is already available (which will expand over time).

Section translation mobile editor
Initial ideas on how to support section translation on desktop and mobile to expand articles
Entry point ideas for Section Translation
Design specification
Section Translation Usability (Bengali) - Final Report

Objetivos e impacto

Language showcase November 2019, featuring the Boost project and Javanese Wikimedia community feedback about Content Translation

These are the main goals for the project and metrics to measure them:

  • Grow the community of translators. Attract more users to translate (using different devices) that remain active over time and help recruit new translators.
    • Metric: Increase the percentage of new editors that completed their second translation in a month.
  • Grow the content available. Increase the coverage in both the topics available and their depth (information they contain).
    • Metric: Double the number of weekly translations on selected wikis (to create new content or extend existing one).

Iniciativa Boost: comunidades com potencial para crescer através da tradução

Content translation has been successful in supporting the translation process on many Wikipedia communities. It has already helped to create thousands of new articles while encouraging the creation of good quality translations.

We want to focus on Wikipedias with potential to grow by using translation. Research on Section translation and other initiatives to make translation in general more visible such as providing Content Translation access by default (out of beta) will involve and focus on the needs of these particular group of wikis.

This initiative is part of a long-term vision to support cross-wiki content propagation, and it is aligned with the Wikimedia Foundation plans to "Grow participation globally, focusing on emerging markets" and increasing "Worldwide readership".

Comunidades para se focar

Wikipedias with less than 100K articles, a significant editing activity for the size of their wiki (more than 70 active editors), and making little use of translation currently (less than 100 translations per month).

Given the above, we initially selected the following Wikipedias: Malayalam, Bengali, Tagalog, Javanese, Albanian, and Mongolian.

As the project becomes more visible, other communities showed interest in the project, and some initiatives will be applied there too. These Wikipedias are Central Bikol and Arabic.

Considerações adicionais

This small group of wikis represents a much larger group of communities that can grow with the proposed improvements. Selecting a small set allows us to focus and collaborate more closely with them. Nevertheless, we expect the improvements to benefit a larger number of wikis, and users from all wikis are definitely welcome to participate.

Dê seu feedback

Please, provide any feedback in the discussion page. We are interested in hearing your ideas on how to help communities grow by using translation and Section translation in particular.

You can also check the project in Phabricator to track the progress of the different tasks and share any comment about them.


Section Translation Design Research Report

The Language Team is also conducting research to better understand the language-related needs of different wikis. This research also supports the design process by evaluating ideas around new ways of expanding existing articles and contributing from mobile devices.

  • Section Translation ResearchThe Section Translation Design Research project evaluated current mobile prototypes with two small wikis. The project evaluated not only initial prototypes, but also a number of design changes after each round of testing. The project also supported design exploration by gathering interview data around critical assumptions of Section Translation, including the role of mobile and the relevance of article sections as a meaningful unit of translation.
  • Section Translation Usability TestingThe Section Translation Usability Testing (Bengali Wikipedia) project aimed to learn about the experiences of the first editors using Section Translation on the Bengali Wikipedia.
  • Section Translation Entry Points Design ResearchThe Section Translation Entry Points Design Research project investigated new ways that both experienced and new editors may discover translation opportunities, especially on mobile devices.
  • Section Translation Post-Improvements TestingThe Section Translation Post-Improvements Testing (Thai Wikipedia) project provided usability testing after a number of tool improvements and at a time when it was becoming available in a greater number of wikis, including Thai Wikipedia.
  • Section Translation Feedback SurveySurvey feedback was collected with the goal of learning from the experiences of editors who used Section Translation during a Bengali Wikipedia article quality improvement competition in 2022.

Atualizações de status

fevereiro de 2024

janeiro de 2024

dezembro de 2023

novembro de 2023

outubro de 2023

setembro de 2023

agosto de 2023

julho de 2023

junho de 2023

maio de 2023

abril de 2023

março de 2023

fevereiro de 2023

janeiro de 2023

dezembro de 2022

novembro de 2022

outubro de 2022

setembro de 2022

agosto de 2022

julho de 2022

junho de 2022

maio de 2022

abril de 2022

março de 2022

fevereiro de 2022

janeiro de 2022

dezembro de 2021

novembro de 2021

outubro de 2021

setembro de 2021

agosto de 2021

julho de 2021

junho de 2021

maio de 2021

abril de 2021

março de 2021

fevereiro de 2021

janeiro de 2021

  • After the publication of a proposal for translatable modules, we evaluated the implementation efforts required and developed a plan.
  • Sent recruitment messages and communicated with possible participants to try to identify additional test users who match criteria our criteria (general level of experience with CX, language pairs supported by Apertium, openness to testing on mobile).

dezembro de 2020

novembro de 2020

outubro de 2020

setembro de 2020

agosto de 2020

julho de 2020

junho de 2020

maio de 2020

abril de 2020

março de 2020

fevereiro de 2020

janeiro de 2020

dezembro de 2019

novembro de 2019

outubro de 2019

setembro de 2019

agosto de 2019

julho de 2019