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shortcut: BUGREPORT
From mediawiki.org
This page is a translated version of the page Bugzilla and the translation is 46% complete.
Alle Deine Bugs gehören zu mir!
Alle Deine Bugs gehören zu mir!

Alle Fehler der MediaWiki-Software sollten beim phabricator.wikimedia.org gemeldet werden. Phabricator ist ebenfalls der Ort zum Diskutieren von Feature-Requests oder Verbesserungen an der Software, während Bugzilla die aufgegebene Bug-Tracking-Software ist.

Was ist Bugzilla?

Für weitere Informationen, siehe den Wikipedia-Artikel über Bugzilla.

Bugzilla ist ein Fehlerverfolgungswerkzeug, entwickelt von der Mozilla Foundation und es ist das System, das wir benutzen um alle offenen Probleme zu verfolgen.

Die Antwort warum wir Bugzilla verwenden ist, das es Entwicklern erlaubt, schnell und einfach Fehler zu finden und Probleme zu diskutieren, um Duplikate zu erkennen und sie schließlich zu lösen.

Wikimedias Fehlerverfolger wird für gewöhnlich "Bugzilla" genannt. Eine ältere Bezeichnung wäre "MediaZilla".

Einen Bug melden oder eine Funktion beantragen

Bitte Wie man einen Bug meldet beachten.


Bugzilla Kommentare sind Klartext; Sie können HTML nicht nutzen. Allerdings wird Bugzilla automatisch Hyperlinks in dieser Hinsicht machen:

Link zu:

bug 1234
comment 7. Kann auch mit Fehler kombiniert werden: bug 1234 comment 7
attachment 4321
SVN commits
r1234 (link to the revision shown in Code review (through Special:Code/MediaWiki))
Change sets in Gerrit

gerrit change 1234
The recognized format for changeset number is gerrit(\ change(set)?)?\ ?\#?(\d+).
Newlines added by bugzilla break the autolinking, as usual. Technical details: see rules.

Weitere Informationen unter: Hints and Tips. Von The Bugzilla Guide. Suche dort die neueste Version.

Vollständige URL

Webseiten: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Bugzilla

They are supported. By default they point to English Wikipedia. Interwiki prefixes are supported as well and work as usual, starting from en.wikipedia.org: [[de:Sandbox]] will link to the German Wikipedia, and so on.

Using pipes for a different label does not work. For example; [[link|name]] is not supported and won't create a link.

Section links work too, but you need to insert them correctly: the simplest way is to copy the URL from the location bar of your browser, and add brackets around the part of it after wiki/, e.g. [[MediaWiki#Editing_interface]] to link w:MediaWiki#Editing interface (technically: the section link has to be already URL-encoded).

Longer interwiki links need to be on their own line, otherwise they're split over two lines and won't be linkified. If an interwiki link is not recognized, add a colon : before it (e.g. [[:MeatBall:Whatever]]).

Since recently, also non-local interwikis work.


Warum muss ich mich registrieren?

We need you to register to use Bugzilla. This is primarily so that we can contact you if there are further questions regarding your bug submission. For example, if a developer cannot replicate your problem they will ask for more information. By default you will get e-mail notifications when there is activity on your bug reports.

You can also add/remove yourself from any bug report (including reports created by other users).

You can change your preferences to specify when Bugzilla should (and shouldn't) send emails to you. To change your preferences, log in on Bugzilla and click on your email address at the top right of the page.

Wie kann ich mich registrieren?

Registering is simple and free. Click the "create account" link at the top right of the page, enter your e-mail address (and optionally your real name) and click "create account". Then simply log in using the password you receive in the confirmation e-mail (which can be changed in your preferences once you have logged in). When logging in enter your email address in the login form on any Bugzilla page.

Note that new users are prevented from taking certain actions by default, such as closing or assigning tickets. This is largely to protect against spam. You can acquire these rights by participating in the tracker in other ways, or by requesting them on IRC.

Wie Du Deine E-Mail-Adresse verstecken kannst

Please note that (unlike on Wikimedia projects) your email address will be visible on threads you participate in, and on thread CC lists you have added yourself to. It is visible to everyone who is logged in. It is not visible to people who are not logged in. Your email address can not be hidden from logged-in readers.

It is possible to create an additional web-based e-mail address, and then set it to forward email to your main email address. This prevents exposure of your main email address. Google Mail (Gmail) allows free email forwarding. One can automatically forward email from one Gmail account to another Gmail account, or to any email account.

You can change your email address or name at anytime on Bugzilla. They are then changed in all bug threads you participated in. So if you decide later on to hide your main email address or name you can still do so.

Warum kann ich keien Bugs auf dem Wiki melden?

You could also report bugs by writing them in chalk on the pavement. However, if you want a developer to act on it then you need to put it somewhere they are likely to see it, namely Bugzilla.

Wie kann ich auf einen Bug verlinken?

If you want to create a link from a wiki page to a Bugzilla report, use [[bugzilla:XXX]], where XXX is the number of the bug report. For example [[bugzilla:4198]] will result in the following link: bugzilla:4198.

You can also use the {{bugzilla}} template, for example {{bugzilla|4198}} will result in Fehler 4198. In some wikis, you can use {{tracked|4198}} (shown to the right), and also {{Resolved}} when the bug report has been marked as fixed.

What do the priority and severity fields mean?

Siehe Bugzilla/Fields#Priority und Bugzilla/Fields#Severity.

Was bedeutet das Status feld? (NEW, RESOLVED, etc.)

See the field description. NEW is also one of the statuses that an open bug might have.

Why can't I claim a bug or mark it resolved?

You need the "editbugs" permission, which can be granted by any person who already has it - which is most developers. Please ask in the #mediawiki IRC channel, and someone will grant it to you very quickly.

How do I grant someone the editbugs permission?

Go to the editusers interface and search for their email address, then click on their entry in the result list. You should see a checkbox next to the "editbugs" label. Check it, then click on "save changes". All done!


Siehe auch

  • Following bugs