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User:Egingell/Uber Sidebar/LocalSkin.php

From mediawiki.org
if ( ! defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ) )
    die( 1 );

 * @package MediaWiki
 * @subpackage Skins

# See skin.txt

 * The main skin class that provide methods and properties for all other skins.
 * This base class is also the "Standard" skin.
 * @package MediaWiki
class Skin extends Linker {
     * @private
    var $lastdate, $lastline;
    var $rc_cache ; # Cache for Enhanced Recent Changes
    var $rcCacheIndex ; # Recent Changes Cache Counter for visibility toggle
    var $rcMoveIndex;
    var $mWatchLinkNum = 0; // Appended to end of watch link id's

    /** Constructor, call parent constructor */
    function Skin() { parent::Linker(); }

     * Fetch the set of available skins.
     * @return array of strings
     * @static
    static function &getSkinNames() {
        global $wgValidSkinNames;
        static $skinsInitialised = false;
        if ( !$skinsInitialised ) {
            # Get a list of available skins
            # Build using the regular expression '^(.*).php$'
            # Array keys are all lower case, array value keep the case used by filename
            wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ . '-init' );
            global $wgStyleDirectory;
            $skinDir = dir( $wgStyleDirectory );

            # while code from www.php.net
            while (false !== ($file = $skinDir->read())) {
                // Skip non-PHP files, hidden files, and '.dep' includes
                $matches = array();
                if(preg_match('/^([^.]*)\.php$/',$file, $matches)) {
                    $aSkin = $matches[1];
                    $wgValidSkinNames[strtolower($aSkin)] = $aSkin;
            $skinsInitialised = true;
            wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ . '-init' );
        return $wgValidSkinNames;

     * Normalize a skin preference value to a form that can be loaded.
     * If a skin can't be found, it will fall back to the configured
     * default (or the old 'Classic' skin if that's broken).
     * @param string $key
     * @return string
     * @static
    static function normalizeKey( $key ) {
        global $wgDefaultSkin;
        $skinNames = Skin::getSkinNames();

        if( $key == '' ) {
            // Don't return the default immediately;
            // in a misconfiguration we need to fall back.
            $key = $wgDefaultSkin;

        if( isset( $skinNames[$key] ) ) {
            return $key;

        // Older versions of the software used a numeric setting
        // in the user preferences.
        $fallback = array(
            0 => $wgDefaultSkin,
            1 => 'nostalgia',
            2 => 'cologneblue' );

        if( isset( $fallback[$key] ) ){
            $key = $fallback[$key];

        if( isset( $skinNames[$key] ) ) {
            return $key;
        } else {
            // The old built-in skin
            return 'standard';

     * Factory method for loading a skin of a given type
     * @param string $key 'monobook', 'standard', etc
     * @return Skin
     * @static
    static function &newFromKey( $key ) {
        global $wgStyleDirectory;
        $key = Skin::normalizeKey( $key );

        $skinNames = Skin::getSkinNames();
        $skinName = $skinNames[$key];

        # Grab the skin class and initialise it.
        // Preload base classes to work around APC/PHP5 bug
        $deps = "{$wgStyleDirectory}/{$skinName}.deps.php";
        if( file_exists( $deps ) ) include_once( $deps );
        require_once( "{$wgStyleDirectory}/{$skinName}.php" );

        # Check if we got if not failback to default skin
        $className = 'Skin'.$skinName;
        if( !class_exists( $className ) ) {
            # DO NOT die if the class isn't found. This breaks maintenance
            # scripts and can cause a user account to be unrecoverable
            # except by SQL manipulation if a previously valid skin name
            # is no longer valid.
            wfDebug( "Skin class does not exist: $className\n" );
            $className = 'SkinStandard';
            require_once( "{$wgStyleDirectory}/Standard.php" );
        $skin = new $className;
        return $skin;

    /** @return string path to the skin stylesheet */
    function getStylesheet() {
        return 'common/wikistandard.css';

    /** @return string skin name */
    function getSkinName() {
        return 'standard';

    function qbSetting() {
        global $wgOut, $wgUser;

        if ( $wgOut->isQuickbarSuppressed() ) { return 0; }
        $q = $wgUser->getOption( 'quickbar', 0 );
        return $q;

    function initPage( &$out ) {
        global $wgFavicon, $wgScriptPath, $wgSitename, $wgLanguageCode, $wgLanguageNames;

        $fname = 'Skin::initPage';
        wfProfileIn( $fname );

        if( false !== $wgFavicon ) {
            $out->addLink( array( 'rel' => 'shortcut icon', 'href' => $wgFavicon ) );

        # OpenSearch description link
        $out->addLink( array( 
            'rel' => 'search', 
            'type' => 'application/opensearchdescription+xml',
            'href' => "$wgScriptPath/opensearch_desc.php",
            'title' => "$wgSitename ({$wgLanguageNames[$wgLanguageCode]})",


        $this->mRevisionId = $out->mRevisionId;

        wfProfileOut( $fname );

     * Preload the existence of three commonly-requested pages in a single query
    function preloadExistence() {
        global $wgUser, $wgTitle;

        if ( $wgTitle->isTalkPage() ) {
            $otherTab = $wgTitle->getSubjectPage();
        } else {
            $otherTab = $wgTitle->getTalkPage();
        $lb = new LinkBatch( array( 
    function addMetadataLinks( &$out ) {
        global $wgTitle, $wgEnableDublinCoreRdf, $wgEnableCreativeCommonsRdf;
        global $wgRightsPage, $wgRightsUrl;

        if( $out->isArticleRelated() ) {
            # note: buggy CC software only reads first "meta" link
            if( $wgEnableCreativeCommonsRdf ) {
                $out->addMetadataLink( array(
                    'title' => 'Creative Commons',
                    'type' => 'application/rdf+xml',
                    'href' => $wgTitle->getLocalURL( 'action=creativecommons') ) );
            if( $wgEnableDublinCoreRdf ) {
                $out->addMetadataLink( array(
                    'title' => 'Dublin Core',
                    'type' => 'application/rdf+xml',
                    'href' => $wgTitle->getLocalURL( 'action=dublincore' ) ) );
        $copyright = '';
        if( $wgRightsPage ) {
            $copy = Title::newFromText( $wgRightsPage );
            if( $copy ) {
                $copyright = $copy->getLocalURL();
        if( !$copyright && $wgRightsUrl ) {
            $copyright = $wgRightsUrl;
        if( $copyright ) {
            $out->addLink( array(
                'rel' => 'copyright',
                'href' => $copyright ) );

    function outputPage( &$out ) {
        global $wgDebugComments;

        wfProfileIn( 'Skin::outputPage' );
        $this->initPage( $out );

        $out->out( $out->headElement() );

        $out->out( "\n<body" );
        $ops = $this->getBodyOptions();
        foreach ( $ops as $name => $val ) {
            $out->out( " $name='$val'" );
        $out->out( ">\n" );
        if ( $wgDebugComments ) {
            $out->out( "<!-- Wiki debugging output:\n" .
              $out->mDebugtext . "-->\n" );

        $out->out( $this->beforeContent() );

        $out->out( $out->mBodytext . "\n" );

        $out->out( $this->afterContent() );

        $out->out( $this->bottomScripts() );

        $out->out( $out->reportTime() );

        $out->out( "\n</body></html>" );

    static function makeVariablesScript( $data ) {
        global $wgJsMimeType;

        $r = "<script type= \"$wgJsMimeType\">/*<![CDATA[*/\n";
        foreach ( $data as $name => $value ) {
            $encValue = Xml::encodeJsVar( $value );
            $r .= "var $name = $encValue;\n";
        $r .= "/*]]>*/</script>\n";

        return $r;

     * Make a <script> tag containing global variables
     * @param array $data Associative array containing one element:
     *     skinname => the skin name
     * The odd calling convention is for backwards compatibility
    static function makeGlobalVariablesScript( $data ) {
        global $wgStylePath, $wgUser;
        global $wgArticlePath, $wgScriptPath, $wgServer, $wgContLang, $wgLang;
        global $wgTitle, $wgCanonicalNamespaceNames, $wgOut, $wgArticle;
        global $wgBreakFrames;

        $ns = $wgTitle->getNamespace();
        $nsname = isset( $wgCanonicalNamespaceNames[ $ns ] ) ? $wgCanonicalNamespaceNames[ $ns ] : $wgTitle->getNsText();
        $vars = array( 
            'skin' => $data['skinname'],
            'stylepath' => $wgStylePath,
            'wgArticlePath' => $wgArticlePath,
            'wgScriptPath' => $wgScriptPath,
            'wgServer' => $wgServer,
            'wgCanonicalNamespace' => $nsname,
            'wgCanonicalSpecialPageName' => SpecialPage::resolveAlias( $wgTitle->getDBKey() ),
            'wgNamespaceNumber' => $wgTitle->getNamespace(),
            'wgPageName' => $wgTitle->getPrefixedDBKey(),
            'wgTitle' => $wgTitle->getText(),
            'wgArticleId' => $wgTitle->getArticleID(),
            'wgIsArticle' => $wgOut->isArticle(),
            'wgUserName' => $wgUser->isAnon() ? NULL : $wgUser->getName(),
            'wgUserLanguage' => $wgLang->getCode(),
            'wgContentLanguage' => $wgContLang->getCode(),
            'wgBreakFrames' => $wgBreakFrames,
            'wgCurRevisionId' => isset( $wgArticle ) ? $wgArticle->getLatest() : 0,

        return self::makeVariablesScript( $vars );

    function getHeadScripts() {
        global $wgStylePath, $wgUser, $wgAllowUserJs, $wgJsMimeType, $wgStyleVersion;

        $r = self::makeGlobalVariablesScript( array( 'skinname' => $this->getSkinName() ) );

        $r .= "<script type=\"{$wgJsMimeType}\" src=\"{$wgStylePath}/common/wikibits.js?$wgStyleVersion\"></script>\n";
        global $wgUseSiteJs;
        if ($wgUseSiteJs) {
            if ($wgUser->isLoggedIn()) {
                $r .= "<script type=\"$wgJsMimeType\" src=\"".htmlspecialchars(self::makeUrl('-','action=raw&smaxage=0&gen=js'))."\"><!-- site js --></script>\n";
            } else {
                $r .= "<script type=\"$wgJsMimeType\" src=\"".htmlspecialchars(self::makeUrl('-','action=raw&gen=js'))."\"><!-- site js --></script>\n";
        if( $wgAllowUserJs && $wgUser->isLoggedIn() ) {
            $userpage = $wgUser->getUserPage();
            $userjs = htmlspecialchars( self::makeUrl(
            $r .= '<script type="'.$wgJsMimeType.'" src="'.$userjs."\"></script>\n";
        return $r;

     * To make it harder for someone to slip a user a fake
     * user-JavaScript or user-CSS preview, a random token
     * is associated with the login session. If it's not
     * passed back with the preview request, we won't render
     * the code.
     * @param string $action
     * @return bool
     * @private
    function userCanPreview( $action ) {
        global $wgTitle, $wgRequest, $wgUser;

        if( $action != 'submit' )
            return false;
        if( !$wgRequest->wasPosted() )
            return false;
        if( !$wgTitle->userCanEditCssJsSubpage() )
            return false;
        return $wgUser->matchEditToken(
            $wgRequest->getVal( 'wpEditToken' ) );

    # get the user/site-specific stylesheet, SkinTemplate loads via RawPage.php (settings are cached that way)
    function getUserStylesheet() {
        global $wgStylePath, $wgRequest, $wgContLang, $wgSquidMaxage, $wgStyleVersion;
        $sheet = $this->getStylesheet();
        $s = "@import \"$wgStylePath/common/common.css?$wgStyleVersion\";\n";
        $s .= "@import \"$wgStylePath/$sheet?$wgStyleVersion\";\n";
        if($wgContLang->isRTL()) $s .= "@import \"$wgStylePath/common/common_rtl.css?$wgStyleVersion\";\n";

        $query = "usemsgcache=yes&action=raw&ctype=text/css&smaxage=$wgSquidMaxage";
        $s .= '@import "' . self::makeNSUrl( 'Common.css', $query, NS_MEDIAWIKI ) . "\";\n" .
            '@import "' . self::makeNSUrl( ucfirst( $this->getSkinName() . '.css' ), $query, NS_MEDIAWIKI ) . "\";\n";

        $s .= $this->doGetUserStyles();
        return $s."\n";

     * This returns MediaWiki:Common.js.  For some bizarre reason, it does
     * *not* return any custom user JS from user subpages.  Huh?
     * @return string
    function getUserJs() {
        $fname = 'Skin::getUserJs';
        wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );

        global $wgStylePath;
        $s = "/* generated javascript */\n";
        $s .= "var skin = '{$this->skinname}';\nvar stylepath = '{$wgStylePath}';";
        $s .= "\n\n/* MediaWiki:Common.js */\n";
        $commonJs = wfMsgForContent('common.js');
        if ( !wfEmptyMsg ( 'common.js', $commonJs ) ) {
            $s .= $commonJs;

        global $wgUseAjax, $wgAjaxWatch;
        if($wgUseAjax && $wgAjaxWatch) {
            $s .= "

/* AJAX (un)watch (see /skins/common/ajaxwatch.js) */
var wgAjaxWatch = {
    watchMsg: '".       str_replace( array("'", "\n"), array("\\'", ' '), wfMsgExt( 'watch', array() ) )."',
    unwatchMsg: '".     str_replace( array("'", "\n"), array("\\'", ' '), wfMsgExt( 'unwatch', array() ) )."',
    watchingMsg: '".    str_replace( array("'", "\n"), array("\\'", ' '), wfMsgExt( 'watching', array() ) )."',
    unwatchingMsg: '".  str_replace( array("'", "\n"), array("\\'", ' '), wfMsgExt( 'unwatching', array() ) )."'

        wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
        return $s;

     * Return html code that include User stylesheets
    function getUserStyles() {
        $s = "<style type='text/css'>\n";
        $s .= "/*/*/ /*<![CDATA[*/\n"; # <-- Hide the styles from Netscape 4 without hiding them from IE/Mac
        $s .= $this->getUserStylesheet();
        $s .= "/*]]>*/ /* */\n";
        $s .= "</style>\n";
        return $s;

     * Some styles that are set by user through the user settings interface.
    function doGetUserStyles() {
        global $wgUser, $wgUser, $wgRequest, $wgTitle, $wgAllowUserCss;

        $s = '';

        if( $wgAllowUserCss && $wgUser->isLoggedIn() ) { # logged in
            if($wgTitle->isCssSubpage() && $this->userCanPreview( $wgRequest->getText( 'action' ) ) ) {
                $s .= $wgRequest->getText('wpTextbox1');
            } else {
                $userpage = $wgUser->getUserPage();
                $s.= '@import "'.self::makeUrl(

        return $s . $this->reallyDoGetUserStyles();

    function reallyDoGetUserStyles() {
        global $wgUser;
        $s = '';
        if (($undopt = $wgUser->getOption("underline")) != 2) {
            $underline = $undopt ? 'underline' : 'none';
            $s .= "a { text-decoration: $underline; }\n";
        if( $wgUser->getOption( 'highlightbroken' ) ) {
            $s .= "a.new, #quickbar a.new { color: #CC2200; }\n";
        } else {
            $s .= <<<END
a.new, #quickbar a.new,
a.stub, #quickbar a.stub {
    color: inherit;
    text-decoration: inherit;
a.new:after, #quickbar a.new:after {
    content: "?";
    color: #CC2200;
    text-decoration: $underline;
a.stub:after, #quickbar a.stub:after {
    content: "!";
    color: #772233;
    text-decoration: $underline;
        if( $wgUser->getOption( 'justify' ) ) {
            $s .= "#article, #bodyContent { text-align: justify; }\n";
        if( !$wgUser->getOption( 'showtoc' ) ) {
            $s .= "#toc { display: none; }\n";
        if( !$wgUser->getOption( 'editsection' ) ) {
            $s .= ".editsection { display: none; }\n";
        return $s;

    function getBodyOptions() {
        global $wgUser, $wgTitle, $wgOut, $wgRequest, $wgContLang;

        extract( $wgRequest->getValues( 'oldid', 'redirect', 'diff' ) );

        if ( 0 != $wgTitle->getNamespace() ) {
            $a = array( 'bgcolor' => '#ffffec' );
        else $a = array( 'bgcolor' => '#FFFFFF' );
        if($wgOut->isArticle() && $wgUser->getOption('editondblclick') &&
          $wgTitle->userCanEdit() ) {
            $s = $wgTitle->getFullURL( $this->editUrlOptions() );
            $s = 'document.location = "' .wfEscapeJSString( $s ) .'";';
            $a += array ('ondblclick' => $s);

        $a['onload'] = $wgOut->getOnloadHandler();
        if( $wgUser->getOption( 'editsectiononrightclick' ) ) {
            if( $a['onload'] != '' ) {
                $a['onload'] .= ';';
            $a['onload'] .= 'setupRightClickEdit()';
        $a['class'] = 'ns-'.$wgTitle->getNamespace().' '.($wgContLang->isRTL() ? "rtl" : "ltr").
        ' '.Sanitizer::escapeId( 'page-'.$wgTitle->getPrefixedText() );
        return $a;

     * URL to the logo
    function getLogo() {
        global $wgLogo;
        return $wgLogo;

     * This will be called immediately after the <body> tag.  Split into
     * two functions to make it easier to subclass.
    function beforeContent() {
        return $this->doBeforeContent();

    function doBeforeContent() {
        global $wgContLang;
        $fname = 'Skin::doBeforeContent';
        wfProfileIn( $fname );

        $s = '';
        $qb = $this->qbSetting();

        if( $langlinks = $this->otherLanguages() ) {
            $rows = 2;
            $borderhack = '';
        } else {
            $rows = 1;
            $langlinks = false;
            $borderhack = 'class="top"';

        $s .= "\n<div id='content'>\n<div id='topbar'>\n" .
          "<table border='0' cellspacing='0' width='98%'>\n<tr>\n";

        $shove = ($qb != 0);
        $left = ($qb == 1 || $qb == 3);
        if($wgContLang->isRTL()) $left = !$left;

        if ( !$shove ) {
            $s .= "<td class='top' align='left' valign='top' rowspan='{$rows}'>\n" .
              $this->logoText() . '</td>';
        } elseif( $left ) {
            $s .= $this->getQuickbarCompensator( $rows );
        $l = $wgContLang->isRTL() ? 'right' : 'left';
        $s .= "<td {$borderhack} align='$l' valign='top'>\n";

        $s .= $this->topLinks() ;
        $s .= "<p class='subtitle'>" . $this->pageTitleLinks() . "</p>\n";

        $r = $wgContLang->isRTL() ? "left" : "right";
        $s .= "</td>\n<td {$borderhack} valign='top' align='$r' nowrap='nowrap'>";
        $s .= $this->nameAndLogin();
        $s .= "\n<br />" . $this->searchForm() . "</td>";

        if ( $langlinks ) {
            $s .= "</tr>\n<tr>\n<td class='top' colspan=\"2\">$langlinks</td>\n";

        if ( $shove && !$left ) { # Right
            $s .= $this->getQuickbarCompensator( $rows );
        $s .= "</tr>\n</table>\n</div>\n";
        $s .= "\n<div id='article'>\n";

        $notice = wfGetSiteNotice();
        if( $notice ) {
            $s .= "\n<div id='siteNotice'>$notice</div>\n";
        $s .= $this->pageTitle();
        $s .= $this->pageSubtitle() ;
        $s .= $this->getCategories();
        wfProfileOut( $fname );
        return $s;

    function getCategoryLinks () {
        global $wgOut, $wgTitle, $wgUseCategoryBrowser;
        global $wgContLang;

        if( count( $wgOut->mCategoryLinks ) == 0 ) return '';

        # Separator
        $sep = wfMsgHtml( 'catseparator' );

        // Use Unicode bidi embedding override characters,
        // to make sure links don't smash each other up in ugly ways.
        $dir = $wgContLang->isRTL() ? 'rtl' : 'ltr';
        $embed = "<span dir='$dir'>";
        $pop = '</span>';
        $t = $embed . implode ( "{$pop} {$sep} {$embed}" , $wgOut->mCategoryLinks ) . $pop;

        $msg = wfMsgExt( 'pagecategories', array( 'parsemag', 'escape' ), count( $wgOut->mCategoryLinks ) );
        $s = $this->makeLinkObj( Title::newFromText( wfMsgForContent('pagecategorieslink') ), $msg )
            . ': ' . $t;

        # optional 'dmoz-like' category browser. Will be shown under the list
        # of categories an article belong to
        if($wgUseCategoryBrowser) {
            $s .= '<br /><hr />';

            # get a big array of the parents tree
            $parenttree = $wgTitle->getParentCategoryTree();
            # Skin object passed by reference cause it can not be
            # accessed under the method subfunction drawCategoryBrowser
            $tempout = explode("\n", Skin::drawCategoryBrowser($parenttree, $this) );
            # Clean out bogus first entry and sort them
            # Output one per line
            $s .= implode("<br />\n", $tempout);

        return $s;

    /** Render the array as a serie of links.
     * @param $tree Array: categories tree returned by Title::getParentCategoryTree
     * @param &skin Object: skin passed by reference
     * @return String separated by &gt;, terminate with "\n"
    function drawCategoryBrowser($tree, &$skin) {
        $return = '';
        foreach ($tree as $element => $parent) {
            if (empty($parent)) {
                # element start a new list
                $return .= "\n";
            } else {
                # grab the others elements
                $return .= Skin::drawCategoryBrowser($parent, $skin) . ' &gt; ';
            # add our current element to the list
            $eltitle = Title::NewFromText($element);
            $return .=  $skin->makeLinkObj( $eltitle, $eltitle->getText() ) ;
        return $return;

    function getCategories() {
        if(!empty($catlinks)) {
            return "<p class='catlinks'>{$catlinks}</p>";

    function getQuickbarCompensator( $rows = 1 ) {
        return "<td width='152' rowspan='{$rows}'>&nbsp;</td>";

     * This gets called shortly before the \</body\> tag.
     * @return String HTML to be put before \</body\> 
    function afterContent() {
        $printfooter = "<div class=\"printfooter\">\n" . $this->printFooter() . "</div>\n";
        return $printfooter . $this->doAfterContent();

     * This gets called shortly before the \</body\> tag.
     * @return String HTML-wrapped JS code to be put before \</body\> 
    function bottomScripts() {
        global $wgJsMimeType;
        return "\n\t\t<script type=\"$wgJsMimeType\">if (window.runOnloadHook) runOnloadHook();</script>\n";

    /** @return string Retrievied from HTML text */
    function printSource() {
        global $wgTitle;
        $url = htmlspecialchars( $wgTitle->getFullURL() );
        return wfMsg( 'retrievedfrom', '<a href="'.$url.'">'.$url.'</a>' );

    function printFooter() {
        return "<p>" .  $this->printSource() .
            "</p>\n\n<p>" . $this->pageStats() . "</p>\n";

    /** overloaded by derived classes */
    function doAfterContent() { }

    function pageTitleLinks() {
        global $wgOut, $wgTitle, $wgUser, $wgRequest;

        $oldid = $wgRequest->getVal( 'oldid' );
        $diff = $wgRequest->getVal( 'diff' );
        $action = $wgRequest->getText( 'action' );

        $s = $this->printableLink();
        $disclaimer = $this->disclaimerLink(); # may be empty
        if( $disclaimer ) {
            $s .= ' | ' . $disclaimer;
        $privacy = $this->privacyLink(); # may be empty too
        if( $privacy ) {
            $s .= ' | ' . $privacy;

        if ( $wgOut->isArticleRelated() ) {
            if ( $wgTitle->getNamespace() == NS_IMAGE ) {
                $name = $wgTitle->getDBkey();
                $image = new Image( $wgTitle );
                if( $image->exists() ) {
                    $link = htmlspecialchars( $image->getURL() );
                    $style = $this->getInternalLinkAttributes( $link, $name );
                    $s .= " | <a href=\"{$link}\"{$style}>{$name}</a>";
        if ( 'history' == $action || isset( $diff ) || isset( $oldid ) ) {
            $s .= ' | ' . $this->makeKnownLinkObj( $wgTitle,
                    wfMsg( 'currentrev' ) );

        if ( $wgUser->getNewtalk() ) {
            # do not show "You have new messages" text when we are viewing our
            # own talk page
            if( !$wgTitle->equals( $wgUser->getTalkPage() ) ) {
                $tl = $this->makeKnownLinkObj( $wgUser->getTalkPage(), wfMsgHtml( 'newmessageslink' ), 'redirect=no' );
                $dl = $this->makeKnownLinkObj( $wgUser->getTalkPage(), wfMsgHtml( 'newmessagesdifflink' ), 'diff=cur' );
                $s.= ' | <strong>'. wfMsg( 'youhavenewmessages', $tl, $dl ) . '</strong>';
                # disable caching

        $undelete = $this->getUndeleteLink();
        if( !empty( $undelete ) ) {
            $s .= ' | '.$undelete;
        return $s;

    function getUndeleteLink() {
        global $wgUser, $wgTitle, $wgContLang, $action;
        if(    $wgUser->isAllowed( 'deletedhistory' ) &&
            (($wgTitle->getArticleID() == 0) || ($action == "history")) &&
            ($n = $wgTitle->isDeleted() ) )
            if ( $wgUser->isAllowed( 'delete' ) ) {
                $msg = 'thisisdeleted';
            } else {
                $msg = 'viewdeleted';
            return wfMsg( $msg,
                    SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Undelete', $wgTitle->getPrefixedDBkey() ),
                    wfMsgExt( 'restorelink', array( 'parsemag', 'escape' ), $n ) ) );
        return '';

    function printableLink() {
        global $wgOut, $wgFeedClasses, $wgRequest;

        $printurl = $wgRequest->escapeAppendQuery( 'printable=yes' );

        $s = "<a href=\"$printurl\">" . wfMsg( 'printableversion' ) . '</a>';
        if( $wgOut->isSyndicated() ) {
            foreach( $wgFeedClasses as $format => $class ) {
                $feedurl = $wgRequest->escapeAppendQuery( "feed=$format" );
                $s .= " | <a href=\"$feedurl\">{$format}</a>";
        return $s;

    function pageTitle() {
        global $wgOut;
        $s = '<h1 class="pagetitle">' . htmlspecialchars( $wgOut->getPageTitle() ) . '</h1>';
        return $s;

    function pageSubtitle() {
        global $wgOut;

        $sub = $wgOut->getSubtitle();
        if ( '' == $sub ) {
            global $wgExtraSubtitle;
            $sub = wfMsg( 'tagline' ) . $wgExtraSubtitle;
        $subpages = $this->subPageSubtitle();
        $sub .= !empty($subpages)?"</p><p class='subpages'>$subpages":'';
        $s = "<p class='subtitle'>{$sub}</p>\n";
        return $s;

    function subPageSubtitle() {
        global $wgOut,$wgTitle,$wgNamespacesWithSubpages;
        $subpages = '';
        if($wgOut->isArticle() && !empty($wgNamespacesWithSubpages[$wgTitle->getNamespace()])) {
            if(preg_match('/\//',$ptext)) {
                $links = explode('/',$ptext);
                $c = 0;
                $growinglink = '';
                foreach($links as $link) {
                    if ($c<count($links)) {
                        $growinglink .= $link;
                        $getlink = $this->makeLink( $growinglink, htmlspecialchars( $link ) );
                        if(preg_match('/class="new"/i',$getlink)) { break; } # this is a hack, but it saves time
                        if ($c>1) {
                            $subpages .= ' | ';
                        } else  {
                            $subpages .= '&lt; ';
                        $subpages .= $getlink;
                        $growinglink .= '/';
        return $subpages;

    function nameAndLogin() {
        global $wgUser, $wgTitle, $wgLang, $wgContLang, $wgShowIPinHeader;

        $lo = $wgContLang->specialPage( 'Userlogout' );

        $s = '';
        if ( $wgUser->isAnon() ) {
            if( $wgShowIPinHeader && isset( $_COOKIE[ini_get('session.name')] ) ) {
                $n = wfGetIP();

                $tl = $this->makeKnownLinkObj( $wgUser->getTalkPage(),
                  $wgLang->getNsText( NS_TALK ) );

                $s .= $n . ' ('.$tl.')';
            } else {
                $s .= wfMsg('notloggedin');

            $rt = $wgTitle->getPrefixedURL();
            if ( 0 == strcasecmp( urlencode( $lo ), $rt ) ) {
                $q = '';
            } else { $q = "returnto={$rt}"; }

            $s .= "\n<br />" . $this->makeKnownLinkObj(
                SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Userlogin' ),
                wfMsg( 'login' ), $q );
        } else {
            $n = $wgUser->getName();
            $rt = $wgTitle->getPrefixedURL();
            $tl = $this->makeKnownLinkObj( $wgUser->getTalkPage(),
              $wgLang->getNsText( NS_TALK ) );

            $tl = " ({$tl})";

            $s .= $this->makeKnownLinkObj( $wgUser->getUserPage(),
              $n ) . "{$tl}<br />" .
              $this->makeKnownLinkObj( SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Userlogout' ), wfMsg( 'logout' ),
              "returnto={$rt}" ) . ' | ' .
              $this->specialLink( 'preferences' );
        $s .= ' | ' . $this->makeKnownLink( wfMsgForContent( 'helppage' ),
          wfMsg( 'help' ) );

        return $s;

    function getSearchLink() {
        $searchPage = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Search' );
        return $searchPage->getLocalURL();

    function escapeSearchLink() {
        return htmlspecialchars( $this->getSearchLink() );

    function searchForm() {
        global $wgRequest;
        $search = $wgRequest->getText( 'search' );

        $s = '<form name="search" class="inline" method="post" action="'
          . $this->escapeSearchLink() . "\">\n"
          . '<input type="text" name="search" size="19" value="'
          . htmlspecialchars(substr($search,0,256)) . "\" />\n"
          . '<input type="submit" name="go" value="' . wfMsg ('searcharticle') . '" />&nbsp;'
          . '<input type="submit" name="fulltext" value="' . wfMsg ('searchbutton') . "\" />\n</form>";

        return $s;

    function topLinks() {
        global $wgOut;
        $sep = " |\n";

        $s = $this->mainPageLink() . $sep
          . $this->specialLink( 'recentchanges' );

        if ( $wgOut->isArticleRelated() ) {
            $s .=  $sep . $this->editThisPage()
              . $sep . $this->historyLink();
        # Many people don't like this dropdown box
        #$s .= $sep . $this->specialPagesList();
        $s .= $this->variantLinks();
        $s .= $this->extensionTabLinks();

        return $s;
     * Compatibility for extensions adding functionality through tabs.
     * Eventually these old skins should be replaced with SkinTemplate-based
     * versions, sigh...
     * @return string
    function extensionTabLinks() {
        $tabs = array();
        $s = '';
        wfRunHooks( 'SkinTemplateTabs', array( $this, &$tabs ) );
        foreach( $tabs as $tab ) {
            $s .= ' | ' . Xml::element( 'a',
                array( 'href' => $tab['href'] ),
                $tab['text'] );
        return $s;
     * Language/charset variant links for classic-style skins
     * @return string
    function variantLinks() {
        $s = '';
        /* show links to different language variants */
        global $wgDisableLangConversion, $wgContLang, $wgTitle;
        $variants = $wgContLang->getVariants();
        if( !$wgDisableLangConversion && sizeof( $variants ) > 1 ) {
            foreach( $variants as $code ) {
                $varname = $wgContLang->getVariantname( $code );
                if( $varname == 'disable' )
                $s .= ' | <a href="' . $wgTitle->escapeLocalUrl( 'variant=' . $code ) . '">' . htmlspecialchars( $varname ) . '</a>';
        return $s;

    function bottomLinks() {
        global $wgOut, $wgUser, $wgTitle, $wgUseTrackbacks;
        $sep = " |\n";

        $s = '';
        if ( $wgOut->isArticleRelated() ) {
            $s .= '<strong>' . $this->editThisPage() . '</strong>';
            if ( $wgUser->isLoggedIn() ) {
                $s .= $sep . $this->watchThisPage();
            $s .= $sep . $this->talkLink()
              . $sep . $this->historyLink()
              . $sep . $this->whatLinksHere()
              . $sep . $this->watchPageLinksLink();

            if ($wgUseTrackbacks)
                $s .= $sep . $this->trackbackLink();

            if ( $wgTitle->getNamespace() == NS_USER
                || $wgTitle->getNamespace() == NS_USER_TALK )


                if($id || $ip) { # both anons and non-anons have contri list
                    $s .= $sep . $this->userContribsLink();
                if( $this->showEmailUser( $id ) ) {
                    $s .= $sep . $this->emailUserLink();
            if ( $wgTitle->getArticleID() ) {
                $s .= "\n<br />";
                if($wgUser->isAllowed('delete')) { $s .= $this->deleteThisPage(); }
                if($wgUser->isAllowed('protect')) { $s .= $sep . $this->protectThisPage(); }
                if($wgUser->isAllowed('move')) { $s .= $sep . $this->moveThisPage(); }
            $s .= "<br />\n" . $this->otherLanguages();
        return $s;

    function pageStats() {
        global $wgOut, $wgLang, $wgArticle, $wgRequest, $wgUser;
        global $wgDisableCounters, $wgMaxCredits, $wgShowCreditsIfMax, $wgTitle, $wgPageShowWatchingUsers;

        $oldid = $wgRequest->getVal( 'oldid' );
        $diff = $wgRequest->getVal( 'diff' );
        if ( ! $wgOut->isArticle() ) { return ''; }
        if ( isset( $oldid ) || isset( $diff ) ) { return ''; }
        if ( 0 == $wgArticle->getID() ) { return ''; }

        $s = '';
        if ( !$wgDisableCounters ) {
            $count = $wgLang->formatNum( $wgArticle->getCount() );
            if ( $count ) {
                $s = wfMsgExt( 'viewcount', array( 'parseinline' ), $count );

            if (isset($wgMaxCredits) && $wgMaxCredits != 0) {
            $s .= ' ' . getCredits($wgArticle, $wgMaxCredits, $wgShowCreditsIfMax);
        } else {
            $s .= $this->lastModified();

        if ($wgPageShowWatchingUsers && $wgUser->getOption( 'shownumberswatching' )) {
            $dbr =& wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
            $watchlist = $dbr->tableName( 'watchlist' );
            $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS n FROM $watchlist
                WHERE wl_title='" . $dbr->strencode($wgTitle->getDBKey()) .
                "' AND  wl_namespace=" . $wgTitle->getNamespace() ;
            $res = $dbr->query( $sql, 'Skin::pageStats');
            $x = $dbr->fetchObject( $res );
            $s .= ' ' . wfMsg('number_of_watching_users_pageview', $x->n );

        return $s . ' ' .  $this->getCopyright();

    function getCopyright( $type = 'detect' ) {
        global $wgRightsPage, $wgRightsUrl, $wgRightsText, $wgRequest;

        if ( $type == 'detect' ) {
            $oldid = $wgRequest->getVal( 'oldid' );
            $diff = $wgRequest->getVal( 'diff' );

            if ( !is_null( $oldid ) && is_null( $diff ) && wfMsgForContent( 'history_copyright' ) !== '-' ) {
                $type = 'history';
            } else {
                $type = 'normal';

        if ( $type == 'history' ) {
            $msg = 'history_copyright';
        } else {
            $msg = 'copyright';

        $out = '';
        if( $wgRightsPage ) {
            $link = $this->makeKnownLink( $wgRightsPage, $wgRightsText );
        } elseif( $wgRightsUrl ) {
            $link = $this->makeExternalLink( $wgRightsUrl, $wgRightsText );
        } else {
            # Give up now
            return $out;
        $out .= wfMsgForContent( $msg, $link );
        return $out;

    function getCopyrightIcon() {
        global $wgRightsUrl, $wgRightsText, $wgRightsIcon, $wgCopyrightIcon;
        $out = '';
        if ( isset( $wgCopyrightIcon ) && $wgCopyrightIcon ) {
            $out = $wgCopyrightIcon;
        } else if ( $wgRightsIcon ) {
            $icon = htmlspecialchars( $wgRightsIcon );
            if ( $wgRightsUrl ) {
                $url = htmlspecialchars( $wgRightsUrl );
                $out .= '<a href="'.$url.'">';
            $text = htmlspecialchars( $wgRightsText );
            $out .= "<img src=\"$icon\" alt='$text' />";
            if ( $wgRightsUrl ) {
                $out .= '</a>';
        return $out;

    function getPoweredBy() {
        global $wgStylePath;
        $url = htmlspecialchars( "$wgStylePath/common/images/poweredby_mediawiki_88x31.png" );
        $img = '<a href="http://www.mediawiki.org/"><img src="'.$url.'" alt="Powered by MediaWiki" /></a>';
        return $img;

    function lastModified() {
        global $wgLang, $wgArticle, $wgLoadBalancer;

        $timestamp = $wgArticle->getTimestamp();
        if ( $timestamp ) {
            $d = $wgLang->date( $timestamp, true );
            $t = $wgLang->time( $timestamp, true );
            $s = ' ' . wfMsg( 'lastmodifiedat', $d, $t );
        } else {
            $s = '';
        if ( $wgLoadBalancer->getLaggedSlaveMode() ) {
            $s .= ' <strong>' . wfMsg( 'laggedslavemode' ) . '</strong>';
        return $s;

    function logoText( $align = '' ) {
        if ( '' != $align ) { $a = " align='{$align}'"; }
        else { $a = ''; }

        $mp = wfMsg( 'mainpage' );
        $mptitle = Title::newMainPage();
        $url = ( is_object($mptitle) ? $mptitle->escapeLocalURL() : '' );

        $logourl = $this->getLogo();
        $s = "<a href='{$url}'><img{$a} src='{$logourl}' alt='[{$mp}]' /></a>";
        return $s;

     * show a drop-down box of special pages
    function specialPagesList() {
        global $wgUser, $wgContLang, $wgServer, $wgRedirectScript;
        $pages = array_merge( SpecialPage::getRegularPages(), SpecialPage::getRestrictedPages() );
        foreach ( $pages as $name => $page ) {
            $pages[$name] = $page->getDescription();

        $go = wfMsg( 'go' );
        $sp = wfMsg( 'specialpages' );
        $spp = $wgContLang->specialPage( 'Specialpages' );

        $s = '<form id="specialpages" method="get" class="inline" ' .
          'action="' . htmlspecialchars( "{$wgServer}{$wgRedirectScript}" ) . "\">\n";
        $s .= "<select name=\"wpDropdown\">\n";
        $s .= "<option value=\"{$spp}\">{$sp}</option>\n";

        foreach ( $pages as $name => $desc ) {
            $p = $wgContLang->specialPage( $name );
            $s .= "<option value=\"{$p}\">{$desc}</option>\n";
        $s .= "</select>\n";
        $s .= "<input type='submit' value=\"{$go}\" name='redirect' />\n";
        $s .= "</form>\n";
        return $s;

    function mainPageLink() {
        $s = $this->makeKnownLinkObj( Title::newMainPage(), wfMsg( 'mainpage' ) );
        return $s;

    function copyrightLink() {
        $s = $this->makeKnownLink( wfMsgForContent( 'copyrightpage' ),
          wfMsg( 'copyrightpagename' ) );
        return $s;

    function privacyLink() {
        $privacy = wfMsg( 'privacy' );
        if ($privacy == '-') {
            return '';
        } else {
            return $this->makeKnownLink( wfMsgForContent( 'privacypage' ), $privacy);

    function aboutLink() {
        $s = $this->makeKnownLink( wfMsgForContent( 'aboutpage' ),
          wfMsg( 'aboutsite' ) );
        return $s;

    function disclaimerLink() {
        $disclaimers = wfMsg( 'disclaimers' );
        if ($disclaimers == '-') {
            return '';
        } else {
            return $this->makeKnownLink( wfMsgForContent( 'disclaimerpage' ),
                                         $disclaimers );

    function editThisPage() {
        global $wgOut, $wgTitle;

        if ( ! $wgOut->isArticleRelated() ) {
            $s = wfMsg( 'protectedpage' );
        } else {
            if ( $wgTitle->userCanEdit() ) {
                $t = wfMsg( 'editthispage' );
            } else {
                $t = wfMsg( 'viewsource' );

            $s = $this->makeKnownLinkObj( $wgTitle, $t, $this->editUrlOptions() );
        return $s;

     * Return URL options for the 'edit page' link.
     * This may include an 'oldid' specifier, if the current page view is such.
     * @return string
     * @private
    function editUrlOptions() {
        global $wgArticle;

        if( $this->mRevisionId && ! $wgArticle->isCurrent() ) {
            return "action=edit&oldid=" . intval( $this->mRevisionId );
        } else {
            return "action=edit";

    function deleteThisPage() {
        global $wgUser, $wgTitle, $wgRequest;

        $diff = $wgRequest->getVal( 'diff' );
        if ( $wgTitle->getArticleID() && ( ! $diff ) && $wgUser->isAllowed('delete') ) {
            $t = wfMsg( 'deletethispage' );

            $s = $this->makeKnownLinkObj( $wgTitle, $t, 'action=delete' );
        } else {
            $s = '';
        return $s;

    function protectThisPage() {
        global $wgUser, $wgTitle, $wgRequest;

        $diff = $wgRequest->getVal( 'diff' );
        if ( $wgTitle->getArticleID() && ( ! $diff ) && $wgUser->isAllowed('protect') ) {
            if ( $wgTitle->isProtected() ) {
                $t = wfMsg( 'unprotectthispage' );
                $q = 'action=unprotect';
            } else {
                $t = wfMsg( 'protectthispage' );
                $q = 'action=protect';
            $s = $this->makeKnownLinkObj( $wgTitle, $t, $q );
        } else {
            $s = '';
        return $s;

    function watchThisPage() {
        global $wgOut, $wgTitle;

        if ( $wgOut->isArticleRelated() ) {
            if ( $wgTitle->userIsWatching() ) {
                $t = wfMsg( 'unwatchthispage' );
                $q = 'action=unwatch';
                $id = "mw-unwatch-link".$this->mWatchLinkNum;
            } else {
                $t = wfMsg( 'watchthispage' );
                $q = 'action=watch';
                $id = 'mw-watch-link'.$this->mWatchLinkNum;
            $s = $this->makeKnownLinkObj( $wgTitle, $t, $q, '', '', " id=\"$id\"" );
        } else {
            $s = wfMsg( 'notanarticle' );
        return $s;

    function moveThisPage() {
        global $wgTitle;

        if ( $wgTitle->userCanMove() ) {
            return $this->makeKnownLinkObj( SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Movepage' ),
              wfMsg( 'movethispage' ), 'target=' . $wgTitle->getPrefixedURL() );
        } else {
            // no message if page is protected - would be redundant
            return '';

    function historyLink() {
        global $wgTitle;

        return $this->makeKnownLinkObj( $wgTitle,
          wfMsg( 'history' ), 'action=history' );

    function whatLinksHere() {
        global $wgTitle;

        return $this->makeKnownLinkObj( 
            SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Whatlinkshere', $wgTitle->getPrefixedDBkey() ), 
            wfMsg( 'whatlinkshere' ) );

    function userContribsLink() {
        global $wgTitle;

        return $this->makeKnownLinkObj( 
            SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Contributions', $wgTitle->getDBkey() ),
            wfMsg( 'contributions' ) );

    function showEmailUser( $id ) {
        global $wgEnableEmail, $wgEnableUserEmail, $wgUser;
        return $wgEnableEmail &&
               $wgEnableUserEmail &&
               $wgUser->isLoggedIn() && # show only to signed in users
               0 != $id; # we can only email to non-anons ..
#               '' != $id->getEmail() && # who must have an email address stored ..
#               0 != $id->getEmailauthenticationtimestamp() && # .. which is authenticated
#               1 != $wgUser->getOption('disablemail'); # and not disabled

    function emailUserLink() {
        global $wgTitle;

        return $this->makeKnownLinkObj( 
            SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Emailuser', $wgTitle->getDBkey() ),
            wfMsg( 'emailuser' ) );

    function watchPageLinksLink() {
        global $wgOut, $wgTitle;

        if ( ! $wgOut->isArticleRelated() ) {
            return '(' . wfMsg( 'notanarticle' ) . ')';
        } else {
            return $this->makeKnownLinkObj( 
                SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Recentchangeslinked', $wgTitle->getPrefixedDBkey() ), 
                wfMsg( 'recentchangeslinked' ) );

    function trackbackLink() {
        global $wgTitle;

        return "<a href=\"" . $wgTitle->trackbackURL() . "\">"
            . wfMsg('trackbacklink') . "</a>";

    function otherLanguages() {
        global $wgOut, $wgContLang, $wgHideInterlanguageLinks;

        if ( $wgHideInterlanguageLinks ) {
            return '';

        $a = $wgOut->getLanguageLinks();
        if ( 0 == count( $a ) ) {
            return '';

        $s = wfMsg( 'otherlanguages' ) . ': ';
        $first = true;
        if($wgContLang->isRTL()) $s .= '<span dir="LTR">';
        foreach( $a as $l ) {
            if ( ! $first ) { $s .= ' | '; }
            $first = false;

            $nt = Title::newFromText( $l );
            $url = $nt->escapeFullURL();
            $text = $wgContLang->getLanguageName( $nt->getInterwiki() );

            if ( '' == $text ) { $text = $l; }
            $style = $this->getExternalLinkAttributes( $l, $text );
            $s .= "<a href=\"{$url}\"{$style}>{$text}</a>";
        if($wgContLang->isRTL()) $s .= '</span>';
        return $s;

    function bugReportsLink() {
        $s = $this->makeKnownLink( wfMsgForContent( 'bugreportspage' ),
          wfMsg( 'bugreports' ) );
        return $s;

    function dateLink() {
        $t1 = Title::newFromText( gmdate( 'F j' ) );
        $t2 = Title::newFromText( gmdate( 'Y' ) );

        $id = $t1->getArticleID();

        if ( 0 == $id ) {
            $s = $this->makeBrokenLink( $t1->getText() );
        } else {
            $s = $this->makeKnownLink( $t1->getText() );
        $s .= ', ';

        $id = $t2->getArticleID();

        if ( 0 == $id ) {
            $s .= $this->makeBrokenLink( $t2->getText() );
        } else {
            $s .= $this->makeKnownLink( $t2->getText() );
        return $s;

    function talkLink() {
        global $wgTitle;

        if ( NS_SPECIAL == $wgTitle->getNamespace() ) {
            # No discussion links for special pages
            return '';

        if( $wgTitle->isTalkPage() ) {
            $link = $wgTitle->getSubjectPage();
            switch( $link->getNamespace() ) {
                case NS_MAIN:
                    $text = wfMsg( 'articlepage' );
                case NS_USER:
                    $text = wfMsg( 'userpage' );
                case NS_PROJECT:
                    $text = wfMsg( 'projectpage' );
                case NS_IMAGE:
                    $text = wfMsg( 'imagepage' );
                case NS_MEDIAWIKI:
                    $text = wfMsg( 'mediawikipage' );
                case NS_TEMPLATE:
                    $text = wfMsg( 'templatepage' );
                case NS_HELP:
                    $text = wfMsg( 'viewhelppage' );
                case NS_CATEGORY:
                    $text = wfMsg( 'categorypage' );
                    $text = wfMsg( 'articlepage' );
        } else {
            $link = $wgTitle->getTalkPage();
            $text = wfMsg( 'talkpage' );

        $s = $this->makeLinkObj( $link, $text );

        return $s;

    function commentLink() {
        global $wgTitle, $wgOut;

        if ( $wgTitle->getNamespace() == NS_SPECIAL ) {
            return '';
        # __NEWSECTIONLINK___ changes behaviour here
        # If it's present, the link points to this page, otherwise
        # it points to the talk page
        if( $wgTitle->isTalkPage() ) {
            $title =& $wgTitle;
        } elseif( $wgOut->showNewSectionLink() ) {
            $title =& $wgTitle;
        } else {
            $title =& $wgTitle->getTalkPage();
        return $this->makeKnownLinkObj( $title, wfMsg( 'postcomment' ), 'action=edit&section=new' );

    /* these are used extensively in SkinTemplate, but also some other places */
    static function makeMainPageUrl( $urlaction = '' ) {
        $title = Title::newMainPage();
        self::checkTitle( $title, $name );
        return $title->getLocalURL( $urlaction );

    static function makeSpecialUrl( $name, $urlaction = '' ) {
        $title = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( $name );
        return $title->getLocalURL( $urlaction );

    static function makeSpecialUrlSubpage( $name, $subpage, $urlaction = '' ) {
        $title = SpecialPage::getSafeTitleFor( $name, $subpage );
        return $title->getLocalURL( $urlaction );

    static function makeI18nUrl( $name, $urlaction = '' ) {
        $title = Title::newFromText( wfMsgForContent( $name ) );
        self::checkTitle( $title, $name );
        return $title->getLocalURL( $urlaction );

    static function makeUrl( $name, $urlaction = '' ) {
        $title = Title::newFromText( $name );
        self::checkTitle( $title, $name );
        return $title->getLocalURL( $urlaction );

    # If url string starts with http, consider as external URL, else
    # internal
    static function makeInternalOrExternalUrl( $name ) {
        if ( preg_match( '/^(?:' . wfUrlProtocols() . ')/', $name ) ) {
            return $name;
        } else {
            return self::makeUrl( $name );

    # this can be passed the NS number as defined in Language.php
    static function makeNSUrl( $name, $urlaction = '', $namespace = NS_MAIN ) {
        $title = Title::makeTitleSafe( $namespace, $name );
        self::checkTitle( $title, $name );
        return $title->getLocalURL( $urlaction );

    /* these return an array with the 'href' and boolean 'exists' */
    static function makeUrlDetails( $name, $urlaction = '' ) {
        $title = Title::newFromText( $name );
        self::checkTitle( $title, $name );
        return array(
            'href' => $title->getLocalURL( $urlaction ),
            'exists' => $title->getArticleID() != 0 ? true : false

     * Make URL details where the article exists (or at least it's convenient to think so)
    static function makeKnownUrlDetails( $name, $urlaction = '' ) {
        $title = Title::newFromText( $name );
        self::checkTitle( $title, $name );
        return array(
            'href' => $title->getLocalURL( $urlaction ),
            'exists' => true

    # make sure we have some title to operate on
    static function checkTitle( &$title, &$name ) {
        if( !is_object( $title ) ) {
            $title = Title::newFromText( $name );
            if( !is_object( $title ) ) {
                $title = Title::newFromText( '--error: link target missing--' );

     * Build an array that represents the sidebar(s), the navigation bar among them
     * @return array
     * @private
    function buildSidebar() {
        global $parserMemc, $wgEnableSidebarCache, $wgOut;
        global $wgParser, $wgLang, $wgContLang, $wgTitle, $wgUser;

        $fname = 'SkinTemplate::buildSidebar';

        wfProfileIn( $fname );

        $key = wfMemcKey( 'sidebar' );
        $cacheSidebar = $wgEnableSidebarCache &&
            ($wgLang->getCode() == $wgContLang->getCode());
        if ($cacheSidebar) {
            $cachedsidebar = $parserMemc->get( $key );
            if ($cachedsidebar!="") {
                return $cachedsidebar;

        $bar = array();

        $NameSpaceNumber = $wgTitle->getNamespace();
        if (!$nsText = $wgTitle->getNSText()) {
            $nsText = '(Main)';

        $sideBar_str_default = wfMsgForContent( 'sidebar' );

        // Namespace based sidebar
        $sideBar_str_custom = wfMsgForContent( 'sidebar'.$NameSpaceNumber );

        // Get the user's sidebar and add it to the rest.
        $rev = Revision::newFromTitle(Title::newFromText('User:' . $wgUser->mName . '/Sidebar'));
        $sideBar_str_user = $rev->getText();

        if (trim($sideBar_str_custom) != '&lt;sidebar'.$NameSpaceNumber . '&gt;' ) {
            $sideBar_str_default .= "\n" . $sideBar_str_custom;

        if ( $sideBar_str_user ) {
            $sideBar_str_default .= "\n" . $sideBar_str_user;

        $lines = array_unique(explode( "\n", $sideBar_str_default ));

        foreach ($lines as $line) {
            if (strpos($line, '*') !== 0)
            if (strpos($line, '**') !== 0) {
                $line = trim($line, '* ');
                if (preg_match('(\? if \((.*?)\) "(.*?)" \?)', $line, $match)) {
                    if ($wgUser->isAllowed( $match[1] ) ) {
                        $line = $match[2];
                    } else {
                $heading = $line;
            } else {
                if (strpos($line, '|') !== false) { // sanity check
                    $line = trim($line, '* ');
                    // If there's PHP-esque code, execute it first.

                    if (preg_match('(\? if \((.*?)\) "(.*?)" \?)', $line, $match)) {
                        if ($wgUser->isAllowed( $match[1] ) ) {
                            $line = $match[2];
                        } else {

                    $line = explode( '|' , $line, 2 );

                    $link = wfMsgForContent( $line[0] );

                    if ($link == '-')
//                    if (wfEmptyMsg($line[1], $text = wfMsg($line[1])))
                    if (wfEmptyMsg($line[1], $text = $line[1]))
                        $text = $line[1];
                    if (wfEmptyMsg($line[0], $link))
                        $link = $line[0];

                    if ( preg_match( '/^(?:' . wfUrlProtocols() . ')/', $link ) ) {
                        $href = $link;
                    } else {
                        if ( $title = Title::newFromText( $link ) ) {
                            $title = $title->fixSpecialName();
                            $href = $title->getLocalURL();
                        } else {
                            $title = Title::newFromText( 'INVALID-TITLE' );
                            $href = $title->getLocalURL();
                    $text = str_ireplace('{ns}', $NameSpaceNumber, $text);
                    $text = str_ireplace('{nst}', $nsText, $text);
                    $href = str_ireplace('{ns}', $NameSpaceNumber, $href);
                    $href = str_ireplace('{nst}', $nsText, $href);

                    $bar[$heading][$text] = array(
                        'text' => $text,
                        'href' => $href,
                        'id' => 'n-' . strtr($line[1], ' ', '-'),
                        'active' => false
                } else { continue; }

        // try adding category links, if any
        if ($wgOut->mCategoryLinks) {
            foreach ($wgOut->mCategoryLinks AS $cat) {
                preg_match('(<a href=".*" title="(.*)">(.*)</a>)', $cat, $matches);
                if ( $title = Title::newFromText( $matches[1] ) ) {
                    $title = $title->fixSpecialName();
                    $href = $title->getLocalURL();
                } else {
                    $title = Title::newFromText( 'INVALID-TITLE' );
                    $href = $title->getLocalURL();
                $bar['Categories'][$matches[2]] = array(
                    'text' => $matches[2],
                    'href' => $href,
                    'id' => 'n-' . strtr($cat, ' ', '-'),
                    'active' => false

        // try adding category pages if in the Category namespace.
        if ($nsText == 'Category') {
            $viewer = new CategoryViewer( $wgTitle );
            foreach (array(
                'Sub Categories' => 'children',
                'Articles in Category' => 'articles',
                'Images in Category' => 'showGallery',
            ) AS $name => $var) {
                if ($viewer->$var) {
                    foreach($viewer->$var AS $val) {
                        if (strpos($val, '<img')) { // This check is only for my Wiki, you probably won't need it.
                            preg_match('(<a href=".*" title="(.*)"><img src=".*">(.*)</a>)', $val, $matches);
                        } else {
                            preg_match('(<a href=".*" title="(.*)">(.*)</a>)', $val, $matches);
                        foreach ($matches AS &$v) {
                            $v = trim($v);

                        if ( $title = Title::newFromText( $matches[1] ) ) {
                            $title = $title->fixSpecialName();
                            $href = $title->getLocalURL();
                        } else {
                            $title = Title::newFromText( 'INVALID-TITLE' );
                            $href = $title->getLocalURL();
                        $bar[$name][$matches[2]] = array(
                            'text' => $matches[2],
                            'href' => $href,
                            'id' => 'n-' . strtr($matches[2], ' ', '-'),
                            'active' => false
        // Sort the Array based on the following:
        $bar['customize']['Your Sidebar'] = array(
            'text' => 'Your Sidebar',
            'href' => 'index.php?title=User:'.$wgUser->mName.'/Sidebar&action=edit',
            'id' => 'n-Your_Sidebar',
            'active' => false
        $first_key = key($bar);
        $sort_array[$first_key] = $bar[$first_key]; // first on the list is always first
        $temp = array_keys($bar);
        unset($temp[array_search($first_key, $temp)]);
        foreach ($temp AS $heading) {
            $sort_array[$heading] = $bar[$heading];
        $bar = $sort_array;
        if ($cacheSidebar)
            $parserMemc->set( $key, $bar, 86400 );
        wfProfileOut( $fname );
        return $bar;