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From mediawiki.org
class LayoutManager 
    static $displayList;
    public static function add($component)
    public static function remove($component)
abstract class UIComponentClass

    // attribute properties
     var $globalAttributes = array('class'=>''

    var $parent;
    var $styler;
    var $root;
    var $displayIndex;
    var $HTMLText='';
    public function getAttributeHTML()
        $attributeHTML = '';
        foreach($this->globalAttributes as $key=>$value)
            $attributeHTML.= $value==false?"":"$key = '$value' ";
        return $attributeHTML;
    public function setParent($parent)
        $this->parent= $parent;
    public function getParent()
        return $this->parent;
    public function setRoot()
    public function getRoot()
        return $this->root;
    public function getStyler()
        return $this->styler;
    public function setStyler($styler)
        $this->styler = $styler;
    public function getDisplayIndex()
        return $this->displayIndex;
    public function setDisplayIndex($displayIndex)
    public function render()
        global $wgOut;
    abstract public function draw();
class DivContainer extends UIComponentClass
    var $childList = array();
    public function __construct()
        $this->styler = CSSFactory::factory(CSSFactory::DIV);
    public function addChild($child)
    public function addChildAt($index,$child)
    public function contains($child)
        return in_array($child,$this->childList);
    public function getChildByName($childName)
        foreach($this->childList  as $key=>$value)
            return $value;
    public function getChildIndex($child)
        foreach($this->childList as $key=>$value)
            return $key;
    public function removeChild($child)
    public function swapChildren($childOld,$childNew)
    public function removeChildAt($index)
    public function removeChildren($children)
     public function draw()
        foreach($this->childList as $key=>$child)
        return $this->HTMLText;
    private function wrapUp()
class VectorPanel extends DivContainer
    public function __construct()
        $this->addChild(new LogoBox());
        $this->addChild(new NavigationBox());
        $this->addChild(new NavigationBox());
class LogoBox extends DIVContainer
    public function __construct()
        $this->addChild(new AnchorElement());

class NavigationBox extends DivContainer
    public function __construct()
        $this->addChild(new Heading('',HeadingTypes::H5));
        $div = new DivContainer();
        $list = new ListElement(4);
class Heading extends UIComponentClass
    var $headingText='';
    var $headingType=HeadingTypes::H1;
    public function __construct($headingText='',$headingType =HeadingTypes::H1)
        $this->headingText = $headingText;
        $this->headingType = $headingType;
    public function draw()
        $this->HTMLText = "<$this->headingType></$this->headingType>";
        return $this->HTMLText;
    public function bind()
class HeadingTypes
    const H1 = 'h1';
    const H2 = 'h2';
    const H3 = 'h3';
    const H4 = 'h4';
    const H5 = 'h5';
    const H6 = 'h6';
class AnchorElement extends UIComponentClass
    var $anchorAttributes = array(
    public function draw()
        $this->HTMLText.= "<a ".$this->getAttributeHTML()."></a>";
        return $this->HTMLText;
    public function getAttributeHTML()
        $attributeHtml = parent::getAttributeHTML();
        foreach($this->anchorAttributes as $key=>$value)
            $attributeHtml.= $value==false?"":"$key = '$value' ";
        return $attributeHtml;
class ListElement extends UIComponentClass
    var $listItems = array();
    public function __construct($size)
            $this->listItems[]=new ListItemElement();
    public function draw()
        foreach($this->listItems as $item)
            $this->HTMLText.= $item->draw();
        $this->HTMLText = "<ul".$this->getAttributeHTML().">".$this->HTMLText."</ul>";
        return $this->HTMLText;
class ListItemElement extends UIComponentClass
    var $childItems = array();
    public function __construct()
        $this->childItems[]=new AnchorElement();
    public function draw()
        foreach($this->childItems as $value)
            $this->HTMLText.= $value->draw();
        $this->HTMLText ="<li".$this->getAttributeHTML().">".$this->HTMLText."</li>";
        return $this->HTMLText;
And this is how we create this object<br/>
class ConfigureConferencePage extends SpecialPage
	function __construct(){
	function execute($par){
        $panel = new VectorPanel();