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UCOSP Spring 2012/Standups/10 Apr

From mediawiki.org
<Amgine> Okay, Dale won't make it TonyC_. 
<Amgine> Who wants to start?
<pfhayes> i can start
<pfhayes> i implemented the fix for toggling open the first section. it works in master, but i just checked now and saw that it doesn't work on the beta branch. i know the fix and am implementing it right now
<pfhayes> i also pushed the fix for updating the menu icons
<pfhayes> i did some work on the issue with the bottom part of the screen getting cut off. i think i found the fix, just need someone to confirm on their phone (i don't see the issue on my nexus)
<pfhayes> i emailed dale about it, but he hasn't gotten back to me. does anyone have a phone that they were seeing this issue on?
<sheac> yeah, i was looking at that. actually
<sheac> did you already merge it into master?
<tonyC_> sorry, works perfectly here
<pfhayes> sheac: the fix should be in master. were you seeing this on your phone
<sheac> i think i made a comment on the bug page to the effect that it looks fixed to me
<Amgine> I don't have a current apk, nor a working eclipse install. 
<pfhayes> sheac: did you ever see this problem before?
<sheac> yeah, i saw the problem before and now it's fixed for me.
<pfhayes> okay, awesome. then i should be able to merge the fix into beta
<pfhayes> also, i talked to Nikerabbit and siebrand about translations. they have wiktionary in the queue so hopefully that should be coming along nicely
<pfhayes> that's it from me
<Amgine> pfhayes: about a new RC?
<pfhayes> Amgine: here are the things that i think block us from our RC
<pfhayes> 1) the remaining outstanding bugs (there are only a few, and they are pretty minor)
<pfhayes> 2) translations
* YuviPanda has quit (Changing host)
* YuviPanda (~textual@mediawiki/Yuvipandan) has joined #Wiktionary-mobile
<Amgine> [11:12] <pfhayes> Amgine: here are the things that i think block us from our RC
<Amgine> [11:12] <pfhayes> 1) the remaining outstanding bugs (there are only a few, and they are pretty minor)
<Amgine> [11:12] <pfhayes> 2) translations
<Amgine> (for YuviPanda
<pfhayes> 3) the https certificate issue on wiktionary. right now we still make our requests through http
<pfhayes> i think that's it though
<YuviPanda> how much feedback are you guys getting?
<Amgine> Very little. Most cases have been me ambushing people.
* juancarlos (~yes@wikimedia/Killiondude) has joined #Wiktionary-mobile
<juancarlos> hello!
<sheac> I haven't seen anything new on the feedback page for a while
<YuviPanda> Amgine: and have tehy been responding?
* sumanah (~sumanah@mediawiki/sumanah) has joined #Wiktionary-mobile
<YuviPanda> sigh. This is a problem.
<Amgine> A few of them.
<YuviPanda> Amgine: enough to make you guys feel confident that there aren't bugs you are missing?
<Amgine> I've just waylaid Killiondude to join here, btw, but not sure xe is at keyboard.
<Amgine> YuviPanda: Mmmm....
<juancarlos> I'm here. 
<Amgine> Ah, there.
<juancarlos> I have to go in a few minutes, though. 
<juancarlos> What's up?
<sheac> juancarlos: thanks for your help with feedback! :)
<Amgine> juancarlos: we think the doesn't-scroll-to-bottom is fixed. Can you compile it, or should we get an apk for you?
<juancarlos> I don't know how to compile (unless I do, and I don't know it's called that!) 
<Amgine> pfhayes: can you dropbox a current apk?
<pfhayes> yup
<Amgine> I'm also trying to get kipcool (in Gernmany) to test it, so...
<juancarlos> Amgine: Can you email me the link if I'm not around? killiondudewp@gmail.com 
<Amgine> Yes, will do juancarlos
<juancarlos> thanks
<pfhayes> Amgine: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4187555/WiktionaryActivity-v101b2-debug.apk
<juancarlos> oh, cool. 
<Amgine> Great!
<juancarlos> I'll download it and let you know, Amgine 
<juancarlos> I've got to get to class! 
* juancarlos has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
<Amgine> People with real lives... meh.
<sheac> well that should be helpful to have juancarlos' help - thanks Amgine!
<sumanah> :)
<Amgine> <grin>
* sumanah can only pay partial attention, sorry
<Amgine> Kipcool is trying to download now as well. Xe has never installed via .apk before.
<Amgine> Is a good example because this is a new phone, first introduction to Android.
<pfhayes> cool
<Amgine> Okay. While that is going on, anything else pfhayes?
<pfhayes> Amgine: nope, that's it from me
<pfhayes> i just now fixed two bugs i was seeing in v1.0.1b
<Amgine> <grin> 
<sheac> pfhayes: …wow!
<Amgine> Shec, TonyC_?
<tonyC_> ill go
<tonyC_> i found out why Forwards was permanently disabled last night so that got fixed
<pfhayes> yay
<tonyC_> I also figured out why select text doesnt work on newer android versions
<pfhayes> tonyC_: can it be fixed?
<tonyC_> Back when “select text” was written, there was no way to select text from a webview so the current SelectTextPlugin.java is a slightly hacky solution that basically emulates holding Shift and Down at the same time to look like dragging text select. 
<tonyC_> In android 3.0+, emulating holding down Shift has been depreciated which is why nothing happens on our phones
<Amgine> getting feedback: first real comment is about translation tables.
<pfhayes> tonyC_: makes sense
<tonyC_> But, this entire feature has been made redundant as there is a sexy text selection google built into webview 
<tonyC_> you just long press a word and you can select text and choose to search it, share it or copy it to clipboard
<pfhayes> tonyC_: you're right, ha
<pfhayes> but that won't work on older phones, right?
<tonyC_> So basically the solution then is to disable "select text" feature for phones running android 3.0+
<tonyC_> pfhayes: exactly
<pfhayes> tonyC_: that makes sense. this will need to be done upstream too, right?
<tonyC_> yeah we have the same code
<Amgine> YuviPanda?
<YuviPanda> yeah, we've quite a bit of work to do on getting it 3.x+ ready
<YuviPanda> not sure what the roadmap on that is, though
<YuviPanda> pfhayes: how far behind master are you guys?
<pfhayes> our beta release branch is pretty far behind… let me check when our freeze was
<tonyC_> in "select text" we are not behind at all
<tonyC_> from wikipedia master at least
<pfhayes> YuviPanda: March 14th
<pfhayes> YuviPanda: but we have been merging in fixes we need since then
<YuviPanda> pfhayes: cool
* sheac has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
<YuviPanda> tonyC_: yeah, select text hasn't been worked on for a while now
<YuviPanda> last month has primarily been iOS stuff
* sheac (~sheaclare@host81-208.wifi.ubc.ca) has joined #Wiktionary-mobile
<sheac> <sorry - poor school wifi connection
<Amgine> [11:31] * sheac has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
<Amgine> [11:32] <YuviPanda> tonyC_: yeah, select text hasn't been worked on for a while now
<Amgine> [11:32] <YuviPanda> last month has primarily been iOS stuff
<sheac> <Thanks Amgine>
<pfhayes> YuviPanda: sounds like tonyC_ has a fix pretty much ready  though. can he contribute it to WIkipediaMobile, then we should be able to just grab it, right?
<Amgine> YuviPanda: Looks like it can be disabled for 3.x+
<YuviPanda> pfhayes: sure!
<YuviPanda> tonyC_: ^
<pfhayes> awesome
<tonyC_> umm well not much of a fix, do you want that button removed on newer devices?
<pfhayes> tonyC_: yeah, that should basically work
<pfhayes> YuviPanda: for that matter, we are still seeing the MobileFrontend issues in 4.0, with Show/Hide buttons not rendering. i am guessing that is not on the roadmap either, then?
* sheac has quit (Client Quit)
<YuviPanda> pfhayes: 1.2 moves away from MF, and that will fix these issues since we're no longer using MF code
<pfhayes> YuviPanda: I see. but that won't be ready for a while, correct? the beta version of WiktionaryMobile is still based off mobilefrontend
* heatherw has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
<YuviPanda> pfhayes: yes, that'll take atleast a week or so. Also, I'm unable to repro it in my Nexus S running ICS
<YuviPanda> or the emulator
* heatherw (~hwalls@ has joined #Wiktionary-mobile
<pfhayes> YuviPanda: it works for me in the emulator too. i will play with it some more. i recall being able to reproduce it on my galaxy nexus in the latest version of master in WikipediaMobile.
<YuviPanda> yeah, so it seems to be showing up *only* on the gnexus
<pfhayes> YuviPanda: oh, i see =s
* sheac (~sheaclare@host81-208.wifi.ubc.ca) has joined #Wiktionary-mobile
<Amgine> <YuviPanda> pfhayes: 1.2 moves away from MF, and that will fix these issues since we're no longer using MF code
<Amgine> <pfhayes> YuviPanda: I see. but that won't be ready for a while, correct? the beta version of WiktionaryMobile is still based off mobilefrontend
<Amgine> * heatherw has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
<Amgine> <YuviPanda> pfhayes: yes, that'll take atleast a week or so. Also, I'm unable to repro it in my Nexus S running ICS
<Amgine> <YuviPanda> or the emulator
<Amgine> * heatherw (~hwalls@ has joined #Wiktionary-mobile
<Amgine> <pfhayes> YuviPanda: it works for me in the emulator too. i will play with it some more. i recall being able to reproduce it on my galaxy nexus in the latest version of master in WikipediaMobile.
<Amgine> <YuviPanda> yeah, so it seems to be showing up *only* on the gnexus
<Amgine> <pfhayes> YuviPanda: oh, i see =s
<sheac> <Amgine thanks again>
<Amgine> TonyC_: You've had a great week. Anything else you haven't covered?
<tonyC_> thats it for me
<pfhayes> YuviPanda: in that case, I might see if I can throw together a gnexus-specific hack just for this release of WiktionaryMobile, and then by next version we should be onto the api instead of MF. does that seem reasonable?
<Amgine> okay, Sheac. You've been patient, go ahead?
<YuviPanda> i'm not a fan of device specific hacks :D
<YuviPanda> pfhayes: did you try moving toggle.js, etc off the head into the footer?
<YuviPanda> to load them after DOM load?
<sheac> Amgine: alrighty
<pfhayes> YuviPanda: that was related to a seperate issue.
<sumanah> Amgine: I'll want to ask about your final blog post, if you need to make one on the UCOSP site
<pfhayes> YuviPanda: that was for trying to inject js calls to toggle open Show/Hide sections. i ended up using settimeout for that. I can try it for the button rendering issue though, if you think it will help
<YuviPanda> hmm, alright. See if you can fix this on GNexus, and see if that works fine on all android rather than just GNexus
<YuviPanda> and it shall be fine
<YuviPanda> ok
<Amgine> Yah, we do. We sorta failed onthe blog side of things.
<sheac> I've been looking at how exactly we would best implement a solution to the minor 'Wiktionary:Etymology' bug that pfhayes came up with
<sheac> I found a couple of easy phone gap options and have been trying to put together proof of concept
<sheac> also, while I was looking at the stuff JackPotte had to say, I got to wondering:
<sumanah> Amgine: who hasn't written the blog post yet? :-)
<sumanah> I know you have done some writing
<Amgine> <winks> Actually, that was Shea.
<pfhayes> sheac: one possible solution would be to pop open namespace links in the browser
<sumanah> ok, so let's move it around, Amgine :D
<Amgine> I'd love to take credit though.
<sumanah> Tony maybe, or dlemieux
<sheac> when we select a non-English language in the language settings page, doesn't it make sense to have our app messages change to that language as well?
<tonyC_> sumanah: when does this blog post need to be written by?
<sheac> pfhayes: you mean change the html so that if the user clicks, it's just a bare link that Android always opens in the browser anyway?
<sumanah> tonyC_: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/UCOSP_Spring_2012#Blog_entries says 9 april
<sumanah> tonyC_: actually also 19 March, oops
<Amgine> <nods>
<tonyC_> uh oh
<Amgine> Let's just focus on the last one, 9 April
<pfhayes> sheac: no need to change the html. just in our code that tries to load pages, check to see if it is a 'Wiktionary:' link, and if so then open in the broswer instead
<sheac> oh, ok, yeah - that's kind of the route I've been going.
<sheac> pfhayes: ^
<Amgine> YuviPanda: what is the plan for namespaces in the main framework?
<tonyC_> sumanah: okay i can write the one that was due yesterday 
<sumanah> tonyC_: cool
<sumanah> tonyC_: you can coordinate with Amgine 
<YuviPanda> should work once we move to API.
<YuviPanda> but we haven't quite thought about it yet. 
<Amgine> Okay, let's keep that in mind sheac, pfhayes.
<Amgine> Remember that many Wiktionary articles link to the Citations: namespace.
<pfhayes> Amgine, sheac: i wouldn't be too concerned about these, especially if those links are going to work in later versions
<sheac> pfhayes: good point. 
<YuviPanda> also, why do they not work right now? Doesn't MF support theM?
<Amgine> <nods> Agreed. If the setup now doesn't break things, leave it alone for now.
<pfhayes> sheac: i'll close that bug then
<sheac> YuviPanda: they work, it's just the policy template runs off the left edge of the page
<sheac> pfhayes: coolio.
<Amgine> Testing YuviPanda
<YuviPanda> hmm, that might mean you guys need to open up an MF bug
<sheac> as for the question I posed earlier: does anyone else think we should change our messages to the language selected by the user in the settings screen?
<pfhayes> YuviPanda: ^?
<Amgine> Following a link to Appendix: namespace leaves me with a blank page, YuviPanda
<Amgine> Oh, strange, it appears after I touch the screen.
<pfhayes> sheac: i would say we should keep the behaviour consistent with wikipedia. ask YuviPanda why the decision not to do that was made for Wikipedia
<sheac> pfhayes: again - good point.
<YuviPanda> sheac: pfhayes long and heated discussion. Current consensus is to match Android UI for ui language and keep the language in settings just for content
<YuviPanda> we've new nav bar work that should make things much clearer.
<YuviPanda> but that won't land for a while
<pfhayes> YuviPanda: cool
<sheac> YuviPanda: got it.
<sheac> so yeah, that's it for me.
<pfhayes> great
<Amgine> Okay, first group issue: the icon/button by HeatherW
<pfhayes> looks great!
<tonyC_> i like it
<sheac> totally hot
<Amgine> Dlemieux liked it.
<Amgine> So, implement it.
<pfhayes> who's on that? dlemieux?
<tonyC_> yeah thats dale
<Amgine> Yes.
<pfhayes> i suppose anyone can do that though - dale already has a few things on his plate
<Amgine> Next issue: Friday meeting? Finals conflicts?
<pfhayes> maybe sheac can take care of it?
<sheac> sure!
<heatherw> let me know what you need
<tonyC_> i have an exam that night (...ugh)
<sheac> definitely
<pfhayes> Amgine: friday works for me
<Amgine> SheaC?
<sheac> it works like a charm
<Amgine> Okay, usual time is what?
<pfhayes> tonyC_: we can move it if it doesn't work for you
<sheac> 11AM PST, 2PM EST, 11PM India?
<tonyC_> i can drop in for a bit 
<pfhayes> cool
<pfhayes> YuviPanda, Amgine: does not having translations block us from making a release candidate?
<YuviPanda> i'd say yes
<pfhayes> okay
<Amgine> How much translation?
<pfhayes> i will do my best to prod that along then
<tonyC_> Amgine: just the menu dialog
<Amgine> FR, DE, ES, ZH, YuviPanda?\
<pfhayes> Amgine: good point. YuviPanda: what languages do we need for the RC? all of them? major ones?
<YuviPanda> having translation mechanisms in place would be good enough, IMO. Then let translatewiki take its course...
<Amgine> pfhayes: is messages implemented?
<pfhayes> YuviPanda: i've already spoken to siebrand and Nikerabbit. they are working on it
<pfhayes> but we don't have actual translation strings yte
<pfhayes> Amgine: our other blocking issue is the https certificate issue for Wiktionary. what is the status of that?
<Amgine> Uknown. Demon is online, but busy. I will ping Preilly and Demon about it today.
<pfhayes> great. do they know it blocks our release?
<Amgine> <looks around for flame retardent suit> Yes, but I don't know if that weighs much.
<pfhayes> YuviPanda: for that matter, does it block our release? could we release with http requests if necessary?
<YuviPanda> yes, you could
<pfhayes> ok
<sheac> neat!
<pfhayes> well, Amgine can ping them about that and let us know what the status is
<sheac> also, about that namespace bug where the template runs off the page: do we want to submit a MobileFrontend bug report right now?
<Amgine> pfhayes: Nikerabbit in #Mediawiki
<YuviPanda> yes
<pfhayes> sheac: go for it. but it won't really affect our product
<pfhayes> Amgine, sheac, tonyC_, YuviPanda: then the only real thing preventing an RC is the translations. we should keep working on the outstanding bugs/logo issues/etc. in the meantime though.
<pfhayes> the outstanding bugs are
<pfhayes> Show/Hide not rendering on gnexus, i'm working on that
<pfhayes> Implementing new logo, sheac is working on that
<sheac> <bingo?
<pfhayes> "Share to Wiktionary" issue. dlemieux is on that
<sheac> not question mark>
<pfhayes> scrolling issue. i am on that one
<Amgine> *not* the iOS scrolling issue.
<pfhayes> right
<pfhayes> and that's it!
<pfhayes> looking good everybody!
<tonyC_> and im removing the select text button
<sheac> tonyC_: oh yeah - nice
<Amgine> For 3.x+, right TonyC_?
<pfhayes> tonyC_: right. file a bug while you're at it so we can keep track of it
<tonyC_> its already up https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=35529
<pfhayes> tonyC_: awesome. thanks
<Amgine> pfhayes: Nikerabbit will be working on this in 30 minutes.
<pfhayes> Amgine: yay
<tonyC_> Amgine: yeah i have to tell what version the phone is running and disable the button if its 3.0+
<pfhayes> tonyC_: question though
<pfhayes> so the shift-drag doesn't work in 3.0+
<pfhayes> but the native webview select works in 3.0, right?
<pfhayes> it's not 4.0 only?
<tonyC_> the thing is, 3.0 is tablet-only
<pfhayes> if that was the case, then we'd  have a problem where you could select text in 2.3, 4.0, but not 3.0
<Amgine> I have not yet found an Android tab beta tester.
<pfhayes> Amgine: emulator works
<pfhayes> that's what i was using
<pfhayes> Amgine: Reedy uses a tablet
<Amgine> yah, but there's already been one lesson about relying on emulator only.
<tonyC_> i would rather have no select text for 3.0 than a broken button
<pfhayes> tonyC_: yes, makes sense
<Amgine> Oh, that's right, he does.
<pfhayes> tonyC_: if there's no way to select text in 3.0, then well… that's a shame i guess
<tonyC_> as far as ive been reading, theres no way to do it 
<tonyC_> as the drag shift hack was what everyone was using until 3.0
<pfhayes> i see
<pfhayes> okay, go for that fix then
<tonyC_> yeah. Is that everything for today?
<Amgine> Pung Reedy with new apk.
<Amgine> He'll scoff at that and pull his own git.
<pfhayes> haha
<Amgine> Just a head's up that - if necessary - I'd like to do a weekend sprint to absolutely put this release to bed before Monday.
<tonyC_> im down for that
<Amgine> Okay. Once this is released, I think we're done for the term. If anyone is interested, I'd be up for continuing through the summer to get an iOS version.
<pfhayes> sheac: can you install this on your device and let me know if you see the bottom of screen issue? h�ttp://dl.dropbox.com/u/4187555/WiktionaryActivity-shea.apk
<pfhayes> Amgine: i'm interested in continuing
<tonyC_> do you need an apple computer to test on iOS?
<sheac> pfhayes: definitely. I'll be able to let you know tomorrow. I'm borrowing the school's device, so it's not with me right now.
<Amgine> That is a question for YuviPanda? I think there's an emulator but I'm not sure.
<pfhayes> sheac: yeah sounds good. just shoot me an email
<sheac> Amgine: I'm definitely interested in continuing
<tonyC_> yeah me too
<YuviPanda> iOS? There's a simulator but you'd need OS X to work on it
<Amgine> YuvePanda: we're casually talking about a summer version of UCOSP to work on iOS release of the app.
<tonyC_> :( so everyone has a mac?
<pfhayes> tonyC_: I do. but there's always plenty more work to do on android too :)
<sheac> haha pfhayes good point of the day #3
<Amgine> <nods> The app won't sit still. We're just adding another whole version of it.
<tonyC_> sounds good to me
<Amgine> Remember, we have to get the android app back current with the WP version, including the future API system.
<Amgine> Other announcements, anyone?
<pfhayes> not from me
<sheac> all clear here
<tonyC_> nope
<tonyC_> oh wait
<tonyC_> what should be in these blog posts
<tonyC_> just what we did since the last update?
<pfhayes> tonyC_: makes sense to me
<Amgine> Pretty much, yes. Plus a few comments about the future plans.
<Amgine> (like a possible weekend sprint, the release, and summer plans.)
<tonyC_> ok ill write that by tonight or tommorow
<pfhayes> cool
<Amgine> Great! Email me when you add it to the wiki and I'll get it forwarded.