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Topic on Project:Support desk (talkcontribs)

Hi everyone! Noob here, trying to do something that I would think be super easy - to scoot an image over x pixels from the border. I have tried every html and css tag I can find and still no luck. Please help, why does this not work! Thank you! <!..


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Malyacko (talkcontribs)

Please see "Post a new question" in the sidebar, plus explain what this has to do with MediaWiki.

Bawolff (talkcontribs)

Try putting it inside a div with a margin set (possibly also setting float:right or float:left if you want text to float around it).

E.g. <div style=float:left;margin-left:12px">[[file:example.png|120px]]</div><

which makes

There are many ways to position things with css depending on what precisely you want. Its possible a different one might be more suitable.

Mdn is a good resource for css info https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/margin (talkcontribs)

THANK YOU! You are my hero! I've been struggling with this for 2+ weeks. It's frustrating when you're doing everything self-taught via YouTube, W3 and various other sources.

Plus, not everything html and css works in mediwiki.

Again, a huge sincere thank you Bawolff! You made my day! :)

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