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Problem with dumpBackup.php

TraaBBIT (talkcontribs)

Hi when i try to backup my page there is some error

Look . (talkcontribs)


What is the output when on the shell you type php -v?

TraaBBIT (talkcontribs) (talkcontribs)

As I thought: The PHP version on the shell is too old. Make sure you use at least PHP 5.3 or newer!

TraaBBIT (talkcontribs)

I checked my server option and i have PHP Version => 5.3.18

Allen4names (talkcontribs)

Check the text in File:Budrys222.jpg (displayed above). The line "PHP 5.2.17 (cli) (built: Nov 23 2011 00:07:29)" shows the version you are using.

TraaBBIT (talkcontribs)
TraaBBIT (talkcontribs)

Yes, I know.

The environment, in which the webserver is running, is different from the environment, which you have, when you are running the shell.

While the webserver uses PHP 5.3 (which is fine), on the shell you have PHP 5.2 (which is not fine). If your wiki is hosted by someone, ask your host, how you can execute PHP 5.3 on the shell. The command for that might be something like php53 or so, but if that is possible and how depends on the host's setup.

This post was posted by TraaBBIT, but signed as

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