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Reading/Web/Desktop Improvements/Updates/Oldest/zh

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This page is a translated version of the page Reading/Web/Desktop Improvements/Updates/Oldest and the translation is 45% complete.

2021年8月: 用户链接菜单

user menu可供所有选择桌面改进的用户使用。 此菜单使新编辑和读者更容易识别哪些链接与他们的个人工具有关。 这些工具是:用户页和讨论页,监视列表等。 它还允许在我们的页面顶部的视觉衔接。

我们正在监视更改如何影响这些链接的点击数。 根据结果,我们可能决定改进菜单。 此外,志愿者们还对监视列表链接的位置进行了评论。 我们正在这个上努力。 详情见Phabricator

2021年7月: 新的语言切换功能

Changes to language switching capabilities on the vector skin

在过去的几个月里,团队一直专注于改善我们项目的语言切换功能。 以前,语言链接在侧栏菜单的底部,读者和新用户很难找到。 我们做了一个改变,允许语言切换功能出现在页面的顶部通过一个按钮。 我们根据用户和读者使用我们的原型设计和其他用户测试中得到的意见建立了这个功能。

2021年6月,该功能被部署到50%的登录用户中,以便进行A/B对比测试,将使用情况与之前的位置进行比较。 目前,A/B测试已经完成,试点维基的所有用户应该能够看到新的语言切换功能。

2021年7月: 新版顶部栏原型设计即将部署


2021年5月和6月,团队要求30个不同的语言社区对项目的最新功能想法的原型进行反馈。 这些是用户菜单,它将允许用户把他们的个人链接都放在一个地方,以及固定的“粘性”标题,使用户能够一直访问各种功能(例如编辑、访问历史和谈话页)。 这两样东西以前都只在页面的顶部提供。 总的来说,我们收到了来自登录用户的305个关于他们对原型的体验的回复。

绝大多数参与者表示对这一设计有积极的体验。 然而,我们也收到了一些围绕粘性标题操作的反馈。 特别是,有人要求让它在整个体验过程中持续存在,而不是只在滚动时才被触发。 我们目前正在实施这些建议的修改。


2021年5月: 用户测试报告现已发布

2021年初,Web团队和设计研究团队承包了三个独立的研究小组,研究两个拟议功能的使用情况:一个修正了粘性版头和一个持久的目录。 我们的目标是让经常使用的功能在整个页面中都可用,从而减少人们在页面中上下滚动寻找所需工具的时间。 我们测试了三个不同国家的新读者,临时读者和编辑-加纳,印度尼西亚和阿根廷和三种不同的语言-英语,印尼语和西班牙语。 这份报告显示了我们的研究结果。 总体而言,这两个提出的特征都得到了研究参与者的积极响应。

2021年3月: 新的搜索小工具在试点维基上上线,针对登录用户的A/B对比测试正在进行中

我们很高兴地宣布,我们的新搜索小部件现在默认情况下可以在我们目前所有的试点Wiki上使用。 新的搜索功能通过提供搜索结果的上下文(如图片和描述)来优化搜索体验,从而更容易找到正确的结果。

我们还在试点Wiki上执行仅针对登录用户的A/B测试。 A/B测试为50%的登录用户提供了新的小部件,并将其与剩余50%的旧搜索进行了比较。 测试的结果将运行我们测量该特性的成功性,并确定需要改进和迭代的领域。 该测试将进行两周,之后,我们将分析并发表结果。



我们还开始审查关于整个桌面改进项目以及个别功能的一些数据。我们发布了一份关于可折叠侧边栏使用情况的报告。 根据数据显示,已注销的用户比已登录的用户更偏好保持侧边栏的折叠状态。 这些结果给了我们信心,我们最终的默认值将是对登录用户保持侧边栏展开,而对注销用户保持侧边栏关闭。

此外,我们还开始研究登录用户在我们的试点维基上选择退出桌面版改进的比率。 所有登录用户的平均退出率在euwiki的1.78%和hewiki的4.09%之间。 对于活跃编者来说,这个范围在5%到14%之间。我们将在未来几周内更详细地研究这些数据。


  • 2021年2月:新的搜索小工具部署到试点维基(pilot wikis)上。试点维基列表将扩大到葡萄牙语维基百科、土耳其语维基百科、韩语维基百科、塞尔维亚语维基百科和德语维基导游。
  • 2021年2月:针对登录用户的第二轮原型测试。我们将在今年2月对登录用户进行第二轮的固定头部和用户菜单的原型测试。我们鼓励大家对这些原型进行审查,并向我们反馈!
  • 2021年3月:我们目前的重点是改进语言切换功能。我们计划在今年3月将新功能部署到我们的试点维基上。









我们的第二项更改是为文章页和讨论页等页面的内容引入了最大行宽。 研究表明,限制宽度可以更好地保留内容,同时减少眼睛疲劳。 (请查阅我们的FAQ以获取所查阅文献的列表)





Starting in January 2020 we have been working with Hureo, a user research firm based in India, to perform a user study on how new and casual readers use the desktop interface of Wikipedia. The outcome of the first phase of the study is a report detailing their observations from 24 user interviews.

The study was separated in two phases, with the first phase focusing on primarily English readers, and the second phase on bilingual and non-English readers. The goal of the study was to understand the experience of new and casual readers, both in terms of how they feel about the site and how they use the site, focusing in particular on the concepts of trust and welcomeness, as well as on the usability of commonly used features on the site. In addition, we were also interested in uncovering potential areas of improvement in terms of overall and feature-specific usability. We will be using these results to inform future feature development for desktop improvements project.


In December, 2019 we published a prototype of the first few features of the desktop improvements project for community feedback. We received detailed, thoughtful feedback from over 200 logged-in users, across five languages. We have published a report which highlights the main points raised, both positive and negative, and our plans going forward in response to this feedback. The prototype presented a collapsible version of the sidebar, a fixed-width layout, and a more prominent location for the language switcher. The feedback was mostly positive, with the majority of users seeing the proposed changes as an improvement over the current design. However there were also some areas of concern. Many of the issues raised were due to bugs in the prototype (particularly with the language switching menu), while others exposed areas for improvement that we will iterate on and/or keep an eye on during development.


  • We have began building the opting-in and opting-out structure for the project.

The setting for turning the improvements on will be within the user preferences list for logged-in users. For test wikis, the improvements will be on by default, but logged-in users will be able to turn them off anytime via their preferences or a button in the sidebar. Please see the Opting in and Release Plan page for more details and mockups.

As we will be testing each individual feature prior to building, this list is subject to change based on the feedback we receive.


We have finished our first round of feedback for the prototype of the first few features of the desktop improvements project: the new header, collapsible sidebar, and improved language switching. So far, the results have been mostly positive, with the majority of users seeing the changes as a significant improvement over the current design. However, we also found a few areas for improvement that we will iterate on and consider during development. Here are a few highlights of the results so far:

  • A majority of the editors who tested the prototype really liked the new location of the language switcher.
  • A few editors raised concerns around internationalization and the ability to switch languages using one click.
  • A majority of the editors liked the collapsibility of the sidebar, especially for readers
  • There were some concerns around the amount of white space introduced with a collapsible sidebar and fixed-width layout
  • We saw many requests for a dark/night mode for the site

We are currently running the second feedback round on English and Polish Wikipedias. If you haven’t had a chance yet, please let us know your thoughts on the prototype page. Once both feedback rounds are completed, we will be publishing a more in-depth report.


In December we did some usability testing to compare the current placement of the Universal Language Selector (in the sidebar) with the proposed location in the article header. We tested a prototype with 21 users in order to determine if people have an easier time switching languages given the new location of the language switcher. The results of the test confirmed our hypothesis — participants in the test group (new location) were able to switch languages more quickly than participants in the control group (old location). Based on these results we plan on continuing to explore moving the language selector to this location as a part of the desktop improvements project.


Between December 2019 and February 2020, we will be performing tests on a prototype for the first few features of the desktop improvements project. We will be gathering feedback from a variety of test wikis by encouraging editors to participate using a central notice banner. We ran the banners and received feedback from the majority of our test wikis during December 2019. In February 2020, we will continue running the banners on English and Polish Wikipedias. So far, the feedback we have received is mostly positive but we have also identified some areas of our prototype that we will iterate on based on the feedback. We will be publishing the results of the first round of feedback over the next few weeks, and of the second, sometime in February. In the meantime, we encourage you to give us feedback (if you haven't yet) on the prototype page.


We have published the results of our technical research in preparation for beginning the work on the project. In particular, we have focused on gathering more information on the following:

We reached out to all wikis with a MassMessage, and asked for communities to volunteer to be test wikis for this project.



During Wikimania 2019, we interviewed editors with the goal of sharing the plans for our upcoming Desktop improvements project, and collecting valuable feedback on a number of preliminary design ideas. Our research consisted of user interviews, a free-form feedback exercise, and a presentation with breakout groups for more focused discussion. We have published a report and a PDF summary (in English) of the feedback we received. Overall, we received positive feedback on the focus areas selected, as well as the individual prototypes for ideas. However, we were also able to identify areas for improvements.

We will be iterating over this feedback over the next few weeks and plan on developing a prototype that we can test with a wider audience across wikis.

In the slideshow below is a sample of 19 of the ideas we tested. For more context, please read the full report and then give us feedback on the talk page!


As a part of our research process, we wanted to learn more about the way people currently use the site. In particular, how often they use available functionality such as links in the sidebar, language switching, and search. We have published our results. Overall, usage of sidebar links is low - only about 0.5% of all logged out users and 1.6% of all logged-in desktop users clicked on one of the pages linked in the sidebar. Language switching usage varied, generally based on the size of the wiki, with smaller wikis switching languages more often.


Slides used in the Wikimania session

Wikimania provided us with the opportunity to speak with experienced members of our communities. Over the five days of the conference we were able to share the plans for the project, and collect valuable feedback on a number of design ideas. Our research consisted of user interviews, a free-form feedback exercise, and a presentation + brainstorming session (you can see the slide-deck we used at the side). We will soon be publishing the summary of the feedback, as well as interview session results.


To explore different technical possibilities for the project, the team spent a week hacking on different approaches to a single problem - how to enable the sidebar in the desktop experience to be collapsible. We are hoping to use the results from these experiments to determine the technical architecture for the improvements, as well as the skin we would like to build these improvements within. Here is a list of the experiments themselves: