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From mediawiki.org


Previous Action Items

  • Pam and Max to talk Phab and tracking design documentation [Re-scheduled]
  • Ramsey: Definition of "virtual statements"? I did that, but it's Cormac's job now :)
  • Let's talk about Data Modelling, Amanda should be there --> Task Planning Meeting DONE, SO MUCH

What in the team's process is going well?

  • Important things for future statement implementation are being discussed and debated and fought about (+1 pam)
  • Clear sense of joint ownership with and engagement from the Wikimedia DE folks when it comes to deployment gremlins. Yay. \o/ Huzzah!

What in the team's process could be improved?

  • Important things for future statement implementation (data location, data duplication, ontological purity) are being discussed and debated and fought about :p

What in the team's process is confusing?

  • I hear people say in standup that they are distracted by meeting days a lot--if we have too many unproductive meetings, can we reduce them?  Or if they are productive, describe what's happening in the meetings?
  • Re: Describe what's happening - where should we do that?

Parking Lot

Action Items

  • Amanda - Plan to add these things to talk about in person (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Yyij9BAYjtgAIxqtN-z15KiylWNyMuxHEI3vDUswxGA/edit?usp=sharing):
    • Future statement implementation
    • CDP
  • In late November (so carry over one retro) check in on meeting load/fatigue