Help:VisualEditor/Satuan Tugas Komunitas

This page is a translated version of the page Help:VisualEditor/Community Taskforce and the translation is 100% complete.

Apakah Anda pernah terlibat dalam pekerjaan komunitas yang berkaitan dengan penyunting visual? Apakah Anda mendukung komunitas Anda saat penyebaran? Kalau begitu, tambahkan nama Anda di bawah!

A cross-wiki group of experienced contributors who can help other Wikimedian fellows around the world, especially the ones from smaller communities with little to no capacity, to set up their sites and optimize the editing experience, is being built. Terima kasih karena telah maju membagikan pengalaman dan pengetahuan Anda kepada orang lain! Usaha Anda berharga, halaman ini mengakuinya, dan menyediakan cara agar penyunting lain bisa terhubung dengan mereka yang bisa "membimbing" dalam berbagai pekerjaan.

Please add your name and your home wiki name to all relevant sections, and remind others to do so. If you are wondering whether you're skilled enough to get listed on this page: you definitely are.


Are you a community point of contact, a Phabricator expert, and/or a feedback handler?


Are you an expert translator for help pages and/or interface messages?

List of translators for the visual editor newsletter: m:VisualEditor/Newsletter/Translators

Ahli DataTemplat dan Citoid

Did you add TemplateData information to templates? Did you configure Citoid locally? Can you write a Zotero translator?

Ahli kode lainnya

Did you set up the special characters page or others in the MediaWiki namespace?


Are you using the visual editor for all or most of your edits? Are you showing others how to use it (either in a formal or informal context)? Have you written or improved related help pages?

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