Extension talk:Typo3Auth

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From mediawiki.org

The TYPO3 Extension is maintained at http://forge.typo3.org/projects/show/extension-authagainsttypo3

Not Working in MediaWiki 1.25.2?[edit]

Can't get it to work in my Mediawiki 1.25.2 and TYPO3 6.2.15.


- installed "authagainsttypo3" and included static template

- I set the constants.ts serviceUser and servicePass for the extension "authagainsttypo3"

In Mediawiki:

- Installed Typo3Auth

- workaround: set "require_once ( 'AuthPlugin.php' );" to "require_once ( 'includes/AuthPlugin.php' );" in line 53 of Typo3Auth.php to get it working

- configured Localsettings as recommended

I can't find any errors, but no users are created in Mediawiki when I'm logged in in TYPO3 with frontend-user (right fe-group as configured) and try to edit a page.

Any suggestions? Thanks for the help