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Engineering Community Team/Meetings/2011-10-11

From mediawiki.org

AOSA Bug Triage Bugzilla management Hackathons

  • NOLA
  • India

Commit Access Recruitment/encouragement Monthly report Communication support Staff photos 1.18 deployment support Recruiting/hiring Staff photos Code review meistering Sumana - AOSA, Hackathons, Recuritment/encouragement, commit access, metrics, recruiting/hiring Guillaume - AOSA, Monthly report, communication support, staff photos Mark H - Bug triage, BZ management, 1.18 deployment, code review meistering Rob - 1.18 deployment, hiring AOSA - Guillaume has integrated most material from community and staff. Now integrating interview material. Try to talk to people this week, too. Digging through archives, too. Bug Triage - fundraising triage last week, RobLa and Mark to talk though highest priority bugs, Bugzilla management - Mark H will be adding milestone field this week, also talk about ops support for BZ Hackathons

  • NOLA - Sumana has done more prep and local recruiting. 30ish people will likely attend.
  • India - Sumana to talk to Alolita about her role in this.

Commit Access - Sumana is getting access to directly give people access. Also working out how to make the process appropriately open. Recruitment/encouragement - Sumana and Mark have been shepherding people into activities. May want to teach a class on MediaWiki on CodeLesson Monthly report - on hold this week. May start next week depending on AOSA progress. Communication support - launched the fundraiser blog. Comm meeting later this week. Staff photos - 11:30a scheduling meeting, over 50 photos 1.18 deployment - mopup mostly done. Mark hasn't checked the bugs today. "Still a significant amount of small things to be cleaned up." IE8 bug fixed. No ETA for tarball release Recruiting/hiring - QA Lead interviews ongoing. Code review meistering - now appropriate for Mark to go back to two-month-old FIXMEs & nag them?

   When we move to git - how will we deal with existing FIXMEs?  Well we can't move to git till we get to 0 FIXMEs

question: how will we work with tarballs afer 1.19? Labs?

   will probably be some changes in how we do version numbering?  Release #s matter more for tarballs than for deployments. For deployments we will probably use monthnames & week numbers.

Discussion of Sumana taking on some team lead responsibilities

   RobLa & Mark: put a glorious future milestone in Bugzilla - DONE
   RobLa: EPM meeting - visit the highest priority bugs once a week?
   Mark & RobLa to talk through highest priority bugs - DONE
   RobLa: talk to ops about Bugzilla mgmt? with Sumana - ongoing
   Sumana this weekend: get Chad & Tim to talk commit access - DONE
   Sumana: put Mark in touch with Olena, get her to prioritize test cases - ongoing
   RobLa & Sumana: work on some blog entries next week - todo
   RobLa to ask Sam for tarball release ETA?  sprint on fixing 1.18 deploy issues?  TODAY - ongoing
   (done/ongoing/todo as of 18 Oct)