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Zürich Hackathon 2014/Evening Program

From mediawiki.org

Thursday, May 8th


Arrival of participants, partially very late.

No scheduled evening program, but the Youth Hostel features a nice bar.

For alternative culture and leisure nearby, check Rote Fabrik.

Friday, May 9th


Dinner at the Youth Hostel.

20:00 - Party at Dock18

  • Wikipedia Ping Pong Game
  • KJ Olafs (Olaf & Olaf) performing on their tape decks. Bring your own tapes should you still have some! The KJs integrate your music into a new experience.

22:00 - Either stay at Dock18 or go back to the Youth Hostel for some drinks at the bar or late night hacking.

Saturday, May 10th


18:00 - Barbecue at the Youth Hostel.
20:00 - Zurich by night: A walk through the City.

Sunday, May 11th


Dinner at the Youth Hostel.

19:24 - Cruise on the Lake Zürich for one hour. Ship departs at Zürich Wollishofen at 19:24 and arrives at Zürich Bürkliplatz at 20:35. From Bürkliplatz you can take the tram to get back to the Youth Hostel.