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Wikipedia Education Program/Roadmap Notes

From mediawiki.org

Just a random place to put some notes...

Editor campaigns


Editor campaigns aimed to be, and still can be very much part of, a replacement for the Education Program extension, and the basis for software to support similar forms of collaboration. Here are some links... They are likely not fully up-to-date, but can give you an idea of where things got to. They'd also be important for taking up work on EC again.

Open questions: keep the name?


"Campaign" is a bit of an over-used term in Wiki projects... Any thoughts about trying to find something better?

Activity feed


The proposal for an improved activity feed that would work both with the current EducationProgram extension and Editor Campaign was mostly implemented and could probably be completed and deployed in the short- to medium-term.

Design and requirements research


Here are some notes from an initial interview for need-finding research by Anke Nowottne, an OPW intern jointly mentored by the WMF and the WEF.

Request for comments


Here's an idea for a public request for comments:

  • Summarize the global and US/Canada Education programs, the Education Program extension, Editor Campaigns, requirements research, previous notes and ideas about requirements, any other related projects and work.
  • Summarize a proposed roadmap (for example, perhaps, integrating a general on-wiki component such as Editor Campaigns, the dashboard being developed by the Wiki Education Foundation, the WMF's Gather team, etc.)
  • Solicit technical and non-technical input from all stakeholders.