Wikimedia Release Engineering Team/SSD Sync Up/2019-02-05
- Notes posted for All-Hands meeting
- Good talk
- Came up with 2-month MVP
- Main thing from our-side is jenkins pipeline should comment on gerrit
- demo of/talk about -- looks neat
- Jeena: tried mounting a volume in k8s and it was slow, so this syncs your workspace by setting up a svc in k8s, then you use ksync create on the commandline to create a spec with selector for the target deployment and local disk and space on the pod then run `ksync watch` on the pod
- When you setup minikube, vbox mounts your local user directory to the vm, so when you try to mount a volume to your pod you
- Minikube mounts your entire `Users` directory (which is like `home` for the mac)
- Following the directions on the github repo, it was slow and terrible
- Jeena: tried mounting a volume in k8s and it was slow, so this syncs your workspace by setting up a svc in k8s, then you use ksync create on the commandline to create a spec with selector for the target deployment and local disk and space on the pod then run `ksync watch` on the pod
- Dan: shared volume has been problematic for mw-vagrant since its shared filesystem is super slow
- Jeena: minikube constantly uses 30-40% of my CPU (actually VBox used by minikube), ksync adds an additional 10% of cpu
- Dan: neither setup seems perfect, I'm wondering if we should experiment further
- shared filesystem to expose host project files to VM so they can be mounted by VM into container
- creates a weird non-native virtual filesystem within the contianer, which introduces complexity
- periodic image rebuild or sync model
- shared filesystem to expose host project files to VM so they can be mounted by VM into container
- Minikube for mac driver gist:
- Mikikube for linux driver:
- maybe ask davidwbarratt if he has experience with various drivers
- David Barratt had issues with Docker on mac and hinted that Docker uses Hyperkit and mounts volume with :cached. Reach out to him? He gave a presentation on Friday at all-hands.
- Blubber policyfile
- Task on Workboard to be filed
- repo to store the policyfile?
- enforced for which variants?
- V4 of Blubber parser?
- There's a public now
- Work on can continue
- There's a public now