Wikimedia Release Engineering Team/Offsites/2018-12-Long Beach/Topics
Let's list all the things you want to talk about!
Topic proposals
[edit]- Vote "+1" by adding your initials to the (interest: ) parenthetical
- Team Social Norms a la (interest: gjg, ĆŸ, thc, dzd, liw)
- l10nupdate RFC: (interest: gjg, )
- Zuul dependent pipeline (interest: gjg, thc, anm)
- CI data gathering, planning, and purposefulness (interest: gjg, thc, anm, dzd, liw)
- tl;dr: how can we get better at being data driven with our CI changes without alienating our non-team contributors and/or be reactive to the needs of others in a timely manner?
- Zuul.v2 is no longer supported upstream (interest: thc, gjg, anm, dzd, liw)
- we have effectively forked at this point, not ideal
- Jenkins Gearman plugin unsupported
- v3 vs jenkins
- how to address jjb and zuul layout debt?
- if we stick with jjb, should we write/enforce coding conventions and complementary linters?
- Jenkins "shifting-gears" (interest: thc, gjg, anm, dzd, liw)
- k8s jenkins vs breaking changes release vs nothing to support legacy installs?
(Antoine: Zuul v2 obsolete and Jenkins shifting gear are tightly coupled topic. It is all about: which software stack to use in the future).
- how do we manage the complexity of our CI/CD systems? (interest: liw)
- probably ties into all the other topics
- zuul/layout.yaml debt (interest: thc, liw)
- so many pipelines
- so many templates
- opportunities for consolidation/debt cleanup
- how do we test pipelines/templates and CI in general?
- rethink test suite execution strategy (interest: dzd, liw)
- we run all test suites for all package-manager/php/db flavors. should we?
- what's the ideal test runner flow (a directed graph with parallel tasks) for satisfying coverage without redundancy? can quibble/jobs be refactored to implement it?
- currently at 12 different variations. each new flavor increases load geometrically
- random example:
- Same tests, different extensions
- Ran wmf-quibble-vendor-mysql-hhvm-docker ( )
- random example:
setup-docker-quibble-castor-load setup-docker-quibble-zuul-prepare setup-docker-quibble-submodules VisualEditor setup-docker-quibble-submodules Wikibase setup-docker-quibble-mw-install setup-quibble-npm-ls PHPUnit (without db) QUnit Selenium PHPUnit (with db)
- Ran quibble-vendor-mysql-hhvm-docker ( )
setup-docker-quibble-castor-load setup-docker-quibble-zuul-prepare setup-docker-quibble-submodules Wikibase setup-docker-quibble-submodules VisualEditor setup-docker-quibble-mw-install setup-quibble-npm-ls PHPUnit (without db) QUnit Selenium PHPUnit (with db)
- Gerrit and releases in a post-chad world (interest: thc, gjg, mm, liw)
- (Antoine: arent we supposed to hand it off to the mediawiki team?)
- Train automation goals planning (interest: thc, ĆŸ, gjg, anm, dzd, mm, liw)
- One push deploy button!
- Mukunda is making progress on scap swat
- scap vs (interest: thc, mm, liw)
- Dev Productivity: Outcome 1: Local development is unified with testing and production (interest: gjg, ĆŸ, dzd, mm, thc, liw)
- what are we doing here
- IRL Keysigning party! (if needed) (interest: liw)
- within team and across teams?