Wikimedia Release Engineering Team/Deployment pipeline/2019-06-06
[edit]Last Time
[edit]- Helm 3
- no more tiller
- library charts
TODOs from last time
[edit]- stalled TODO various attack vectors document to start
- In progress TODO: support documention like the one tyler did for the portal and pipeline/helmfile and deployment
- Martyav reached out on wiki
- there may be a meeting?
- TODO docs for service docker container in beta
[edit]- Dan is out for the next 6 weeks
- Pipeline .pipeline/config.yaml updates
- Working for Blubber
- Some outstanding issues (lack of validation, etc.)
- Probably not yet ready for wide use but potentially good enough for ORES? Not sure.
- integration/config is not fully self serve but straightforward
- Kask integration testing with Cassandra via the Deployment Pipeline
- Sounds like we don't want to use the cassandra instance from the chart
- Will need to provide ability to override values during helm install via pipeline
- .pipeline/config.yaml pass additional chart values to helm, maybe
- Merging deployment-charts and local-charts
- Move local-charts helm charts to a chart repository
- deployment-charts meant to be local-dev first, originally
- Does it still make sense to combine?
- Failing that, where should we put these charts?
- Alex: Does it make sense to *not* have them combined?
- Fsero: What is the scope of that repo?
- Jeena: I would move only the charts from that repo into deployment-charts
- Alex: Makes sense to publish those charts, will need a chart for MediaWiki soon
- TODO jeena to make some patchsets to combine what makes sense
- CI Architecture and secure CI
- What SRE needs are missing?
- Link:
- Alex: Next week, SRE summit, maybe make time for discussion
- Determine a standard way of installing MediaWiki lib/extension dependencies within containers
- Please participate in discussion if you have opinions
- Dan: I have an idea in there, want to find a middle-ground for a dependency resolver that is git-based and doesn't involve packagist
[edit]- sesstionstore deployed successfully
- looking into restrouter (probably early next quarter)
- wikifeeds (part of mobileapps/mcs) has been split off and requested to be deployed next FY
- moving on to termbox
[edit]- Citoid/Zotero IP missing -
- Need an addressable zotero to deploy with it
- Create a service with a fixed IP, update the values.yaml with that fixed ip
- Deploy as a helm chart dependency
- Alex: subchart like with kask and cassandra, but that would still require some way of addressing zotero from citoid.
- alternatively could deploy zotero in the same pod but that would pollute the citoid...
- 'TODO .pipeline/helm.yaml delete, open task about above issue
- restrouter helm chart v1 -Â
- Alex: needs a container image before we can review helm chart