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Wikimedia Release Engineering Team/Checkin archive/2023-10-11

From mediawiki.org



πŸ† Wins

Oct '23 edition

OKR update


Last week


The six questions I answer week-by-week about our work. This is pretty much all CTPO/VP/Director-types see for what we're doing. If there are specific things to call out here, let's do.

Progress update on the hypothesis for the week Support work only this week T348146 – publish coverage reports for ipoid T347467 – Created GitLab project for growth graphed gerrit repo growth over time Any new metrics related to the hypothesis Repositories on Gerrit decreased (2005 last week β†’ 2004 this week) Projects on GitLab increased (1399 last week β†’ 1413 this week) Any emerging blockers or risks No Any unresolved dependencies - do you depend on another team that hasn’t already given you what you need? Are you on the hook to give another team something you aren’t able to give right now? No Have there been any new learnings from the hypothesis? No Are you working on anything else outside of this hypothesis? If so, what? What was accomplished in this essential workstream this week? If nothing, why? Phabricator deployment for 7 low priority fixes 2 medium priority fixes 1 high priority fix T336105 Reports causing runtime exception logspam Closed security hole: T303829 Disallow adding Project Tags in the Subscribers field Train/Backport deployments 1.41.0-wmf.29 394 Patches β–β–‚β–‚β–ˆβ–† in 94 repos by 79 authors 1 Rollbacks β–ˆβ–β–β–β–ˆ 1 Days of delay β–β–β–β–β–ˆ 2 Blockers β–β–‚β–ˆβ–‚β– Does this essential workstream have any unresolved blockers or dependencies? If so, what? No

This week


Progress update on the hypothesis for the week

Any new metrics related to the hypothesis

Any emerging blockers or risks

Any unresolved dependencies - do you depend on another team that hasn’t already given you what you need?

Are you on the hook to give another team something you aren’t able to give right now?

Have there been any new learnings from the hypothesis?

Are you working on anything else outside of this hypothesis? If so, what?

🌻 Open source/Upstream contributions


😢 Let's keep these empty


Code review


Gerrit Access requests


Private repo requests



Gerrit repo requests


GitLab Access requests


High priority tasks


πŸ“… Vacations/Important dates


October 2023

  • 2-16 Oct: Jaime
  • 02-03 Mon-Tue Oct: Dan
  • 9 Oct: Indigenous people's day
  • 19/20 Oct: Andre partially off (2x half-day)
  • 27 Oct: Jaime

Nov 2023

  • 16 Nov: Jaime
  • 20–24: dancy taking thanksgiving week off
  • 23, 24: US holiday staff with reqs

Dec 2023

  • a few days after December offsite: Andre
  • 25–Jan 1: End of year global holiday


  • 15Jan - 15Mar: Andre

πŸ”₯πŸš‚ Train


  • 2 Jan - wmf.17 - Dan + Antoine (Jaime out)
  • 9 Jan - wmf.18 - Jeena + Dan (Jaime out)
  • 16 Jan - wmf.19 - Jaime + Jeena
  • 23 Jan - wmf.20 - Brennen + Jaime
  • 30 Jan - wmf.21 - Ahmon + Brennen
  • 6 Feb - wmf.22 - Chad + Ahmon
  • 13 Feb - wmf.23 – Dan + Chad
  • 20 Feb - wmf.24 – Antoine + Dan
  • 27 Feb - wmf.25 – Jaime + Antoine
  • 6 Mar – wmf.26 – Jeena + Jaime
  • 13 Mar – wmf.27 – Brennen + Jeena
  • 20 Mar – wmf.1 – Ahmon + Brennen
  • 27 Mar – wmf.2 – Chad Dan + Ahmon
  • 3 Apr – wmf.3 – Antoine + Dan
  • 10 Apr – wmf.4 – Chad + Antoine
  • 17 Apr – wmf.5 – Jaime + Chad
  • 24 Apr – wmf.6 – Jeena + Jaime
  • 1 May – wmf.7 – Brennen + Jeena
  • 8 May – wmf.8 – Antoine + Brennen (Ahmon out + Antoine Out 8th)
  • 15 May – wmf.9 – Ahmon + Antoine (Dan out + Chad out)
  • 22 May – wmf.10 – Chad + Ahmon (Dan out + Jeena out 26th)
  • 29 May – wmf.11 – Dan + Chad (Memorial Day 29th)
  • 5 Jun – wmf.12 – Jeena + Dan (Brennen out, Jaime out)
  • 12 Jun – wmf.13 – Jaime + Jeena
  • 19 Jun – wmf.15 – Cancelled for offsite
  • 26 Jun – wmf.16 – Brennen + Jaime (Jeena out)
  • 3 Jul – wmf.17 – Antoine + Brennen (3rd + 4th holidays)
  • 10 Jul – wmf.18 – Dan + Antoine (Ahmon out)
  • 17 Jul – wmf.19 – Ahmon+Dan (Brennen out Friday)
  • 24 Jul – wmf.20 – Jaime+Ahmon
  • 31 Jul – wmf.21 – Ahmon+Jaime (Jeena out, Antoine out) (Ahmon volunteered)
  • 7 Aug – wmf. 22 – No train
  • 14 Aug - wmf.23 – Ahmon+Jaime (Jeena out, Antoine out)
  • 21 Aug - wmf.24 – Dan(brennen out, Jeena out, Antoine out)
  • 28 Aug – wmf.25 – Jeena+Dan
  • 04 Sep – wmf.26 – Antoine+Jeena
  • 11 Sep – wmf.27 – Jaime+Antoine+Andre as lurker!
  • 18 Sep – wmf.28 – Brennen+Jaime
    • Logspam-watch needs some attention
    • Every deploy is rebuilding l10n
  • 25 Sep – 1.42.0-wmf.1 – Dan + Brennen
  • 2 Oct – 1.42.0-wmf.2 – Jeena + Dan (Jaime Out)
  • 9 Oct – 1.42.0-wmf.3 – Antoine + Jeena (Jaime Out)
    • Vector skin issue, backport this morning!
  • 16 Oct – 1.42.0-wmf.4 – Brennen + Antoine
  • 23 Oct – 1.42.0-wmf.5 – Ahmon + Brennen
  • 30 Oct – 1.42.0-wmf.6 – Dan + Ahmon

Team discussions

  • Team health survey incoming

Hypothesis work Q2


Next sprint

  • MediaWiki testing spike
  • Gerrit cleanup! https://gitlab.wikimedia.org/repos/releng/gitlab-migration-stats#gerrit-repos
    • Repos without tests
    • Repos that haven't been touched in years
    • How do we do that...? :D
    • Checking commits, reviews, contacting email several times
      • Debian had a maintainer ping email every half-year
    • Different priorities
      • Stuff running in production
      • Stuff we can't find running anywhere
    • What's deployed?
      • Kubernetes we know


  • Confirmed budget with travel