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Wikimedia Release Engineering Team/Checkin archive/2021-02-10

From mediawiki.org



Vacations/Important dates

How to do it
  • 15 Feb: Presidents' Day -- US staff with reqs
  • 29 Mar: US staff with reqs
  • 12 Apr: US staff with reqs
  • 22 Apr: Earth Day -- US staff with reqs


Maniphest query for deployment blocker tasks: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/maniphest/query/s3KW8bpsXhYF/#R

  • 16 Nov - wmf.18 - Ahmon + Antoine
  • 23 Nov - wmf.19 - No Train - Thanksgiving Thurs/Fri https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T263185
  • 30 Nov - wmf.20 - Antoine + Mukunda
  • 7 Dec - wmf.21 - Mukunda + Dan
  • 14 Dec - wmf.22 - Dan + Jeena
  • 21 Dec - wmf.23 - No Train
  • 28 Dec - wmf.24 - No Train
  • 4 Jan - wmf.25 - Jeena + Lars Antoine
    • NB: Lars is only back from holiday on Thursday Jan 7
  • 11 Jan - wmf.26 - Lars + Jeena
  • 18 Jan - wmf.27 - Brennen + Lars (Monday is a holiday)
  • 25 Jan - wmf.28 - Ahmon + Brennen
  • 1 Feb - wmf.29 - Antoine + Ahmon
  • 8 Feb - wmf.30 - Mukunda + Antoine
  • 15 Feb - wmf.31 - Dan + Mukunda (Monday is a holiday)
  • 22 Feb - wmf.31 - Jeena + Dan
  • 1 Mar - wmf.31 - Lars + Jeena
  • 8 Mar - wmf.31 - Brennen + Lars




  • 2019-08-14 onwards: Zeljko 🎸 🎷 \o/
  • 2020-08-26 onwards: Deb is in charge/SoS is async
  • 2020-11-25: Brennen
  • 2020-12-02: Ahmon
  • 2020-12-09: Tyler
  • 2020-12-16: Antoine
  • 2021-01-06: Tyler
  • 2021-01-13: Text only update
  • 2021-01-20: Mukunda
  • 2021-01-27: Text only update
  • 2021-02-03: Thcipriani
  • 2021-02-10: Thcipriani









Team Business


Incoming/Needs attention


Book club/Lunch and Learn


Monthly reflection on accomplishments - Feb '21 edition

Add as you have them!
  • PipelineLib fully working on releases-jenkins.wikimedia.org




  • Updates:
    • Working on packaging up multiversion mediawiki container image stuff so that others can try it out using minikube. Currently battling OOMKiller.
  • Blocked by:
    • N/A
  • Blocking:
    • Timo asked about T266055: Reading and making a decision on how to move forward
    • Need to get multiversion MW stuff to Joe to he can check it out.


  • Blocked by:
  • Blocking:
    • doc.wikimedia.org upgrade to Buster. Gotta pair that with Liw for "synergetic knowledge engine" transfer
  • Updates:
    • Hoping to do the Quibble jobs upgrade to Buster next week
    • Got a new gpg key!
    • In progress doc for using Gerrit upstream war + build plugins
    • Next Jenkins Gearman plugin upgrade!


  • Blocked by:
    • dev-images publishing issue
  • Blocking:
    • FR Tech on their dev-images changes
  • Updates:
    • Un-expired GPG key (hopefully)
    • GitLab and authentication:
      • Waiting on John Bond to (hopefully) set up CAS in wmcloud
      • Picking away at learning other stuff about how this works
    • Going to rewrite train docs drastically
      • Portal + sidebar nav pattern


  • Blocked by:
  • Blocking:
  • Updates:
    • PipelineLib fully working on releases-jenkins.wikimedia.org (w00t)
    • I need to brainstorm with someone about multiversion image (Ahmon has volunteered)
      • TL;DR how do we take an arbitrary number of single-version images to integrate. PipelineLib config is static with no function for looping over inputs. We can certainly do everything in a blubber variant (parse wikiversions.json, git clone each branch, ...) but then we're not reusing prebuilt single-version images (that have potentially already run a build step, etc.)

can Jeena join too? (yes!)


  • Blocked by:
  • Blocking:
    • reviews
  • Updates:
    • Working on MW on k8s secrets
    • local dev stuff
    • event driven systems group
    • pipelinelib credentials


  • Blocked by:
    • nada
  • Blocking:
    • nada?
  • Updates:
    • Python 2 is fading away slowly, Python packages are dropping support for it
      • Scap is moving towards a position where we can do a controlled migration rather than an abrupt sudden one
    • Tuesday, Feb 17, at 17:00 UTC, a Rust introduction tutorial
      • tell me if you want to join, and I'll add you to the calendar invite
    • You all should sleep and not have a headache. Not enough sleep and headaches are not recommended.


  • Blocked by:
    • perl doesn't support utf8? 😡😞
      • Does, but the boilerplate can be a little tricky. How can I help? :D
  • Blocking:
  • Updates:
    • Played with logspam-watch, it's very cool and I've got some ideas for features ;)
    • phatality more difficult than it should be due to kibana breaking api in minor release
    • I have a working kibana 7 dev environment, however, it's moving more slowly than I'd like, largely due to the train currently


  • Blocked by:
    • Nothing.
  • Blocking:
    • Everything.
  • Updates: