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Wikimedia Release Engineering Team/Checkin archive/20191023

From mediawiki.org



Vacations/Important dates

How to do it
  • October 8: Željko holiday (Independence Day)
  • October 11: Željko conference (https://2019.webcampzg.org/ )
  • October 14 (Indigenous Peoples' Day): US Staff
  • October 24–27: James at WikidataCon 2019 in Berlin
  • November 1 (All Saints' Day): Željko holiday
  • November 8–10: WikiCon North America (James)
  • November 11 (Veterans' Day): US Staff
  • November 12–15: TechConf19
  • November 16–20: Offsite
  • November 21-30: Jeena
  • November 25-29: Dan
  • November 28–29 (Thanksgiving): US Staff
  • December 1-2: Jeena
  • December 6: Lars (Finnish Independence Day)
  • December 25–31 (Christmas): US Staff
  • December 25–26: Lars, Željko, Christmas
  • 1 January (New Year's Day): US Staff, Lars, Željko
  • 20 January (Martin Luther King Jr. Day): US Staff

Rotating positions



Maniphest query for deployment blocker tasks: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/maniphest/query/s3KW8bpsXhYF/#R

  • 14 Oct - wmf.2 - Jeena + Lars
  • 21 Oct - wmf.3 - Lars + Brennen
  • 28 Oct - wmf.4 - Brennen + Mukunda
  • 4 Nov - wmf.5 - Mukunda + Antoine
  • 11 Nov - wmf.6 - No Train (Tech conf)
  • 18 Nov - wmf.7 - No Train (Off site)
  • 25 Nov - wmf.8 - Antoine + Jeena (Thanksgiving)
  • 2 Dec - wmf.9 - TBD
  • 9 Dec - wmf.10 - TBD
  • 16 Dec - wmf.11 - TBD
  • 23 Dec - wmf.12 - No Train or any other deploys (Winterval)
  • 30 Dec - wmf.13 - No Train or any other deploys (Still Winterval)
  • 6 Jan - wmf.14 - TBD
  • 13 Jan - wmf.15 - TBD


  • Aug 14 onward: Zeljko 🎸 🎷 \o/

Team Business


Timespent spreadsheet

For the avoidance of doubt: fill out the sheet week number for the previous week

Clinic Duty Proposal


November Offsite/Summit


Book club


Monthly reflection on accomplishments - October '19 edition

Add as you have them!



Incoming/Needs attention


Scrum of Scrums for next week


Internal team notes, not for pasting into the SoS notes


Incoming from last week (aka this morning)


Outgoing next week




Train status and happenings






Last week

  • Best thing
    • Paired git fixage with Tyler for hmm lot of hours. Pair programming bash over Google Meet is a great experience.
    • For Wikibase.git : extracted Selenium to a standalone jobs ( https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T232759 )
    • Quibble 0.0.39 for mediawiki/tools/api-testing (very cool project)
  • Worst thing
  • What I planned vs did
    • Switch integration/config to use jenkins-job-builder from pypi instead of our git repo
    • PostBuildScript jenkins plugin upgrade prepared
    • Nerd snipped on some weird logstash index fields limit https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T234564
  • Unplannned
    • Gerrit post migration magic (thank you Tyler!) (thcipriani: thank you!)

This week

  • What I plan to do
    • TechConf preparation with Kosta / WMDE-Fisch
  • Blockers
    • WMCS blocked: they need CI for a golang projects https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T236203 (dduvall: we have a docker-pkg-built golang base image; see blubber's .pipeline/blubber.yaml)
    • php-xdebug needs upgrade (slows down phpunit coverage report)





Last week

  • Best thing
    • Pairing in general, messing with sshecret.
  • Worst thing
    • Moments of panic about logs prior to deploy.
  • What I planned vs did
    • Yes Done Make sure local-charts install script works on buster
    • Yes Done Further TechConf input, CI session planning
    • In progress In progress Train pairing
  • Unplannned
    • Some time investigating broken mediawiki/core dev images
    • Some time investigating toollabs to restart dockerregistry

This week






Last week

  • Best thing
    • Diagramming Seakeeper subsystems
  • Worst thing
    • Fixing janky Jenkins reports
      • starting in August, 30-day reports should be accurate
  • What I planned vs did
    • Seakeeper proposal, fleshed out descriptions of CI subsystems for proposed k8s namespaces
  • Unplannned

This week

  • What I plan to do
    • Seakeeper proposal, gathering capacity/resource utilization stats
  • Blockers





Last week

  • Best thing
    • The TechConf program committee is great to work with, even when we are stressed
  • Worst thing
    • Time constraint on the Tuning Session slide creation (which had knock off effects of figuring out what the hell these OKRs and metrics really are)
    • Effing moving
  • What I planned vs did
    • techconf
    • tuning session
  • Unplannned

This week

  • What I plan to do
    • tech conf schedule creation (well, version 2.0 of the schedule) and post it
    • engprod logistics setup
  • Blockers
    • time


  • TechConf office hours happening next week on IRC, email going out shortly announcing them
  • Desire/stretch: create a homepage for Engineering Producitivity somewhere :)



Last week

  • Best thing
    • Made progress discussing with Timo way forward for static configuration work; next step is autogenerating dblists from YAML.
  • Worst thing
    • Real jetlag for the first time in a few years. Meh.
  • What I planned vs did
  • Unplannned
    • Renamed "unversioned" PHP (PHP70) images to be explicit
      • Antoine: THANK YOU
    • Helping Analytics put a "stats for this site" link in the site footer T235803

This week

  • What I plan to do
    • WikiDataCon from tomorrow onwards; back in the US next Wednesday.
    • Whatever breaks.
    • YAML/static builds of dblists.
  • Blockers





Last week

  • Best thing
  • Worst thing
  • What I planned vs did
  • Unplannned

This week

  • What I plan to do
  • Blockers





Last week

  • Best thing
    • finished restrouter chart...hopefully \o/ \O/ \:D/
  • Worst thing
    • spent time trying to debug Visual Editor not working, unexpectedly there was an error in the browser console
  • What I planned vs did
    • N Not done timespent spreadsheet
    • N Not done work with zeljko on getting local-charts running - Željko: feel free to pospond until you're done with train
    • In progress In progress look at seakeeper proposal
    • Yes Done train
    • Yes Done update restrouter deployment-charts config for dev purposes
  • Unplannned
    • debug broken mw core image

This week

  • What I plan to do
    • tech conf session planning
    • changes to mw core image publish pipeline to log more and fail if prereq script errors
    • re-open patchsets to build restbase dev image
    • timespent spreadsheet
    • work with zeljko on getting local-charts running
    • ...
  • Blockers


  • tiny sunflower



Last week

  • Best thing
    • Going to TechConf
  • Worst thing
    • Not going to a mountain in TN
  • What I planned vs did
    • Yes Done Help Jeena with train, a little, as backup.
    • Yes Done Seek feedback on v3 of CI arch doc.
    • Yes Done Update engprod on PGP signing for offsite.
    • N Not done Set up Argo in a K8s cluster somewhere.
      • Needs uninterrupted time, and I've been easily distractable. Also train.
  • Unplannned

This week

  • What I plan to do
    • Train, 1.35.0-wmf.3
    • Skim Go book, write a small program from scratch: fetch a web page, diff against previously fetched version.
    • Attempt to set up study groups, or possibly SIGs, for Go and Rust.
  • Blockers


  • The Darkness is here until about March or April, expect SADness
  • performance has TT; releng has BB, DD, and MM; qte has no doubled initials
    • :-)
    • EngProd has GG :P
    • My "legal" name is Tyler Henry Turley-Cipriani, so TTish



Last week

  • Best thing
    • Phab1001 is up and running
  • Worst thing
    • Didn't get around to testing the "Ferret" Fulltext search engine in phab (yet)
  • What I planned vs did
    • Mostly Yes Done Finish getting branch.py ready for the wmf production branching (WIP: https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/c/mediawiki/tools/release/+/543248/ )
    • Yes Done Try to build some tests for branch.py
    • Yes Done More work on phabricator high-availability & disaster recovery planning.
      • phab1001 should be nearly ready to become the primary server now.
    • N Not done Test out phabricator's built-in search engine with an eye toward dropping elasticsearch if the integrated search performs as well.
  • Unplannned

This week






Last week

  • Best thing
    • Seeing the train pairing thing work :)
    • pairing with Antoine on Gerrit migration fallout
  • Worst thing
    • Gerrit migration fallout
  • What I planned vs did
    • Yes Done connect with SRE re New CI (again)
    • Yes Done Reach out to folks about being on Sr. SWE interview loop
    • Yes Done announce dec code freeze
    • Yes Done? tuning session prep
    • Yes Done Gerrit -> gerrit1001
  • Unplannned
    • Gerrit migration fallout
    • Updates to deployment-calendar scheduler -- awight noticed some issues

This week

  • What I plan to do
    • Resumé review
    • Work out clinic duty rotation
    • Next bookclub email
    • Gerrit/JVM tuning to make use of Moar Memory™
  • Blockers
    • Time
    • Dog
    • Blazey at conference


  • Picking up Blazey at airport this evening, may cut out a bit early



Last week

  • Best thing
    • Email from Safeguard: "Please note: all documentation must be password protected from this point using the following (password)"
  • Worst thing
    • T236282 `npm run selenium` fails with `SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier`
  • What I planned vs did
    • In progress In progress T234610 ERROR webdriver: Request failed due to Error: session not created: Chrome version must be between 70 and 73
    • In progress In progress T199113 All repositories with Selenium tests should use wdio-mediawiki
  • Unplannned
    • Safeguard
    • T235795 Create test for GrowthExperiments to check for ability to disable homepage
    • T233820 mediawiki/core Selenium tests fail when targeting mediawiki/vagrant VM
    • T236282 `npm run selenium` fails with `SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier`

This week

  • What I plan to do
    • T234610 ERROR webdriver: Request failed due to Error: session not created: Chrome version must be between 70 and 73
    • T199113 All repositories with Selenium tests should use wdio-mediawiki
  • Blockers


  • Saw Rambo: Last Blood. Not recommended.