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Wikimedia Release Engineering Team/Checkin archive/20190610

From mediawiki.org



Vacations/Important dates

How to do it
  • June 10th - Antoine, Pentecost -- see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eastertide for Antoine/France Easter holidays
  • June 10 – July 21 - Dan leave (6 weeks, then additional leave later)
  • June 19 (Juneteenth) - US Staff
  • June 20 - Željko, Corpus Christi
  • June 25 - Željko, Statehood Day
  • July 4 (US Independence Day) - US Staff
  • July 22 - August 9 - Željko vacation
  • August 7–19 - James off (inc. Wikimania)
  • August 12 - September 8 - Dan leave
  • August 12 (Glorious Twelfth) - US Staff
  • August ??? - ??? - Antoine
  • August 14–18 - Wikimania
    • Attending: James, Lars, Jean-Rene
  • August 15 - Željko, Assumption of Mary
  • August 25 - September 4 - Brennen vacation
  • September 2 (Labor Day) - US Staff
  • October 14 (Indigenous Peoples' Day) - US Staff
  • November 11 (Veterans' Day) - US Staff
  • November 28–29 (Thanksgiving) - US Staff
  • December 6 - Lars, Finnish Independence Day
  • December 25–31 (Christmas) - US Staff
  • December 25–26 - Lars, Christmas
  • 2020 January 1 (New Year's Day) - US Staff, Lars

Rotating positions



Maniphest query for deployment blocker tasks: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/maniphest/query/s3KW8bpsXhYF/#R
thcipriani: question, when do newly-trained folks do the train? ;) (I see the session paid off :D) (thanks for the edits)
  • June 10 - wmf.9 - No Train (SRE Summit)
  • June 17 - wmf.10 - Mukunda (but Juneteenth on the Wednesday? Yes.)
  • June 24 - wmf.11 - Jeena (with Mukunda on backup)
  • July 1 - wmf.12 - No train (Fourth of July)
  • July 8 - wmf.13 - Jeena
  • July 15 - wmf.14 - ...
  • July 22 - wmf.15 - ...
  • July 29 - wmf.16 - ...
  • Aug 5 - wmf.17 - one of Mukunda/Tyler (Antoine and Zeljko on vacation)
  • Aug 12 - wmf.18 - No Train (Wikimania) 😳 Last year we discussed not having train during Wikimania https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Incident_documentation/20180717-Train
  • Aug 19 - wmf.19 - Zeljko 😱
  • Aug 26 - wmf.20 - Zeljko 😭


  • Zeljko 4eva! :)

Team Business


Timespent spreadsheet

For the avoidance of doubt: fill out the sheet week number for the previous week

Book club


Spring Offsite



  • Greg: announce that RelEng is backup only for SWAT (removal of person’s names from getting pinged everytime on IRC) and we’ll start working on automating the train
    • Still need to do Q4 goals...table this “doing” until Q1?
    • Greg will send a signed email if someone writes it up ;)
      • Željko will write the e-mail this week - done
      • Greg to follow-up...
      • 2019-06-10: Have most of the email written

Fall Offsite + TechConf19

  • Decided: 1 long trip, offsite after TechConf
    • dates? 2019-11-1{6,7}--2019-11-21..ish



Annual Planning

  • ...

Annual Reviews


Overview: https://office.wikimedia.org/wiki/FY_2018-19_Annual_Review_and_Retrospective




  • Starting now: You and I discuss who your peer reviewers should be
  • April 26th: Enter your peer reviewers into Namely (please run them by me first)
  • May 17th: Deadline to complete self-reviews, peer reviews, and reviews of your manager.
  • May 20th: I start reviewing the peer reviews and writing my feedback on you.

Non-SafeGuard (aka US Employees):

  • June 14th: Deadline for managers to complete all 1:1 meetings with direct reports and provide written feedback in Namely.

SafeGuard (just Lars?):

  • June 14th - Managers of those employed by Safeguard submit their reviews to HR for submission to Safeguard
  • July 12th - Deadline to have a 1:1 and share final manager review with direct report in Namely

Vendors https://tenor.com/view/willy-wonka-and-the-chocolate-factory-willy-wonka-gene-wilder-nope-angry-gif-3489493

Monthly reflection on accomplishments - May '19 edition

Add as you have them!

Incoming/Needs attention

  • REL1_33 branching for extensions: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T220653
    • Reedy said he'll move forward with rc0 announcement soon.
    • Mukunda tried to run the script but it ran into trouble. Will re-try, manually.
    • Switching on HTTP Auth again still seems blocked. Barricade should help with this; review when Tyler gets back.
      • Update 2019-06-03: Fighting fires last; should be able to do this week.
    • 2019-06-10: Done with a quick hack by Reedy; do we need to fix the script for next time?
      • http auth patches merged in upstream, next week is the earliest it'll be released
  • CI Node 10 migration – let's JFDI? https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T222406 Will need to pair with a CI expert (hashar?)
    • James and Antoine to pair next week.
    • 2019-06-03: In progress. Paired on it for a couple of hours so far today, more to come.
    • 2019-06-10: Pretty much done. Some follow-up.

Scrum of Scrums


Incoming from last week



Outgoing this week (wrong section heading level is on purpose for copy/pasting into Scrum of Scrums etherpad


Release Engineering



  • Release Engineering

Train status and happenings

  • Need to fix scap clean :\
    • thcipriani has a crappy fix in mind until http tokens in gerrit are back
      • Any idea when HTTP tokens will come back? Weeks? Months? Never? :-(
      • ~Weeks
    • 2019-05-06: cleaned up stuff last week on deploy hosts, just not the gerrit branches
    • 2019-05-13: …
    • 2019-06-03: upstream issues/patches we want resolved before doing this
    • 2019-06-10: upstream cutting new version with security fixes (hopefully) end of week, ETA early next week
  • 1.33 branch cut for extensions was blocked (except tarball ones, which James did manually)
    • 2019-05-06: Mukunda to do it this week
    • Greg: email Cindy re process of this release
    • 2019-05-13: We talked on Thursday. Mukunda will review hexmode's work, Cindy will email Greg with plan of action re timeline.
    • 2019-06-03: See above.
    • 2016-06-10: Done.

Quarterly Goals for Q4



TEC1 (Maint): Outcome 1 / Output 1.1

GOAL: Undeploy the CodeReview extension.
WHO: James, need help from CPT
  • James will ping CPT about this this week (April 8th)
    • … and again w/c 15 April.
    • … and again w/c 6 May (in SoS).
    • … and again w/c 27 May (in SoS).

TEC1 (Maint): Outcome 1 / Output 1.1

GOAL: Setup 1-3 of the CI WG options (Zuul v3, Argo, GitLab)
WHO: Lars
  • Gitlab:
    • https://wmf-gitlab3.vm.liw.fi/ is up and accepts registrations with wikimedia.org (and liw.fi) email addresses
    • Please play with it and tell Lars anything that seems iffy
    • Doesn't do deployments, but builds run in a bare Debian Docker image (from Docker Hub), for now
    • https://wmf-gitlab3.vm.liw.fi/liw/hithere is an example project, see .gitlab-ci.yml
    • Has one worker ("runner") for now, can easily add more if needed, feel free to hammer it

TEC3 (Pipeline): Outcome 1 / Output 1.2

GOAL: Instrument Quibble for data collection
WHO: Mukunda, Antoine
  • Blocked

TEC3 (Pipeline): Outcome 1 / Output 1.2

GOAL: Create a graph where time is spent and make a prioritized list for improvements.
WHO: Mukunda, Antoine
  • Blocked

TEC3 (Pipeline): Outcome 1 / Output 1.2

GOAL: Prepare the Deployment Pipeline for changes to our CI tooling.
WHO: ???, ???
  • Blocked by not having new CI tooling yet

TEC3 (Pipeline): Outcome 3 / Output 3.1

GOAL: Create a .pipeline/config.yaml standard to give users more control over how their tests are run in the pipeline and allow the easy saving of artifacts at pipeline completion. (RelEng)
WHO: Dan, Tyler, ???

Yes Done

TEC3 (Pipeline): Outcome 3 / Output 3.1

Adopt more services into Deployment pipeline - task T212801
Wikidata Termbox SSR, Kask for Session Storage Service, cpjobqueue (stretch), ORES (stretch)
WHO: Dan, Tyler, Lars

There are tasks: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T220403

  • Wikidata Termbox SSR
    • In progress In progress
    • namespace created
    • image through pipeline
  • Kask for Session Storage Service
    • Yes Done
  • cpjobqueue (stretch)
    • N Not done pushing to next quarter

TEC12 (DevProd): Outcome 1 / Output 1.1

GOAL: Provide an "Official" Docker base image for local development of MediaWiki based on the production tooling.
WHO: Jeena, Brennen
  • Done for MediaWiki, for some values of "done" and "MediaWiki". Production-likeness needs considerable work.

TEC13 (Code Health): Outcome 1 / Output 3

GOALs: Presentation/session(s) at the Wikimedia Hackathon on the current state of Code Health projects (technical debt and code stewardship)

Yes Done

TEC13 (Code Health): Outcome 1 / Output 1.1

Publish a re-imagination of the Review Queue process.
Develop and implement metrics around task and code-review responsiveness
WHO: Greg, JR (and Andre)
  • Review Queue
    • Blocked on Greg time
  • Task and code-review responsiveness metrics

= TEC13 (Code Health): Outcome 4 / Output 4.2

Expand SonarQube reporting into CI infrastructure
Perform SonarQube analysis on all extensions
Engage user communities in direct feedback solicitation
WHO: JR, Zeljko, Code Health Metrics

Other non-goal work


Release MW 1.33

  • Handed off to Reedy along with security releases.


  • T223774 The first Selenium test for WikibaseCirrusSearch - started at the hackathon, have to finish it
    • T199113 All repositories with Selenium tests should use wdio-mediawiki - have to check if there's anything left to do







QA/Code Health

  • Community project started for Core to start splitting unit and integration tests.






  • What I plan to do this week
  • What I'm blocked on
  • Other?


  • What I plan to do this week
    • Gather bearings.
    • Read book.
    • Re-re-read train documentation.
    • Write documentation on adding services to local-charts / dev-images.
      • ^ this might change after moving charts to deployment-charts
    • Follow up with tech writer.
    • Mess with Lars's GitLab.
  • What I'm blocked on
  • Other?
    • Have to run to a FedEx depot to pick up a cat wheel some time during normal working hours early this week.


  • What I plan to do this week
  • What I'm blocked on
  • Other?


  • What I plan to do this week
    • See a collapse in the annual planning waveform Ψ
    • Lots of follow-up with T&C on some things
    • Annual Reviews: due in Namely on Friday
    • TechConf planning meeting/work
      • Reviewing last year's related follow-ups
    • Read the book
  • What I'm blocked on
    • D(ept of )M(otor)V(ehicles) appt this afternoon
  • Other?




  • What I plan to do this week
  • What I'm blocked on
  • Other?




  • What I plan to do this week
    • Process CI arch doc feedback on the Google Doc.
    • See if the gitlab play instance can be made closer to the CI arch doc, and note what can't or still needs to be done.
    • Meet with Kask developers to start an architecture document for Kask
    • Read CD book. Attend book club on Friday.
  • What I'm blocked on
  • Other?


  • What I plan to do this week
    • Hopefully fix phabricator's git-ssh service
    • Deploy upstream phabricator changes
    • I got a request to mentor document writers cleaning up release notes
    • Annual review
    • Book Club
    • Evaluate local dev user interface choices
    • Nominate self for tech conf
  • What I'm blocked on
  • Other?




  • What I plan to do this week
    • T223774 The first Selenium test for WikibaseCirrusSearch
    • T199113 All repositories with Selenium tests should use wdio-mediawiki
    • Read all the books 📖
    • If there's time, spend an hour or two on wikitextify (nicer SoS meeting notes)
    • Not train 😂🚂
  • What I'm blocked on
  • Other?



Team Kanban Board Review and Triage


Once / month-ish review of backlog(s)


Kanban stats

Burnup chart